Curriculum Vitae

Education & Areas of Specialization Employment Publications
Selected Conference Presentations Other professional activities Awards
Courses Taught (Drew & Colgate) Faculty Development Service
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1993-present: Drew University. Professor of English. Director of Composition. Member of the College and the Graduate faculties.
1989-93: Colgate University. Visiting Assistant Professor of Writing, Department of Interdisciplinary Writing.
         Assistant Professor of Writing, Office of Undergraduate Studies Summer Program. (Educational Opportunities Program).
1987-1988: SUNY-Binghamton. Assistant Coordinator of Instructional Training, English Dept.
1984-1989: SUNY-Binghamton. Teaching Assistant, English Department.

1991: Ph.D. in English, State University of New York at Binghamton. Dissertation:  "Rereading Readers: The Use of  Textbook
           Readers in the Teaching of College-Level Composition," directed by William V. Spanos.

1986: MA. in English, State University of New York at Binghamton.
1981: BA. Honors in English & American Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.

Composition theory/rhetorical theory, writing across the curriculum, creative nonfiction.
US. Fiction, focus on African American, Asian American, Native American, & Latino/a.
Critical theory, language and literacy studies, feminist theory/gender studies


Coming of Age: The Advanced Undergraduate Writing Curriculum.  An edited volume, with Robert Schwegler, Linda Shamoon, & Rebecca Moore Howard.  A book in the Cross-Currents Series. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 2000. (Winner of the Council of Writing Program Administrators' Best Book of 2000-2001 Award)

The Bedford Guide to Teaching Writing in the Disciplines: An Instructor's Desk Reference. With Rebecca Moore Howard. Boston: Bedford Books, 1995.

PUBLICATIONS--Articles and Book Chapters

"Re-examining the Theory-Practice Binary in the Work of Writing Program Administrators" with Linda Shamoon, Rebecca Moore Howard, & Robert Schwegler, in The Writing Program Administrator as Theorist: Making Knowledge Work  Ed. Shirley K. Rose and Irwin Weiser. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 2002.

"Esmeralda's Math Class" in The WAC Casebook: Scenes for Faculty Reflection and Program Development. Ed Chris Anson, Oxford University Press, 2002. 

"Composition Readers and the Construction of Identity" in Writing in Multicultural Settings. Ed. Carol Severino & Johnnella E. Butler. New York: MLA, 1997.

"The United Colors of Multiculturalism: Rereading Composition Textbooks" in Mainstream(s) and Margins: Cultural Studies in the 90s. Ed. Michael Morgan & Susan Leggett. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1996.

"Text, Context, and Teaching Literature by African American Women" in Understanding Others: Cultural and Cross-Cultural Criticism and the Teaching of Literature. Ed. Joseph Trimmer & Tilly Warnock. NCTE, 1992.

PUBLICATIONS--Forthcoming in the next 12 months

"The Vertical Writing Curriculum: The Forgotten Core of Liberal Arts Education" in Composition(s) in the Liberal Arts: New Directions. Ed. Joanna Castner & James Inman. Hampton Press. Forthcoming, 2007.

"One Size Does not Fit All: Plagiarism Across the Curriculum" in Pluralizing Plagiarism: Identities, Contexts, Pedagogies. Ed. Amy Robillard and Rebecca Moore Howard.  Heinemann-Boynton/Cook.Forthcoming, 2008

Contributing bibliographer, CCCC Bibliography of Composition and Rhetoric. 1994. National Council of Teachers of English, 1996

Contributing bibliographer, CCCC Bibliography of Composition and Rhetoric. 1993. National Council of Teachers of English, 1995

"Shaping the Contact Zone: Designing WAC/WID Assignments for Composition Courses." (Presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Milwaukee, March 29, 1996). ERIC document ED404 644 (Mar. 96)


First, Do No Harm: Composition Instruction for the 21st Century.  A book for new and newer writing teachers.

Creating the Subject of Composition: Inscription and Re-inscription in the Writing Classroom. An exploration of the ways we construct students in our composition classes and thereby also construct the discipline of composition itself.

Say it in Writing: Academic and Civic Literacy. A hyper-text composition textbook. 


  • “What happened when I took stats, and how it changed my ideas about first year composition” National Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference (WPA) Tempe, AZ, July 14, 2007.

  • "Fraud narratives and the anxiety of author(ity)lessness" Conference on College Composition and Communication, New York City, March 22, 2007
  • "Fragmented Narratives and the Myth of the Unified Writing Subject."  The Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and CompositionThe University of Louisville. October 5, 2006

  • "WAC Contexts for Plagiarism Activism." National Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference (WPA) Chattanooga, Tennessee. July 14, 2006.

  • Classroom Practices and Plagiarism Policies.” Featured Speaker. “Words of One’s Own: Plagiarism, Citation, Textual Ownership, and Academic Integrity” 2006 Conference of the SUNY Council on Writing, Oswego, NY. April 7, 2006.

  • “Argument as Ground Not Mode: Creating Opportunities for Nuanced Argument Using Information Literacy and Case Studies” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, March 24, 2006.
  • “Preventing Mutiny at the Boundaries: Balancing Parity and Autonomy Through Outcome-Based Skeleton Assignments and Portfolio Review” Panel Chair. New Jersey College English Association annual conference. Seton Hall University. March 18, 2006
  • ”Memory Loops and Narratives: Lessons in the Design Rhetoric of the Whitehall Cenotaph and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.” “Contesting Public Memories Conference” ( Syracuse University, October 7, 2005.
  • "Mina Shaughnessy, learning disabilities, and basic writing: placement error or pedagogical wisdom?" Conference on College Composition and Communication, San Francisco, March 18, 2005

  • “The Vertical Writing Curriculum: Theory and Practice,” Modern Language Association Conference, Philadelphia, December 29, 2004.
  • “From cordon bleu pot luck to prix fix: the importance of college leadership throughout the curriculum” presentation as part of a round table "The View from Where We Stand: The Role of Place in WPA Work" organized and chaired by Sandra Jamieson. National Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference (WPA) Newark, DE, July 17, 2004.
  • “Listening to and learning from WAC Faculty Representations of Student Writers,” Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). San Antonio, March, 25 2004.

  • Keynote Address: “What Current Research Teaches us About WAC.” New Jersey Writers Association (NJWA), College of New Jersey, March 19, 2004.

  • "When The Bridges Don't Need To Be Built: The WPA and the vertical curriculum at a small college."  National Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference (WPA) Grand Rapids, MI, July 10-13, 2003.

  • Session Chair: "Look At All The Pretty Pictures: Alternative Media in the Composition Classroom."  (CCCC). New York, March, 20, 2003.

  • Featured Session Chair: "Emerging Voices: Creative Non-Fiction from New York."   (CCCC). New York, March, 20, 2003.

  • Featured Session Chair: "Transforming Memory: The Rhetoric of  Commemorative Places."  (CCCC). New York, March, 21, 2003.

  • Session Chair: "Virtual Streets, Virtual Texts:  From Print to Electronic Media."  Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Chicago, March, 22 2002.
  • "The Effects of Theory on Assumptions about Pedagogy."  National Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference (WPA) Charlotte, NC. July 13, 2000.
  • "Re-Imagining the Classes in the Advanced Writing Program."  Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Chicago. April 15. 2000.
  • "Writing Programs as Banana Republics -- and how we might talk our way into a better metaphor." National Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference (WPA) Tucson, AZ. July 17, 1998.
  • "Volunteers and Popular Interventions: Some thoughts on civic literacy and service learning." University of Rhode Island Writing Conference, W. Alton Jones Conference Center, RI. May 28, 1998. Featured Speaker.
  • "Imagining Audiences: Teachers Designing Assignments and Students Responding." Panel on distance learning writing instruction. Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Chicago. April 14. 1998.
  • "Bringing it home: a discussion of ways we can bring theory out of the classroom and practice and experience back in." Activism and the Academy: Opening Dialogues An Interdisciplinary Conference. Chair and organizer of panel of students and community activists from Drew; Madison, NJ; and Newark, NJ. The George Washington University, Washington DC. March 28, 1998.
  • "Responding to the Needs of Composition Students with Different Learning Styles." National Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference (WPA). Houghton, MI. July 19, 1997.
  • "One Size Fits All? Designing Writing Assignments for Students who May or May Not Have Learning Disabilities" NCTE Conference: Assigning, Responding to, and Assessing Writing: Teachers' and Students' Identities and Relationships. Sonoma Valley, CA. April 18, 1997. Featured Speaker.
  • "When Speech is Written: Why Etiquette and Netiquette Must be Different in Composition Classes." Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Phoenix, AZ. March 13 1997.
  • "'So, Let's Just Use a Textbook!': WAC textbooks and the Anxiety of Expertise." National Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Charleston, SC. February 7, 1997.
  • "Developing Tactics for Using Composition Textbooks Without Hurting Students." University of Rhode Island Writing Conference. June 16, 1996. Featured speaker.
  • "Shaping the Contact Zone: Designing WAC/WID Assignments for Composition Courses." Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Milwaukee, March 29, 1996.
  • "Defining our Roles, Constructing our Writers: The Concept of 'The Author' underlying Writing Center Theory and Corporate Editing." National Council of Teachers of English Summer Conference, Colgate, NY. August 10, 1995.
  • "Expanding and Sharing Ownership of Writing in the Disciplines." Conference of the Association of Writing Program Administrators (WPA), Bellingham, WA. July 28, 1995.
  • "The Ethics of Editing: Corporation versus College Writing Center." Wyoming English Conference, Laramie, WY. 21 June, 1995.
  • "Constructing writing Subjects: Assigning Writing using Composition textbooks." University of Rhode Island Writing Conference. June 15, 1995. Featured speaker.
  • "Virginia Woolf in the Composition Class: Using Woolf's essays to Teach Composition." Annual Virginia Woolf Conference, The Institute for Writing and Thinking, Bard College, June 6, 1994.
  • "From Feminized to Feminist: The Maturation of a Writing Department." with Rebecca Moore Howard. Conference on College Composition & Communication (CCCC), San Diego. April 1993.
  • "Rereading Difference: Multiculturalism, Writing and Hierarchy." University of New Hampshire Composition Conference. October 7, 1992.
  • "Repackaging America: Multicultural Composition Readers and the Construction of the Other." Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. July 8, 1992.
  • "The United Colors of Multiculturalism: Rereading Composition Textbooks in the 90's." Mainstream(s) and Margins: Cultural Theory in the 90's Conference, University of Massachusetts, April 3, 1992.
  • "The Social Implications of Using Textbook Readers." Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. July 14, 1991.
  • "Rereading Readers: Cultural Reproduction in the Composition Classroom." Crossing the Disciplines: Cultural Studies in the 1990s, Oklahoma Project for Discourse and Theory Conference, Norman, Oklahoma, October 21, 1990.
  • "The Oppression of the Word: Composition and the Perpetuation of Discrimination." Parallels and Intersections: Racism and Other forms of Oppression Conference, University of Iowa. April 9, 1989.
  • "The Teaching of English as a Written Language: local and global implications." Invited speaker & advisor of St. Bonaventure International Conference, St. Bonaventure University. March 1989.
  • "Water carrier,"  2002. Reproduced in ArtesAméricas Educational Guide for Honduras/Aurelio Martinez. University of Texas at Austin. 2006
  • "First day of school,"  2002. Reproduced in ArtesAméricas Educational Guide for Honduras/Aurelio Martinez. University of Texas at Austin. 2006
  • "Maduro," 2002. Reproduced in ArtesAméricas Educational Guide for Honduras/Aurelio Martinez. University of Texas at Austin. 2006
  • "Colonia Episcopal, Cortés," 2001. Reproduced in ArtesAméricas Educational Guide for Honduras/Aurelio Martinez. University of Texas at Austin. 2006
  • "Clap Hands," 2002. Reproduced in Culture Online: Playground Fun. Department for Culture, Media and Sport.  Learnthings Ltd. UK, 2005
  • "Cecelia and Diana, Colonia Episcopal," 2002. Reproduced in Culture Online: Playground Fun. Department for Culture, Media and Sport.  Learnthings Ltd. UK, 2005

    Assessment, program evaluation, curricular innovation

  • Member of Drew team participating in a six college assessment of the first year experience project funded by the Teagle Foundation, 2006-2009

  • Chair, Committee on the Major and Minor in Rhetoric and Composition, formed by the Conference on College Composition and Communication. Three year appointment, 2007-09

  • Member, Committee on the Major and Minor in Rhetoric and Composition, formed by the Conference on College Composition and Communication. Three year appointment, 2005-07

  • Workshops and Consulting
  • “Plagiarism and Institutional Advocacy.” Workshop. State University of New York Council on Writing Conference, April 8, 2006. With Rebecca Moore Howard.
  • "Teaching Students to Use Source Materials as Part of an Academic Conversation." Faculty Development Workshop at Yeshiva University, November 5, 2002.
  • Faculty Writing Across the Curriculum Workshop, Rutgers (Newark), April 2001.
  • Consultant, Regents College Composition Board. 1995-1997.
  • Invited to several local high schools to discuss what students should expect from college writing assignments and how they can prepare themselves do succeed in college.
  • Second round proposal reader. Conference on College Composition and Communication, June 2002 (for March 2003 Conference).
  • First round proposal reader, Conference on College Composition and Communication, May 2001 (for March 2002 Conference).
  • Planning committee for National Council of Teachers of English international conference, "Assigning , Responding to, and Assessing Writing: Teachers' and Students' Identities and Relationships." Held in Sonoma Valley, April 17-19, 1997.
  • Planning committee for National Council of Teachers of English summer conference, "Assigning and Responding to Writing in the Secondary and College Classroom." Held in Hamilton, NY, August 10-12, 1995.
  • Manuscript Reviewer

  • Manuscript reviewer for Heinemann-Boynton/Cook (Pedagogy)
  • Manuscript reviewer for Prentice Hall (Composition/Rhetoric/On-line resources)
  • Manuscript reviewer for SUNY Press (Education and Women's Studies)
  • Manuscript reviewer for Bedford Books (Writing Across the Curriculum)
  • Manuscript reviewer for HarperCollins (Composition/Rhetoric)
  • Manuscript reviewer for Houghton Mifflin (Composition/Rhetoric)
  • Manuscript reviewer for Longman (Composition/Rhetoric/Handbooks

  • Professional Memberships

  • National Council of Writing Program Administrators (WPA); 
  • Modern Language Association (MLA); 
  • National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE); 
  • College Composition and Communication (CCC);
  • American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
  • Drew University Caspersen School of Graduate Studies Will Herberg Distinguished Professor Award, Presented May 4, 2004
  • New Jersey State Educational Opportunity Fund Champion Award, Presented April 2, 2003, in Atlantic City, New Jersey  
  • Educational Opportunity Scholar's Program Academic Service Award, Drew University, May 2002
  • Alpha Phi Omega Faculty Service Award, Drew University, May 2001.
  • Educational Opportunity Scholar's Program Academic Service Award, Drew University, May 2001
  • Student Activities Faculty Recognition Award for Contributions to Co-Curricular Life at Drew, Drew University, May 1997.
  • Educational Opportunity Scholar's Program Faculty Recognition Award, Drew University, May 1995
  • Educational Opportunity Program Faculty-Staff Recognition Award, SUNY Binghamton, May 1989
  • Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Graduate Studies, SUNY-Binghamton, November 1988.
  • Joel Robinson Fellowship for Student Service and Activism, SUNY-Binghamton, March 1986
COURSES TAUGHT  Drew University--college level
  • First Year Seminar: "Education, Culture, and Knowledge"
  • Drew International Seminar: "Memory and Reality in Cuba and Puerto Rico"
  • ENGL 9/ Introduction to Literature." The gateway course for English majors.
  • ENGL 11/ Western Literature: Enlightenment to the Present." An introductory literature course for non-majors.
  • ENGL 32/ Women and Literature. Cross listed with women's studies.
Drew University--graduate level
  • ENGL 850S/ Composition Theory and Practice. A graduate course in Drew's English Ph.D. program.
  • ENGL 823S/ Fragmented Narratives: Contemporary American Literature. A graduate course in Drew's English Ph.D. program. (Fall 2003)
  • DLITT 905 / The Art of the Essay. A graduate course in Drew's Arts and Letters Program (Master and Doctor of Letters)
  • DLITT XX/ Travel Writing. A graduate course in Drew's Arts and Letters Program (Master and Doctor of Letters).  (Fall 2003)
Colgate University
  • "Language and Gender." An upper-level writing/language theory course.
  • "Poetics of African American Women Writers." An upper-level English Dept. course, team taught with Houston A. Baker, Jr.
  • "Roots of Western Civilization." Interdisciplinary core course in classical, medieval, and Renaissance texts and ideas.
  • "The Modern Experience in the West." Interdisciplinary core course in nineteenth century Western texts and ideas.
  • Composition 101. A half-course focusing on prewriting and critical thinking skills.
  • Composition 102. A half-course focusing on organization and the revision process.
  • "Cultural Literacy." A writing intensive first-year seminar.
  • "Identity and Ethnicity in the US." A writing intensive first-year seminar.
  • "Writing in the Disciplines" a summer course linking Political Science, Philosophy, and writing.
  • "Do The Right Thing." A team taught summer course with professors from History and Philosophy.
  • "Reading, Writing, and Thinking in the Humanities."A pre-college summer writing course.
SERVICE (Drew University)
  • Planning Committee for the first 24-Hour Marathon Reading (Don Quixote), 2005
  • Search Committee, University Writing Center Director, chair, 2003-4
  • University Faculty Agenda Committee, Fall 2003-
  • University Faculty Committee on Faculty, Fall 2003-
  • University Faculty Professional Conduct Committee, Fall 2003-
  • Resource and Revenue Budget Committee, Fall, 2001-2002
  • Student Life Drug Policy Review Committee, Feb., 2002-
  • Student Life Volunteer Resource Center Planning Committee, Feb., 2002
  • Multicultural Awareness Week Committee (and web designer), 2002
  • Middle States Review Committee, Subcommittee on Technology, 1999-2001 
  • Task Force on Student Life, 1996-97
  • Task Force on Student Life, subcommittee on Residential Life, 1997
  • Multicultural Awareness Day Committee, 1994-1997
    • Community
  • Secretary, AAUP State Conference, New Jersey, March, 2000-
  • Co-Chair, Drew University Chapter AAUP, 1999-2001
  • Advisory Board member, Drew Magazine, 1998-
  • Faculty Advisory Committee, Drew University Volunteer Resource Center, 2002-2003
  • Secretary, Faculty Club/University Club Board, 1994-1997
      Standing Committees
  • Curriculum and Avademic Policy Committee, 2006-2008
  • Agenda Committee, University Faculty, Graduate school representatative (Chair), 2006-2008
  • Division Four Chair, Sept. 2000-Sept. 2002.
  • Division Four Representative to the Dean's Council, Sept. 2000-Sept. 2002.
  • CLA Academic Standing Committee, 2000-2001.
  • First-year seminar workshop planning committee, 1997-
  • Theme House Review Committee, 1996-
  • College of Liberal Arts Judicial Board, 1996-
  • College of Liberal Arts Academic Integrity Committee, 1996-
  • Educational Opportunities Scholars Program Faculty Advisory Committee, 1995-
  • College of Liberal Arts Honors Committee, 1995-1997.
    • Special Committees and Task Forces
  • Provosts task Force on Civic Engagement, 2006-
  • Task Force on Media Studies, co-chair, 2006-2007
  • Advisory committee to the Business, Society, and Culture Program, 2005-
  • Search Committee, English Department American Literature/Anglophone Literature position, 2002-2003.
  • CLA Course Evaluation Revision Committee, 2002-2007
  • First year Seminar Revision Committee, 2002-2003
  • Search Committee, English Department Creative Writing position, 2001-2002.
  • President's College Initiative Committee, 2000-2001.
  • Search Committee, Educational Opportunities Program director, 1998-1999.
  • Revision of the College Standards of Academic Integrity, 1997, 2000
  • Experiential Learning Taskforce, 1997-1998.
  • Education Program Feasibility Committee, 1996-1997.
  • Educational Opportunities Scholars Program Review Committee, 1994-1995.
    • Community/co-curricular
  • Representative-at-Large, AAUP State Conference, New Jersey, March, 2005-7
  • Secretary, AAUP State Conference, New Jersey, March, 2000-2, 2002-4
  • Faculty Advisory Committee, Drew University Volunteer Resource Center, 2002-3
  • Co-Chair, Drew University Chapter AAUP, 1999-2001
  • Advisory Board member, Drew Magazine, 1998-
  • Faculty Co-Advisor, Drew University Chapter of Circle K, 1998-
  • Faculty Advisor, Drew Honduras Project, 1997-
  • Writing placement for incoming students, 1994-
  • Recorder of College of Liberal Arts faculty meeting minutes, 1994-1996.
    • Websites created and maintained
  • Composition Program website <>, 1997-
  • "Resources for Writers: Drew University Writing Program Web Resources" (a website used in Drew writing courses and by teachers at several other US and foreign colleges), <> 1997-
  • "Drew University Composition Program Instructor's Handbook & Guide" (an on-line handbook for writing instructors at Drew, used elsewhere also) <'s_Guide/>1999-
  • "Useful links for writing teachers" <>  (a website which includes guidelines to help instructors avoid plagiarism "Plagiarism links for instructors" <> used by Drew faculty and faculty at other schools) 1998-
  • Drew AAUP Chapter Website, <> 1999-
  • English Department website(CLA & Graduate Area), <>1996-
Theological School:
  • Writing placement for incoming students, Fall and Spring 1998-2000
Graduate School:
  • English Area Admissions Committee, Spring 2003
  • English Area Admissions Committee, Spring 2002
  • English Area Admissions Committee, Spring 2001
  • English Area Admissions Committee, Spring 2000
  • Graduate School Academic Integrity ad hoc Committee, 1999.
  • Graduate School Webpage Review Committee, 1998-1999
  • Academic Standing Committee, 1996-1999
     Workshops: organized session as part of a larger workshop
  • First Year Seminar Workshop “Writing and the First Year Student” (integrating writing and research into the FYS objectives and course learning goals, sequencing assignments, increasing student engagement throuhg writing, advising about the writing requirement, teaching and responding to source use, writing and information literacy, grading and assessing writing) May, 1994-2007 (see also First Year Seminar Summer Workshop <>. )
  • Drew International Seminar Faculty Summer Workshops, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,  integrating writing into the syllabus by assigning journals (types of journals, developing prompts, and responding). 
  • Workshops in theory and practice of pedagogy for Drew graduate students, sponsored by the Dean of the Graduate School.
       Presentations for Drew faculty (not part of workshops)
  • "Connecting goals and methods: Feminist Theory and Writing Across the Curriculum Theory." Academic Women at Drew presentation, Fall 1994.
  • "Erasing Difference In The Classroom: Responding to Students with Different Learning Styles." Academic Women at Drew presentation, April 1997.
      Workshops/meetings: organized and run
      Workshops: participant
  • CINC Summer technology workshop, ePortfolios, summer 2007.
  • Part of Culpepper Grant program to design a networked computer classroom for the teaching of writing, 1994-5.
  • Participant in "Talking About Teaching" Faculty Development Workshops, 1993-1996.
     Faculty Development Resources


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