
This book presents in written form the Bible studies delivered orally at the Tenth International Christian Women's Fellowship Quadrennial Assembly held at Purdue University on June 22-26,1994. This written version came about for three reasons. First, the time allotted for the Bible studies was short and not all the material prepared for that occasion was presented. Second, the presentations were enthusiastically received by the participants and many of them asked for copies of the text. Third, a number of the women ministers at the Quadrennial Assembly indicated that a written version of the Bible studies would be very helpful for sermon preparation.

The idea of publishing the Bible studies came from David P. Polk, Chalice Press editor, who was present at the Quadrennial Assembly and saw the enthusiastic reception of the audience. I am grateful to David for seizing the moment and encouraging me to publish the Bible studies.

I want to thank Carol Q. Cosby for inviting me to be part of the Tenth ICWF Quadrennial Assembly. Thanks also to Susan Shank-Mix who suggested my name. I wish to thank Bonnie Frazier and Maureen Osuga, ICWF President and Vice President for the last four years. Their warm and firm style of leadership is indeed a call to all women to develop our own administrative and empowering gifts as ministers, whether we are ordained or not.

Thank you to the Reverend Clarice Friedline who preceded me at each of the Bible study sessions. Her dramatic presentations of each of the women in the four biblical texts used were insightful and powerful and provided me with a most creative backdrop against which to do my own presentations. Finally, I want to thank the many Quadrennial participants who were kind enough to come up to me during the assembly to let me know they appreciated the Bible studies. Being at the Quadrennial Assembly was a very affirming experience for me and it makes me rejoice once again in the power and commitment of women who take seriously the Gospel message of justice and peace. They are indeed Women of God—Women of the People.