"Holy Entanglements: New Cosmology, Old Mysticism"
"The Entanglements of Religions: Violence or Convivencia?"
G. Peter Kaye Lectures, Vancouver School of Theology, May 8–10, 2011
"And Truth—So Manifold!: Transfeminist Entanglements"
Antoinette Brown Lecture, Vanderbilt Divinity School, March 24, 2011
“After Omnipotence: Power, Pluralism, Peace”
Gates Lecture, Grinnell College, May 6, 2011
“Complicities: Folding the Event in Whitehead and Deleuze”
Ontology & Politics in Badiou, Deleuze, & Whitehead, Claremont Graduate University, December 6–8, 2007
"Uninteresting Truth? Tedium and Event in Postmodernity"
Prensented at the Sixth Annual Internation Whitehead Conference, Salzburg University, 3-6 July 2006
"Dark Vibrations: ecofeminism and the democracy of creation"
Annual Howard Harrod / CRSC Lecture at Vanderbilt, April 6, 2005
"Jesus, Christ and the Politics of Love."
Presented at the 2006 Tipple-Vosburgh Lectures
"Good Power: Divine and Human?"
Presented at Yale Divinity School, November 2007
"The Theopolitics of Love: Christ, Calvin, and the 9/11 Quinquennium"
Presented at "New Directions in Peacemaking (Empire and Beyond)"
Sponsored by the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),
Stony Point Conference Center, Rockland County, NY
September 12, 2006
"The Dare of Democracy: Fear, Faith, and Freedom"
Keynote address, "The Future of Democracy: An Undergraduate Conference on Religion, Philosophy, and Culture"
Lebanon Valley College, March 31, 2007
Published in Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, Vol. 8, No. 3, Fall 2007
"The Cloud of the Impossible: Feminist Theology, Cosmology and Cusa"
Presented at Harvard University, 22 March 2007