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Ernie rubinstein

Theological Librarian
Providing reference assistance in theological/religious disciplines to students, faculty and staff; developing and evaluating the library collections in theology and religious studies


Phone: 973-408-3472

Areas of intersection between philosophy, literature, and religion

Web Pages:

TPHL584  INTD700 Dmin  Biblical Studies  Liturgical Studies  Research Papers 

GDRSA Research Review



Religion and the Muse: The Vexed Relation Between Religion and Western Literature.     

     Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Pr, 2007
An Episode of Jewish Romanticism: Franz Rosenzweig's The Star of Redemption.  Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Pr, 1999.

"Secularization in a Pre-Raphaelite Spirituality: The Case of Henry Holiday's Tribute to Theology [at Drew University]" Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 20 (Spring 2011): 42-49.
"The Philosophical Spirit."  Commonweal 133, no. 4 (Feb. 24, 2006): 17-21

"The Folly of Supersession: Lessons from a First TimeVisit to Rome."  Ecumenical Trends

             35, no. 2 (Feb. 2006): 27-29.

"Among Friends." Commonweal 132, no. 1 (Jan. 14, 2005): 18-21.

"Tenafly Here." In Walking Higher: Gay Men Write about the Deaths of Their Mothers, edited 

            by Alexander Renault. [Princeton, N.J.].: XLibris, 2004

"Constructing a Perfect Solitude: Metaethics in Franz Rosenzweig's The Star of Redemption."

            In The Spirit of Poesy: Essays on Jewish and German Literature and Thought

            in Honor of Geza von Molnar, edited by Richard Bloch and Peter Fenves.  Evanston,

            Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 2000.

"Because Gentleness Alone Rarely Persuades..."  Chicago Tribune, May 2, 1990 [op ed]

"A New German Jewish Identity." Aufbau (Mar. 27, 1998)

"Philosophical Judaism." Studies in Formative Spirituality 8, no. 1 (Feb. 1987): 83-95.

"Saints and Indexers."  The Indexer (Oct. 1981).


Christ Killers: The Jews and the Passion from the Bible to the Big Screen, by Jeremy Cohen.

            Commonweal 134, no. 5 (March 9, 2007).

Saving the Forsaken: Religious Culture and the Rescue of Jews in Nazi Europe, by Pearl

            Oliner.  Commonweal 133, no. 1 (Jan. 13, 2006).

For the Sake of Heaven and Earth: The New Encounter between Judaism and Christianity,

            by Irving Greenberg.  Harvard Divinity Bulletin (Spring 2005).

The New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2d. ed.  Commonweal 131, no. 18 (Oct. 22, 2004)

Unsigned reviews of books in religion and philosophy for Kirkus Reviews and Publishers Weekly

Education & Experience:
  • PhD, Northwestern University
  • AMLS, University of Michigan
  • MA, Hebrew Union College
  • MTS, Harvard Divinity School
  • BA, Brandeis University
University Committees:
GDR Prospectus Committee

Professional Memberships:

American Academy of Religion

American Theological Library Association

New York Area Theological Library Association

Other Information: