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Pages with links to lots of other web pages!

Field Guide to the US Economy
The above link in turn has links to other web pages with data on the US economy as well as some international web pages.

Resources for Economists
This very useful webpage was put together by a professor of economics. Contains lots of links to data, research papers and more.

White House
The White House page is great because it contains links to all other government agencies, as well as a number of addresses of international agencies, including the World Bank and IMF. When you get to the White House location, try clicking on both the EOP Offices and the Federal Agencies links to find lots of government web pages.


Census Bureau
Contains a lot of data for the US, including data on individuals and businesses. Also contains some articles.

General Accounting Office
Research branch of the Congress

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Dept. of Agriculture

Library of Congress

CIA World Factbook


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

International Monetary Fund

World Bank

United Nations Development Program

Praxis for Peace

Population Action International

World Water Council

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

World Resources Institute

Population Council

The International Budget Project

The Institute for Policy Studies


Middle East Economics Assocation

IMF Middle East

Washington Report on the Middle East

Central Bank of Qatar

Assocation for Middle East Women's Studies

Middle East Report

Economic Research Forum

United Nations Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories

Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS)
From here you can find links to other Palestinian related web pages.

Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics

Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics


State of California

University of California Energy Institute

California Public Utilities Commission 


(representing various political points of view.)

National Bureau Of Economic Research
Contains papers by many economists on a range of topics. Unfortunately, there is a charge for downloading the papers.

Dollars & Sense Magazine Home 
The source for a number of the readings in your reading packet. They also have some other articles available at their web page.

Economic Policy Institute

American Enterprise Institute

The Cato Institute

The Urban Institute

League of Women Voters

The Heritage Foundation

History of Economic Thought

Citizens for Tax Justice


Journal of Family and Economic Issues

International Center for Research on Women

International Association for Feminist Economics

Institute for Women's Policy Research Institute

Development Alternatives for Women in a New Era

United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women



US Dept. of Justice
    Anti-trust division

Bureau of Census - Manufacturing

BP World Energy
This page has data on energy production, consumption and prices.

OECD - Competition Page
Page containing information about competition and regulatory policies in the US and elsewhere.
Includes discussions of electronic commerce, energy, the food industry as well as other topics.

US Dept. of Energy
Useful data on various segments of US energy market

University of California Energy Institute

California Public Utilities Commission

Corporate watch-dog organization. Contains information about various major industries, including pharmaceuticals, energy, apparel (under sweatshop) etc. Also contains information on how to do research!!