Hallie Flanagan Playseries/Women at Wings   H O M E   P A G E
Box office 212/627-2961 ON HIATUS
Click here for
2002/3003  Performance Schedule
For Info please call 973/408-3249
Backstage.com article on our play series!
Hallie Flanagan, herself!
To submit a script
Directions to
Hallie Flanagan/Women at Wings
Hannah Fujiki DeVorkin Rosemary McLaughlin
Our Award winning
Production Assistants! Shawna Sherrell
Theresa Hansen
Meghann Williams
Katherine Heberling
Lauren Brader
For more info on the play series: halliewings@aol.com Or click here

Women's work & wages:
National Committee on Pay Equity
Women's Theatres:
International Center for Women Playwrights Women and Theatre Resources
The Women's Project and Productions
Votes for Women online exhibit
Women playwrights:
INTERVIEWER:  Do you think that, when you say trivial, do you think that smaller things are more important to women?
WENDY WASSERSTEIN:  No, but I also don't think that women write plays like "Fuck you, fuck me, fuck you, fuck you, fuck the duck, fuck the dog, fuck a this, fuck a that.  Goodbye."  I mean you don't, that's not how you hear it.  And if that's what's good and taut, well then, I don't write good or taut.  You know, I think there's room for everything. -- Cohen, Esther.  "Uncommon Woman:  An Interview with Wendy Wasserstein."  WOMEN'S STUDIES V.15 no 1-3 1988.  p 257-70.

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