Reading, Writing and Thinking in the Academic Community Instructor: Sandra Jamieson
I will go over these assignments in class on the day they are given (see the syllabus), but please ask me to explain anything that isn’t clear! If you don’t ask, you’ll never know.
class every Thursday
Each week you will hand in a list of new vocabulary words you came across
as you did your reading for this and other classes. As you read,
try to understand unfamiliar words in context, but underline them so you
can go back to them later. Only look them up if you really don’t
understand the sentence they are in. When you have finished the reading
and made notes, go back and look at those underlined words and look them
up (there’s an on-line dictionary at <>).
List the new words and their meanings on the vocabulary log sheets I will
give you in class (ask me if you need more!) There is no shortcut
for increasing your vocabulary, but learning words in context and then
writing them out will help you to remember the new words. Try using
them when you talk, too!
due dates (check syllabus)
You will write at least eight of these this summer. Read/scan the
on-line and look for interesting stories. Sometimes
I will tell you that these stories need to connect with issues we are discussing
in class, but if you read every day you can select anything that you find
interesting. Then go to the “File” menu and select “send page.”
Type my address ( in the address box and also your own
address, so you’ll receive a copy. In the message window you’ll see
a URL (the Internet address of the page requested). Insert the curser
right above that address and type a response to me. If you’d rather
type the response using WordPerfect, you can paste it into the email message
area (this is the safest method as you have then saved a copy of your response).
In the response, tell me what you found to be interesting about the article,
what connections you see between the issue there and the texts you’ve been
reading in your classes this summer, and why the issue is important.
You can then respond in any way you like to the content of the article.
(Try to make these at least half a page long. More is better–stretch the muscles of your mind!!)
Due on
July 2
In class writing: Write a narrative of the intellectual journey you
traveled to get to college using the same structure as the Odyssey.
Begin with the present and describe yout current situation (just as the
situation at Odysseus’ house is described at the beginning fo the Odyssey).
Then flashback to the journey you took to get here. Your final destination
is graduation (remember that porch!), but Like Odysseus, you haven’t reached
it yet. What perils have you encountered so far. Who stood
in your way (who was your Poseiden)? Had you done something to offend
him/her the way Odyssues offended him? Who assisted you in your journey
(your Athena)? Do you know whey that person/people assisted you?
Any sirens along the way? This does not have to be a perfect draft
(no first drqaft is ever perfect–including mine). If you wish to
do so, you can revise this draft and turn it into Paper #9.
(1 to 2 pages of handwritten prose.)
due on July 6; final copy due on July 9
Look at the map of Drew and, either in groups or alone, find your way to
the Zuck Arboretum, make notes as you go (pay attention to detail), but
don’t worry if you get lost and need to retrace your steps. Explore
the arboretum (make sure you find both ponds and take a look at the plants
and animals there). Now write a narrative of your “Odyssey” (including
any time you got lost or were uncertain of your way). This can be
serious or humorous. Think about the audience you are writing for
and your purpose (to amuse, frighten, etc.)
(Typed–first draft can be handwritten. Double spaced. No particular page length.)
due on July 6; final copy due on July 9
Select your best/most interesting answer to the Odyssey 5-8 essay exam,
and develop it into a paper.
(Typed. Double spaced. 2-4 pages long)
due on July 11; draft due on July 12; final copy due on Saturday,
July 14
A comparison of Penelope, Kalypso, Circe, and Nausikaa (all of them).
For this assignment you need to first list the similarities and differences
between the four woman. Study this list carefully and look for interesting
or unexpected similarities. You might decide to compare how each
woman responds to a specific thing (Odysseus, for example–although you
could be more creative). You could also classify the women (perhaps
looking at who is in control of her own destiny, who is the best partner
for Odysseus, or who might be called “good” or “bad”). You might
decide to compare the four women as archetypes or stereotypical women (mother/virgin,
whore/adulteress or whatever categories you see). Whatever your focus,
you need to develop a thesis that is supported by the material you generated
in your prewriting.
(Typed. Double spaced. 3-5 pages long)
due on July 16; final copy due on July 17
Write an analysis of the character of either Odysseus or Telemachus. First
decide who you’ll write about. Then consider what you want to say
about that person. What kind of man is he? How does he make
decisions? What kind of values does he hold? Try to use material
from your other classes to help you with this analysis (if you do so, remember
to either quote or paraphrase the source material and cite it correctly–ask
me if you aren’t sure how to do this). Your analysis must have a controversial
thesis (i.e.: one that we could reasonably argue the opposite of), and
you must support that thesis using specific examples.
(Typed. Double spaced. 3-5 pages long)
due on July 18, Final copies due on Saturday, July 21 and Tuesday, July
Use anything Greg Sarris says in “The Woman Who Loved a Snake” to help
you consider your response to the Odyssey. You might think about
the fact that the Odyssey is a transcription of an oral tale and discuss
how this changes it or your reaction to it. You might consider the
fact that there are different “versions” (both different translations and
different movies) and compare those versions. You might think about
what Sarris describes as “culture contact” in relation to the Odyssey and
write about your cultural contact with the text, or the contact between
characters within it. You could also use the website linked to the
syllabus to think about the Odyssey in its cultural context–using Sarris
to explain why this is important. Or you might do something else!
Whatever you do, use lots of specific examples from the Odyssey and quote
or paraphrase (with correct citation) Sarris’s argument. This paper
also needs a controversial thesis.
(Typed. Double spaced. 3-5 pages long.)
Due on
July 30
The 15 minute Odyssey. Collaboratively write a version of Homer’s
Odyssey that can be performed in 15 minutes. Make sure you include
all of the main events, but reduce them to a skeleton so that we can follow
the story but move through it very fast. As a group you’ll need to
decide how to represent each major character, what kind of language to
use, how to show when someone is disguised, and what is essential material.
The class will break into small groups that will each work on part of the
Odyssey, then we will put the parts together. You’ll need to decide
who will play each part and how the audience will know who each actor is
(using no more than one “prop” per character).
(Length--15 minutes, which is about 20 pages of dialogue/stage directions)
due on August 6; final copy due on August 7
Think about the relationship between education and behavior and write a
paper in which you argue for a kind of education that you believe will
help create the ideal city/society. What constitutes an ideal education?
Why? What is an ideal city/society? Why? What effect will this
model have on society? (Use your notes on the Republic to help you).
Write out as full a description as possible of your ideal education, providing
a rational (justification for the things you include). Consider what
people should read, what they should learn overall, what the curriculum
would include, etc. (try to touch on your version of all the aspects that
Socrates describes). You can quote/summarize any of Plato’s arguments
if you want to do so, but you don’t have to. Remember that this paper
is a cause and effect paper, so describe the result/goal of each aspect
of education you describe.
(Typed. Double spaced. 5-10 pages long.)
Due on
August 8
Review papers #1 through #6. Look at my comments and your revisions
of the drafts, and find patterns (what errors are commented on more than
once? What aspects of your writing are praised? What did you
decide to cut or expand? What did you keep?) Make a list of
each and write a brief analysis of your strengths and weaknesses based
on this. Select one paper to revise again. Plan how you'll
revise it and mark up a copy of the paper to show what you need to do.
(Make it at least one page longer than the
Due August
This is an in-class paper that is a synthesis of one of the issues touched
on by all of the texts we have read so far this summer (e.g.: appropriate
behavior, justice, education/learning, gender, memory/perception, dealing
with different people or ideas, etc.).
(2-3 pages typed or handwritten–whatever you prefer.)
Due August
This will contain all
the work you have done for me this summer along with a preface/introduction:
Next make one pile for each of the 10 papers you’ve written in this class. At the bottom of each pile, put the first notes/prewriting, on top of that put the first draft and so on, so that the final copy is on top and your assignment analysis sheet is on top of that. Clip each pile together with a paper clip, or put a piece of paper on top of each saying which paper it is. NOTE: You don’t need to print out the full “15 minute Odyssey,” just give me your notes and the part you worked on. Finally, put paper #1 on top of the pile of notes, the pile for paper
#2 on top of that, and so on. Your introduction
or preface will go on the very top, and the whole pile of work
will go into a manilla folder (which you may decorate if you have the time
and the inclination). If you want to make a table of contents and
number the pages, please do so. It is also a very good idea to include
an acknowledgments page where you name the people who have helped you this
summer and acknowledge their support.
Issues to touch on in the preface:
That’s it!
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