Designing Writing Assignments: Helping Students Make the Transition
to College Writing
Students as College Writers
I: Designing Writing Assignments
The First Year Seminar Enrichment Committee has
determined the amount and kind of writing most appropriate to the first
year seminar (please note: this list does NOT include a full term paper
using library research. Studies of student writing--such as the Harvard
Assessment in Writing Report of 1987-- show again and again that students
learn more about writing and also learn more of the course material if
they are given several shorter writing assignments spread throughout the
Students as College Writers
II: Responding to Writing Assignments
Rough Drafts:
Perhaps the hardest thing about responding to
student papers is knowing what to respond to first. Our instinct
is to correct surface errors because they are distracting as we read, yet
if we want the student to make significant revisions to a draft, we send
a mixed message when we also mark editing errors because these cannot be
fixed before the student has completed major revisions. Students
will tend to make the editing corrections and think the paper is finished.
It is much more helpful to note three or four kinds of editing errors
and ask students to find and correct those errors once the revision is
Final Papers:
Comments need to both explain the grade and help
students know what they should do again in the future--as well as what
they should avoid. Students can always list in great detail their
flaws as writers, but they are rarely able to list their strengths.
It is therefore useful to help them develop greater overall understanding
of their writing abilities.
Accessing, Assessing, and Using Information: Designing Effective Writing
Students a Researchers I:
Making the Transition to College Research
Today's undergraduate students have grown up
with computers and the Internet and take INternet research for granted.
This causes all kinds of problems as they search for and assess resources.
Students a Researchers II:
Designing Research Assignments
Although the First Year Seminar does not require
a research paper, it is vital for students to learn effective research
skills as early as possible in college. Shorter assignments that
require information retrieval and reporting prepare students for full length
research papers and help them to see research as an essential part of a
college education.