Library Appointments for English 2 (sections 001 and 002)

Below you will find the research topics of the members of English 2 sections 001 and 002.  If you come across any information that you think might be of use to any of your peers, please send them e-mail (by clicking on the name here) or voice mail at the numbers listed.

The times and dates are those in which you each signed up to visit the library.  Please show up at the reference desk of the Rose Memorial Libray on time and ready to ask impressive questions and conduct inspired research!

Tuesday 2/16 

12:00        Women Studies Issues      Karen Daddona   (women & aging)                       x4763
                                                             Sarah Smith         (Georgia O’Keefe)                    x4908
                                                             Alix Ross             (Body image, gender & race)     x5704
                                                             Carla Finelli          (Social identity and
                                                                                          gender/sexual orientation)          x8213

 7:30         Issues in Psychology        Kristine Spano       (body image & the media)          x5510
                                                            Kate Hanson         (Creation of social identity)        x4133
                                                            Sarah Cooper        (Music therapy)                        x4414
                                                            Erin Adler              (emotional impact of rape)         x4363
                                                            Mike Maley           (Psychology of seriel killers)      x4682
                                                            Lois Darden           (Careers in psychology)             x4214

Wednesday 2/17  

11:15        Seriel Killers                     Vanessa Sorge       x4626
                                                            Carrie de Poto        x5145
                                                            Erin Morgan           x4828
                                                            Chris Wright           x4354
                                                            Ron Gatti                x4254

1:00          International Relations    Scott Weisel        (The Cold War)                 x4796
                                                            Colin Lynch         (Middle East)                     x4935

7:30          Inequality       Zach Davis          (Women and theatre)                                    x4454
                                         Trisha Soucy        (Inequality in education)                               x5027

Thursday, 2/18 

7:30           Myth               Jen Girard          (role of mythology in Wicca)                   x5267
                                          Ben Bartolome    (myth and reality of Ancient Greece)      x5535

Friday 2/19 

2:00           Honduras & the situation of street children             Kim Engan            x5603

Monday 2/22

7:30            Entropy               Marni Sullivan                    x5019

Tuesday 2/23   

12:00          Year Two Thousand Problem         E. Daniels      (973) 697-1475

7:30            Urban/Traditional Legends            Joy Kovacs        x4171
                                                                            Sam Bishop        x5323
                                                                            Liz Deringer        x4852
                                                                            Bob Vassos        x5408

Wednesday 2/24   

7:30            Body Piercing            Yukio Tonoike                  x8549
                                                       Jessica Gamble                 x4857
                                                       Jennifer Blackstock           x5521
                                                       Cathy Theo                       x5892 

Please send me e-mail if any of the numbers, addresses, or topics listed are incorrect (and I'll fix them)