of English, Director
of Composition, and Chair of the English
306 Sitterly House, Drew
Madison, NJ 07940
email: sjamieso@drew.edu.
AIM & Skype:
Classes and Office Hours - Spring 2010
2A (005) Mon & Wed 1:15-2:05 (syllabus on Moodle)
CWRTG 2 (007) Mon & Wed 2:30-3:20 (syllabus on Moodle) |
OFFICE HOURS: Mon & Wed 3:30-5:30; Tues, 11:00-2:00; (sign up on the list
on my office
additional hours as available--see the list on my door |
Fall 2009
CWRTG 1A (003) Mon & Wed 9:45-10:35
College Seminar (029):
Exploration, Travel, and Tourism Mon & Fri 12:00-12:50
"They that can give up essential
liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor
are few better examples of democracy in action than an informed
citizenry openly exploring, and supporting or challenging the most
important governmental policies and decisions that affect the nation.
In this spirit, the Association of American Colleges and Universities
Board of Directors recommends that member institutions actively
encourage and provide public forums for engaging students, faculty,
staff and local community members in learning and debate about the
issues and implications of war with Iraq"
Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2003)
Last updated, January, 2010