Library appointments, English 2, sections 003 and 004
Spring 1999
Please show up at the reference desk--on time and ready to learn!

Monday April 12

12:00      Robert Banerez    x4666    RBANAREZ                      Internet relationships

1:00        Sienna Moran      x4423    SMORAN                          NEA funding controversies

2:00        Heather Cox       x4029     HCOX                               Richard Wright's life

7:30        Rebecca Saliga   x4565     RSALIGA           History   (Civil war)
               Megan Melnyk                  MMELNYK                     (Film history--Kazan + "on the waterfront")
               Debbie Daidone  x4184    DDAIDONE                     (Red scare & the theatre)

Tuesday April 13

11:20        Rob Casden            RCASDEN                    Space exploration and NASA
                 Micahel Scherff       MSCHERFF                                     "
                 Joe de Silva             JDASILVA                                        "

7:30     Alexandra McCaffrey       AMCCAFFR              Early C20th women's labor history
           Catherine Larson              CLARSON                                        "

Wednesday April 14

12:00     Dana Lomm       x4511     DLOMM               Medicine      (Asthma)
              Dawn Wilson     x4509     DWILSON                                (Liver cancer)
              Greg Hickey      x5240     GHICKEY                                 (Alzheimer's)

7:30    Keisha Bolaji                            KBOLAJI          Psychology    (stress in college students)
           Kerri Roberts                           KROBERTS                                  "        "
           Jeff Barile-Salcedo   x4666      JBARILES                               (addiction to gambling)
           Elizabeth Williams     x4880     EBWILLIA                               (controversies around Freud's theories)

Thursay April 15

11:20    Lesley Joyce     LJOYCE                                       Music       (politics of reggae and folk music)
            Aaron Zegas     AZEGAS                                                       (Hayden string quartets)

7:30    Pamela Kaneda     x4756      PKANEDA                Education   (discipline in high/middle school)
           Valerie Fox           x4185     VFOX                                           (  technology vs arts funding)
           Matt Armstrong     x5524     MARMSTRO                               (students and college debt)

Friday April 16

12:00  Charlotte Nicholas  x5263     CNICHOLAS                 Native Indian customs and their 
                                                                                                  influence on Caribbean cultures
1:00    Matt Carillo            x4151     MCARILLO              English Lit.  (themes in "Ancient Mariner"
                                                                                                & "2001"--as fin de siecle works??)

2:00     Marie Ortiz            x5388      MORTIZ                  History  (Montgomery bus boycott)

[questions for Sandra Jamierson] [Questions for Chris Cunningham]  [Questions for Jody Caldwell, reference librarian]