Drew University Writing Instructor Guidelines: 
Research and the Writing Class  
In order to satisfy the Writing Requirement at Drew, students must demonstrate an ability to write an extended paper that correctly uses and cites sources in support of a thesis.  English 1 and English 2 are both designed to guide students through the process of writing such a paper.  English 1 focuses on style, grammar and punctuation, and paragraph design in addition to kinds of writing that respond to sources (summary, analysis, synthesis, comparison).  English 2 focuses only on the latter.  Both courses spend considerable time discussing research methods and strategies, and both include a library instruction component in which the students go to the library and receive guidance and instruction from a reference librarian as they work on a writing project.  Included below are guidelines to help you set up that session, some sample assignments, and additional resources that you might want to use or refer your students to as they work on this part of the course.

  The Drew library
  The Drew Library's Electronic Sources
  Setting up the library session
  Sample library assignment I:  annotated bibliography
  Sample library assignment II:  presentation
  Sample library assignment III: background information
  Electronic Sources Comparison Assignment  

  Academic Honesty Guidelines and examples
  Plagiarism and the Web (a site prepared by Bruce Leland)

  " Finding Information on the Internet" (Berkeley Univ.) 
   "Exploring the WWW" (univ. of Georgia)
  Discussion of how and why to Cite sources (The UVic Writer's Guide)
  On-Line citation Guides (MLA) (APA) (On-line sources) (others)
  The research paper (The UVic Writer's Guide)
   Writing Research Papers (Drew University Resources for Writers)

NOTE:  Anyone is very welcome to link to any of the pages at this site that I wrote,  but please send me an e-mail message telling me you've done so and giving me the URL of the page you've linked from.
AND:  If you'd like to print and distribute or to download material, please ask my permission first!  Thanks!
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Sandra Jamieson  [sjamieso@drew.edu]
Drew University