Engl. 2/Research Writing (section 001)

Jamieson, Sp. '99 

Jan 28

Feb 2-4

Feb 9-11

Feb 16-18

Feb 23-25

March 2-4

March 9-11

Due dates

Web resources

Jan. 28 (Thur): First class. Introduction to English 2, the writing requirement at Drew, and the on-line syllabus. General technology concerns, writing concerns, etc.
In class diagnostic test.
Homework: E-mail me (sjamieso@drew.edu) by noon on Monday telling me two things you do well as a writer and two things you'd like to strengthen (these can be research related or not. Don't tell me what other people think about your writing, though, tell me what you think!). I'll send a reply before Tuesday's class, so check your e-mail before class.

Feb. 2 (Tue): BRING YOUR COMPUTER AND LAN CABLES TO CLASS (learn your LAN password if you haven't already!). Introduction to the Internet (how to find quick facts and information with more depth; how to guess site addresses; the role of the Internet in the life of a researcher.) Brief discussion of diagnostic test (which I will return at the end of class).
Homework: Send me an e-mail message telling me how you feel about research. Describe any memorable research projects -- good or bad -- and also describe topics you might be interested in conducting research into this semester. I need to receive this by noon on Wednesday. Again, I'll send a reply before class on Thursday, so check your e-mail before you come to class.

Feb. 4 (Thur):BRING YOUR COMPUTER AND LAN CABLES TO CLASS. In class, list two things you know a lot about and two things you know nothing about. Now find sites for all four on the Internet. Select one of the topics you know about and one of the topics you don't know about and look at what the Internet teaches you about them. Write a summary of the information you found on each topic (one summary for each topic).
Homework: Complete the summary project begun in class. Two summaries (typed, double spaced) are due in class on Tuesday. [Check out the Web Resources for "Summary Writing"]

Feb. 9 (Tue): BRING YOUR COMPUTER AND LAN CABLES TO CLASS. Summaries due in class today. Discuss the difference between researching about a topic you already know about and exploring a new topic. Discussion of how to structure comparison papers [for more on this, check out the web site for a link to "Writing Comparisons."] Write an in-class outline for a paper comparing the kinds of information you found (your focus can be on the difference between researching topics you know about and topics you don't, the difference between university sites and general sites, the difference between good and bad sites, or some other difference that intrigues or vaguely interests you). Your paper will draw on your analytical skills and your ability to synthesize information [the web site has information on both of these skills.]
Homework: Complete the paper you started working on in class today (due in class on Tuesday 16th).

Feb. 11 (Thur): Discuss research topics. Identify possible topics and research teams (students will conduct research and review drafts in teams of three or four, although each student will adopt a different thesis, write a separate paper, and may use different information in the final paper).
Homework: Meet as a team (on-line or face to face) and discuss what Internet information you have found on your topic (remember to make book marks to good sites *and* write out the address or print out the first page).

2/15-2/19: LIBRARY sessions this week -- don't forget to show up!

Feb. 16 (Tue): BRING YOUR COMPUTER AND LAN CABLES TO CLASS. Comparison paper due in class. The research proposal. Groups will work together to help each individual member draft a research proposal. Using the library and the Internet teams will come up with a list of 40 possible sources.
Homework: Work on finding sources for your group bibliography and familiarizing yourselves with the sources available (explore as wide a range of sources as possible including books, academic journals, Internet sources, newsmagazines, newspapers, audio-visual sources, etc. where appropriate).

Feb. 18 (Thur): BRING YOUR COMPUTER AND LAN CABLES TO CLASS. Discuss research proposals. Writing annotated bibliographies. For each source that you decide to use, write an annotated bibliography entry. Practice in class writing an entry for an Internet site. Group critiques.
SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT WITH ME FOR FRIDAY OR MONDAY (for me to hand back work, and for us to discuss your progress and your research topic).
Homework: Continue working on your list and your annotated bibliography (starting with the Internet sources you found and any background information you identified in your library session).

Feb. 23 (Tue): BRING YOUR COMPUTER AND LAN CABLES TO CLASS. In-class Internet research, annotations, and discussion of problems encountered so far.
Homework: Work on your annotated bibliography. The list of 40 sources and the individual annotated bibliographies (at least 10 sources) are due in class Thursday.

Feb. 25 (Thur): First set of annotated bibliographies and list of 40 sources due. Okay, so now you are all experts in your new field! Time to write up what you know. Background synthesis [Check out the web site for a link to "Synthesis Writing--the background synthesis"]  In class writing (urgh).
Homework: Use today's in-class writing to help you write a background synthesis on your topic. Your task is to tell us all about it so that we know enough to start forming an opinion. Due in class Tuesday March 2.

Mar. 2 (Tue): Last day to drop the course without a 'W' on the transcript.
Background synthesis due in class today. I will return the annotated bibliographies in class today. Discussion of forming a thesis and developing an argument about the topics selected. Using Enthymeme's to generate outlines. Groups brainstorm and discuss each member's possible thesis.
Homework: Write out a thesis enthymeme (or two if you can't decide . . . or three...) Send it to me via e-mail by Wednesday at noon. Bring a written out copy to class Thursday.

Mar. 4 (Thur): BRING YOUR COMPUTER AND LAN CABLES TO CLASS. Thesis enthymeme due in class today. Developing an argument and paper structure (not your usual outline). Introduction of the hypertext paper option. Discussion of topic sentences, organizational patterns, paragraph development and so on for a hypertext paper and a linear paper.
Homework: Plan out your paper using whatever method makes the most sense to you. The plan is due in class Tuesday.

Mar. 9 (Tue): BRING YOUR COMPUTER AND LAN CABLES TO CLASS. Group analysis of research paper plans, discussion of thesis (again--and check out this source if you're still stuck!),  evidence, counter-evidence, how to get started (and get over writer's block/procrastination). You might want to check out this discussion of logic, too.  Begin work on drafting your introduction to the paper in class.  You might want ot check out an outline template to get you started.   If you need to work on citation of electronic sources, check out this web site (scroll down and use the index and it will tell you everything you need to know!)
Homework: Complete the draft of the introduction, send it to me over e-mail before noon Wed., and bring it to class Thursday. If you get inspired and want to keep writing, go ahead!

Mar. 11 (Thur): Last class. Bring introduction and whatever else you hyave written so far to class today. Discuss introductions, drafts, evidence, problems, overall strategies, revision strategies, ways to avoid accidental plagiarism, etc. Evaluations of the class. Don't forget to talk to me in person or on e-mail as you work on the papers! Final portfolio will include all of the work you have done this semester including the research paper, and will be introduced by a brief introduction in which you discuss your attitudes to research and the progress and quality of the work in the portfolio.

March 13-21 Spring recess -- no classes

March 25-- Final portfolio due at my office by 5pm today


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