University Writing Instructor Guidelines:
Pedagogical strategies for teachers of learning disabled
The strategies listed below are especially helpful for students with learning
disibilities--although in fact they are also helpful for all students.
They are, in short, sound pedagogy. We recommend them to teachers
regardless of whether they know they have any students with special
needs in the class.
General Pedagogical strategies:
State the day's objectives at the beginning of the class.
Paraphrase key points from the reading and lectures.
Provide examples (and identify things that are not examples).
Provide written directions.
Vary your teaching methods (lecture, discussion, small groups).
For large projects, provide step-by-step directions, bullet those directions,
& give advanced notice of due dates (at least 2 weeks).
Try to select well organized textbooks with subheadings, clear explanations
and instructions, and appropriate examples.
Print out copies of overheads and make them available to students.
Review material.
Encourage study groups.
Provide pre-reading questions for each reading assignment or group of related
Identify key points in the readings and lectures.
Don't penalize students for spelling, organizational, or hand writing errors
on timed examinations.
Allow students to use lap top computers for examinations.
Go over all instructions in class and provide a written version--but don't
provide overwhelming amounts of instruction.
Pedagogical strategies that make writing assignments
accessible to all students
Provide written instructions for assignments emphasizing exactly what you
want students to do.
Go over the assignment orally in class as well.
Write out the stages students need to follow to complete an assignment.
Provide adequate time for students to complete an assignment. (Two
weeks is good for a standard college paper; four weeks is the minimum
for a paper requiring library research.)
Teach your students to brainstorm and organize ideas. (In most cases
informal outlines are more helpful than formal outlines because the latter
can seem so overwhelming that many students fail to do them or spend most
of the time allocated working on the perfect outline and never complete
the paper.)
Read drafts and give students written and oral feedback.
Encourage students to read their work out loud, use tape recorders to record
their brainstorming, and even record an oral draft of their papers if that
works for them. (Some voice recognition software is both affordable
and user-friendly, so students who find this method helpful might consider
exploring the software options.)
Encourage the use of computers at all stages of the process.
Encourage students to use portable computers in essay exams if they prefer
to do so.
Encourage students to attend regular tutoring sessions (and encourage tutors
to focus on organization)