
-Andy Benavides


Unsure to pick up the phone and call you

Unsure I lay back down in bed

Unsure I stare at the clock unsure I glare

Unsure red numbers

Unsure unsure unsure unsure unsure

Unsure o団lock

Unsure I turn on the TV

Unsure I turn it off


Unsure clock minutes unsure bed unsure


Unsure I watch the light crawl out as night crawls in


Unsure with this phone in front of me

Unsure to pick it up

Unsure to dial numbers

Unsure to hear your phone ring


Just say hi and say what are you doing perhaps

Perhaps not a bad idea

Perhaps not so bad

Perhaps perhaps perhaps perhaps perhaps

Perhaps she値l like it

Perhaps she won稚 mind

Perhaps she値l hate me

Perhaps I知 silly


Unsure I lie back down

Unsure I sit up

Unsure I lie again

Unsure I toss unsure I turn

Unsure I close my eyes


Your face


Goddamn it


Unsure perhaps unsure perhaps unsure unsure what to do perhaps perhaps

Perhaps unsure I'm uninsured perhaps unsure perhaps later unsure unsure

Perhaps perhaps perhaps I will unsure perhaps perhaps unsure unsure how

Perhaps too much perhaps unsure perhaps tomorrow perhaps perhaps


Perhaps I値l write a shitty unsure poem perhaps


And then perhaps I値l fall asleep unsure

