
Written Days


I have had days

When I could not write anything worth the graphite used to tie it down onto the paper.

I have had those many thoughts that run free beyond my pencil tip

That I chase along the page even after it's been much too long since I first thought them

To remember just how brilliantly I'd worked them in my mind.


I have had mornings

When I've woken from a dream with a sonnet stuck behind my eyelids

Or have let a haiku slip into my cheerios

With nothing but a napkin nearby

To wipe up the spilled milk.


I have had afternoons

Where I've walked out onto my lawn with bare feet,

Basking in the warmth of the sun

And lain down on the grass

Letting myself drop to let all of my thoughts roll off the top of my head

And down into the dirt around me

To grow into a tree with shade made for summer napping.


I have had evenings

Sitting outside on the porch waiting for dinner to cook itself

Spending the last few minutes of daylight

Watching my words dart back and forth and fly away with the barn swallows

Who swoop in figure eights to catch mosquitoes, in the dark evening sky full of purple clouds.


And I have had nights

Where I've sat up in the shadows, living only by the glow of my computer screen

With a red fleece blanket wound tightly around me

Waiting for my mind to let loose the little wisdom I possess

Searching eternally for those thoughts that touched my mind seemingly just moments earlier

During the busy bustle of my day

Before sleep finally overwhelms me

And I am left to dream again of the words I will never write.



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