How to correct your mistake if you set up JCreator incorrectly

  1. In JCreator's main menu, choose Configure⇒Options.

    The Options dialog opens.

  2. In the Options dialog, select JDK Profiles. (See Figure 1.)

    Figure 1: The Options dialog.

    On the right side of the Options dialog, you see the name of a JDK profile. The name is something like JDK version 1.5.0_01.

  3. Click New.

    The Select Path dialog appears.

  4. In the Select Path tree, navigate to your computer's Java home directory.

    My Java home directory is named C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_01. Most likely, your Java home directory's has a similar (but slightly different) name.

  5. Click OK.

    The JDK Profile dialog appears. (See Figure 2.) This dialog list the names of several classes, sources, and documentation files.

    Figure 2: The JDK Profile dialog.

  6. In the JDK Profile dialog's Name field, type a name for your new profile.

    In Figure 2, I add the word new to the default name.

  7. Click OK to dismiss the JDK Profile dialog.

    The Options dialog comes to the fore. On the right side of the Options dialog, you see a brand new JDK profile. (See Figure 3.)

    Figure 3: The JDK Profile dialog contains a new profile.

  8. In the Options dialog, select the new profile.

  9. Click Up.

    Your newly created profile moves up in the list of profiles. (See Figure 4.)

    Figure 4: Your new profile moves up to become the default profile.

  10. Click Apply, and then click OK.