Generic name: acetophenazine maleate
Trade name(s): Tindal
Class: piperazine phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychotic disorders

Generic name: alprazolam
Trade name(s): Xanax
Class: triazolo benzodiazepine
Type: Antianxiety
Indications: Anxiety and tension; Panic disorder

Generic name: amantadine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Symmetrel
Class: cyclic primary amine
Type: Antiparkinson
Indications: Drug-induced extrapyramidal reactions; Parkinsonian syndrome

Generic name: amitriptyline hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Amitriptylene; Elavil; Emitrip; Endep; Enovil; SK-Amitriptyline
Class: tertiary tricyclic
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression; anorexia or bulimia associated with depression; adjunctive treatment of neurogenic pain

Generic name: amobarbital; amobarbital sodium
Trade name(s): Amytal
Class: barbiturate
Type: Sedative-Hypnotic; Anticonvulsant
Indications: Sedation; Insomnia; Adjunct in psychotherapy; Anticonvulsant

Generic name: amoxapine
Trade name(s): Asendin
Class: tricyclic dibenzoxazepine,
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression

Generic name: aprobarbital
Trade name(s): Alurate
Class: barbiturate
Type: Sedative-Hypnotic
Indications: Sedation; Insomnia


Generic name: bupropion hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Wellbutrin
Class: monocyclic aminoketone
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression

Generic name: buspirone hydrochloride
Trade name(s): BuSpar
Class: azaspirodecanedione derivative
Type: Antianxiety
Indications: Anxiety

Generic name: butabarbital
Trade name(s): Barbased; Butalan; Buticaps; Butisol; Butatran; Sarisol No. 2
Class: barbiturate
Type: Sedative-Hypnotic
Indications: Sedation; Insomnia


Generic name: carbamazepine
Trade name(s): Epitol; Mazepine; Tegretol
Class: tricyclic iminostilbene antidepressant
Type: Anticonvulsant; Analgesic
Indications: Generalized tonic-clonic, complex-partial, mixed seizure patterns, rapid seizure control; Trigeminal neuralgia; bipolar affective disorder,intermittent explosive disorder; alcohol withdrawal; benzodiazepine withdrawal; diabetes insipidis

Generic name: chloral hydrate
Trade name(s): Aquachloral; Noctec; Novochlorhydrate
Class: general central nervous system depressant
Type: Sedative-Hypnotic
Indications: Sedation; Insomnia; Hypnosis

Generic name: chlordiazepoxide
Trade name(s): Libritabs
Class: 2-keto benzodiazepine
Type: Antianxiety; Anticonvulsant; Sedative-hypnotic
Indications: Anxiety and tension; Alcohol withdrawal

Generic name: chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Librium; Lipoxide; SK-Lygen; Murcil; Reposans-10; Sereen
Class: 2-keto benzodiazepine
Type: Antianxiety; Anticonvulsant; Sedative-hypnotic
Indications: Anxiety and tension; Alcohol withdrawal

Generic name: chlorpromazine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Chlorzine; Ormazine; Promapar; Promaz; Sonazine; Thorazine; Thor-Prom
Class: aliphatic phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychosis; Acute agitation; Nausea and vomiting; Mild alcohol withdrawal

Generic name: chlorprothixene; chlorprothixene hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Taractan
Class: thioxanthene
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychotic disorders; Agitation of severe neurosis, depression, schizophrenia

Generic name: clomipramine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Anafranil
Class: tertiary tricyclic
Type: Antiobsessional agent; antidepressant
Indications: Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Generic name: clonazepam
Trade name(s): Klonopin; Rivotril
Class: 3-hydroxy benzodiazepine
Type: Anticonvulsive
Indications: Absence and atypical absence seizures, akinetic and myoclonic seizures; Nocturnal myoclonus; bipolar disorder

Generic name: clonidine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Catapres; Catapres-TTS
Class: imidazoline
Type: Antihypertensive
Indications: Hypertension; adjunctive therapy in nicotine withdrawal; adjunctive therapy in opiate withdrawal

Generic name: clorazepate dipotassium
Trade name(s): Tranxene-SD
Class: 2-keto benzodiazepine
Type: Antianxiety; Anticonvulsant; Sedative-hypnotic
Indications: Anxiety; Acute alcohol withdrawal; Adjunct in epilepsy

Generic name: clozapine
Trade name(s): Clozaril
Class: tricyclic dibenzodiazepine derivative
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Drug-resistent Schizophrenia


Generic name: desipramine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Norpramin; Pertofrane
Class: secondary tricyclic dibenzazepine
Type: Antidepressant; Antianxiety
Indications: Depression

Generic name: dextroamphetamine sulfate
Trade name(s): Dexampex; Dexedrine; Ferndex; Oxydess II; Robese; Spancap #1
Class: amphetamine
Type: Stimulant
Indications: Narcolepsy; Attention deficit disorders with hyperactivity; short-term adjunct in exogenous obesity

Generic name: diazepam
Trade name(s): Valium; Valrelease
Class: 2-keto benzodiazepine
Type: Antianxiety; Skeletal muscle relaxant; Amnesic agent; Anticonvulsant; Sedative-hypnotic
Indications: Anxiety and tension; Acute alcohol withdrawal; Adjunct to skeletal muscle spasm; Adjunct to convulsant disorders; Status epilepticus

Generic name: diphenhydramine
Trade name(s): non prescription
Class: ethanolamine antihistamine
Type: Sedative-hypnotic
Indications: Insomnia

Generic name: divalproex sodium
Trade name(s): Depakote
Class: carboxylic acid derivative
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Simple and complex absence seizures and mixed seizure types

Generic name: doxepin hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Adapin; Sinequan
Class: tertiary tricyclic
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression


Generic name: estazolam
Trade name(s): ProSom
Class: triazolo benzodiazepine
Type: Hypnotic
Indications: Short-term management of insomnia characterized by difficulty in falling asleep, frequent nocturanl awakenings, or early-morning awakenings

Generic name: ethchlorvynol
Trade name(s): Placidyl
Class: chlorinated tertiary acetylenic carbinol
Type: Sedative-Hypnotic
Indications: Sedation; Insomnia

Generic name: ethosuximide
Trade name(s): Zarontin
Class: succinimide derivative
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Absence seizures

Generic name: ethotoin
Trade name(s): Peganone
Class: hydantoin derivative
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Generalized tonic-clonic or complex-partial seizures


Generic name: fluoxetine
Trade name(s): Prozac
Class: bicyclic serotonin uptake inhibitor
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression; Obsessive-compulsive disorder; panic disorder

Generic name: fluphenazine decanoate
Trade name(s): Prolixin Decanoate
Class: piperazine phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychotic disorders

Generic name: fluphenazine enanthate
Trade name(s): Prolixin Enanthate
Class: piperazine phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychotic disorders

Generic name: fluphenazine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Permitil hydrochloride; Prolixen hydrochloride
Class: piperazine phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychotic disorders

Generic name: flurazepam hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Dalmane; Durapam
Class: 2-keto benzodiazepine
Type: Sedative-Hypnotic
Indications: Insomnia

Generic name: fluvoxamine
Trade name(s): Luvox
Class: serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Type: Antidepressant; Antiobsessional
Indications: ???


Generic name: gabapentin
Trade name(s): Neurontin
Class: 1-aminomethyl cyclohexonacetic acid
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Adjunctive treatment of partial seizures with and without secondary generalization

Generic name: glutethimide
Trade name(s): Doriden; Doriglute
Class: piperidinedione
Type: Sedative-hypnotic
Indications: Insomnia


Generic name: halazepam
Trade name(s): Paxipam
Class: benzodiazepine
Type: Antianxiety
Indications: Relief of anxiety and tension

Generic name: haloperidol decanoate
Trade name(s): Haldol decanoate
Class: butyrophenone
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychotic disorders; Control of tics, vocal utterances in Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome

Generic name: haloperidol; haloperidol lactate
Trade name(s): Haldol
Class: butyrophenone
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychotic disorders; Control of tics, vocal utterances in Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome

Generic name: hydroxyzine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Anxanil; Atarax; Atozine; Durrax; E-Vista; Hydroxacen; Hyzine; Orgatrex; Quiess; Vistacon; Vistaject; Vistaquel; Vistazine
Class: piperazine dihydrochloride antihistamine
Type: Antianxiety; Sedative
Indications: Anxiety and tension; Anxiety, tension, hyperkinesia; Pre- and Post-operative sedation

Generic name: hydroxyzine pamoate
Trade name(s): Hy-Pam; Vamate; Vistaril
Class: piperazine dihydrochloride antihistamine
Type: Antianxiety; Sedative
Indications: Anxiety and tension; Anxiety, tension, hyperkinesia; Pre- and Post-operative sedation


Generic name: imipramine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Janimine; SK-Pramine; Tofranil; Typramine
Class: tertiary dibenzazepine tricyclic
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression; Childhood enuresis; neurogenic pain; panic disorder; generalized anxiety disorder

Generic name: imipramine pamoate
Trade name(s): Tofranil-PM
Class: tertiary dibenzazepine tricyclic
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression; Childhood enuresis; neurogenic pain; panic disorder; generalized anxiety disorder

Generic name: isocarboxazid
Trade name(s): Marplan
Class: hydrazine monoamine-oxidase inhibitor
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: discontinued in 1994




Generic name: lithium carbonate
Trade name(s): Eskalith; Eskalith CR; Lithane; Lithobid; Lithonate; Lithotabs
Class: alkali metal
Type: Antimanic; Antipsychotic
Indications: Prevention or control of mania; Prevention of depression in patients with bipolar disorder; Apparent mixed bipolar disorder in children; major depression; schizoaffective disorder; schizophrenic disorder; alcohol dependence

Generic name: lithium citrate
Trade name(s): Cibalith-S
Class: alkali metal
Type: Antimanic; Antipsychotic
Indications: Prevention or control of mania; Prevention of depression in patients with bipolar disorder; Apparent mixed bipolar disorder in children; major depression; schizoaffective disorder; schizophrenic disorder; alcohol dependence

Generic name: lorazepam
Trade name(s): Alzapam; Ativan; Loraz
Class: 3-hydroxy benzodiazepine
Type: Antianxiety; Sedative-hypnotic
Indications: Anxiety,tension,agitation,irritability,especially in anxiety neurosis or organic (especially GI or CV) disorders; Insomnia; Staus epilepticus; preoperative sedative

Generic name: loxapine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Loxitane C; Loxitane IM
Class: dibenzoxazepine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychotic disorders

Generic name: loxapine succinate
Trade name(s): Loxitane
Class: dibenzoxazepine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychotic disorders


Generic name: magnesium sulfate
Trade name(s): Magnesium sulfate
Class: mineral; electrolyte
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Hypomagnesemic seizures; Prevention or control of seizures in eclampsia

Generic name: maprotoline hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Ludiomil
Class: tetracyclic
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression

Generic name: mephenytoin
Trade name(s): Mesantoin
Class: hydantoin derivative
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Generalized tonic-clonic or complex-partial seizures

Generic name: mephobarbital
Trade name(s): Mebaral; Mentaban; Mephoral
Class: barbiturate
Type: Anticonvulsant; CNS depressant
Indications: Generalized tonic-clonic or absence seizures

Generic name: meprobamate
Trade name(s): Equinil; Meprospan; Miltown; Neuramate; Neurate; Sedabamate; SK-Bamate; Tranmep
Class: carbamate
Type: Antianxiety
Indications: Anxiety and tension

Generic name: mesoridazine besylate
Trade name(s): Serentil
Class: piperidine phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychoneurotic manifestations (anxiety); Schizophrenia; Alcoholism; Behavioral problems associated with chronic brain syndrome

Generic name: methamphetamine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Desoxyn; Methampex
Class: amphetamine
Type: Stimulant
Indications: Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity; Short-term adjunct in exogenous obesity

Generic name: methotrimeprazine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Levoprome
Class: propylamino phenothiazine
Type: Sedative; Analgesic
Indications: Sedation, analgesia

Generic name: methsuximide
Trade name(s): Celontin Kapseals
Class: succinimide
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Refractory absence seizures

Generic name: methylphenidate hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Methidate; Ritalin; Ritalin SR
Class: piperidine central nervous system stimulant
Type: Stimulant
Indications: Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity; Narcolepsy

Generic name: midazolam hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Versed
Class: benzodiazepine
Type: Sedative
Indications: Preoperative sedation

Generic name: molindone hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Moban
Class: dihydroindolone
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychotic disorders


Generic name: nortriptyline hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Aventyl; Pamelor
Class: secondary tricyclic
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression; panic disorder


Generic name: oxazepam
Trade name(s): Serax
Class: 3-hydroxy benzodiazepine
Type: Antianxiety; Sedative-hypnotic
Indications: Alcohol withdrawal; Severe anxiety; Tension, mild to moderate anxiety


Generic name: paramethadione
Trade name(s): Paradione
Class: oxazolidinedione derivative
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Refractory absence seizures

Generic name: paroxetine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Paxil
Class: serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression

Generic name: pemoline
Trade name(s): Cylert
Class: oxazolidinedione derivative
Type: Stimulant; Analeptic
Indications: Attention deficit disorder; Narcolepsy

Generic name: pentobarbital sodium
Trade name(s): Nembutal
Class: barbiturate
Type: Anticonvulsant; Sedative-Hypnotic
Indications: Sedation; Insomnia; Anticonvulsant

Generic name: perphenazine
Trade name(s): Trilafon
Class: piperazine phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychosis; Mental disturbances, acute alcoholism, nausea, vomiting,hiccups

Generic name: phenacemide
Trade name(s): Phenurone
Class: substituted acetylurea derivative, open-chain hydantoin
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Refractory, complex-partial, generalized tonic-clonic, absence, and atypical absence seizures

Generic name: phenelzine sulfate
Trade name(s): Nardil
Class: hydrazine monoamine-oxidase inhibitor
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Severe depression; panic disorder

Generic name: phenobarbital
Trade name(s): Barbita; Solfoton
Class: barbiturate
Type: Anticonvulsant; Sedative-Hypnotic
Indications: All forms of epilepsy except absence seizures, febrile seizures in children; Status epilepticus; Sedation; Insomnia

Generic name: phenobarbital sodium
Trade name(s): Luminal
Class: barbiturate
Type: Anticonvulsant; Sedative-Hypnotic
Indications: All forms of epilepsy except absence seizures, febrile seizures in children; Status epilepticus; Sedation; Insomnia

Generic name: phensuximide
Trade name(s): Milontin
Class: succinimide derivative
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Absence seizures

Generic name: phenytoin; phenytoin sodium
Trade name(s): Dilantin; Di-Phen; Diphenylan
Class: hydantoin
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Generalized tonic-clonic seizures, status epilepticus,nonepileptic seizures; Neuritic pain

Generic name: pimozide
Trade name(s): Orap
Class: diphenylbutylpiperdine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Suppression of severe motor and phonic tics in patients with Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome

Generic name: prazepam
Trade name(s): Centrax
Class: 2-keto benzodiazepine
Type: Antianxiety
Indications: Anxiety

Generic name: primidone
Trade name(s): Myidone; Mysoline; Sertan
Class: barbiturate analogue
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Generalized tonic-clonic seizures, complex-partial (psychomotor) seizures

Generic name: prochlorperazine maleate
Trade name(s): Chlorazine; Compazine; Compazine Spansule
Class: piperazine phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic; Antianxiety
Indications: Psychosis

Generic name: prochlorperazine; prochlorperazine edisylate
Trade name(s): Compazine
Class: piperazine phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic; Antianxiety
Indications: Psychosis

Generic name: promazine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Prozine; Sparine
Class: aliphatic phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychosis

Generic name: protriptyline hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Triptil; Vivactil
Class: secondary tricyclic
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression


Generic name: quazepam
Trade name(s): Doral
Class: benzodiazepine
Type: Hypnotic
Indications: Insomnia


Generic name: risperidone
Trade name(s): Risperdal
Class: benzisoxazole derivative
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychosis


Generic name: secobarbital sodium
Trade name(s): Seconal; Tuinal
Class: barbiturate
Type: Sedative-Hypnotic; Anticonvulsant
Indications: Preoperative sedation; Insomnia; Acute psychotic agittion; Status epilepticus

Generic name: selegiline hydrochloride; l-deprenyl hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Eldepryl
Class: monoamine-oxidase inhibitor
Type: Antiparkinson
Indications: Adjunctive therapy for Parkinson's disease

Generic name: sertraline hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Zoloft
Class: serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression; Obsessive-compulsive disorder


Generic name: temazepam
Trade name(s): Razepam; Restoril; Temaz
Class: 3-hydroxy benzodiazepine
Type: Sedative-Hypnotic
Indications: Insomnia

Generic name: thioridazine
Trade name(s): Mellaril-S
Class: piperidine phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychosis; Dysthymic disorder (neurotic depression), alcohol withdrawal,dementia in geriatric patients, behavior problems in children

Generic name: thioridazine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Mellaril; Millazine
Class: piperidine phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Psychosis; Dysthymic disorder (neurotic depression), alcohol withdrawal,dementia in geriatric patients, behavior problems in children

Generic name: thiothixene; thiothixene hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Navane
Class: thioxanthene
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Acute agitation; Psychosis

Generic name: tranylcypromine sulfate
Trade name(s): Parnate
Class: monoamine-oxidase inhibitor
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Severe depression; panic disorder

Generic name: trazodone hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Desyrel; Trialodine
Class: triazolopyridine
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression

Generic name: triazolam
Trade name(s): Halcion
Class: triazolam benzodiazepine
Type: Sedative-Hypnotic
Indications: Insomnia

Generic name: trifluoperazine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Stelazine; Suprazine
Class: piperazine phenothiazine
Type: Antipsychotic
Indications: Anxiety states; Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders

Generic name: trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Aphen; Artane; Artane Sequels; Tremin; Trihexane; Trihexidyl; Trihexy-2; Trihexy-5
Class: anticholinergic
Type: Antiparkinson
Indications: Drug-induced parkinsonism

Generic name: trimethadione
Trade name(s): Tridione
Class: oxazolidinedione derivative
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Refractory absence seizures

Generic name: trimipramine maleate
Trade name(s): Surmontil
Class: tertiary tricyclic
Type: Antidepressant; Antianxiety
Indications: Depression



Generic name: valproic acid
Trade name(s): Depakene
Class: carboxylic acid derivative
Type: Anticonvulsant
Indications: Simple and complex absence seizures and mixed seizure types

Generic name: venlafaxine hydrochloride
Trade name(s): Effexor
Class: phenethylamine monoamine reuptake inhbitor
Type: Antidepressant
Indications: Depression





Generic name: zolpidem tartrate
Trade name(s): Ambien
Class: imidazopyridine
Type: Hypnotic
Indications: Short-term management of insomnia