Tell me what you've come for

Christmas/New Year's Eve 2002
Me, as Samara
A scornful me, St. Patrick's day (in class)

Christmas/New Year's Eve 2002
A study in beige
Christmas, Simonized
Me, Christmas morning
Oh, there's champagne...
Meg and I
Snowman Death
Further Snowman Death

Fall Semester '02
*The famed Elf-ho picture*
Eurotrash Me
Hanging the illustrious Tiki God
The Tiki God in all of its glory
Alex and Geoff besieging Marcus' door
Legolas and Whiskey
The aftermath of Alex and Whiskey

Jess and myself
Again, Jess and myself
Alex, Jess and moi
Jess and Natalie
Me and a Cactus

Random Pics (Jan/Feb)
Me as the Fly
Me in vinyl
Alex and Amy at the Fondu Superbowl Party

Me and an oven

Me and the Dingo
My Sister and I at the Rainforst Cafe
My Sister and I in the living room

2000, I think

My friend Meg and I at my Senior Prom
Family, Meg, and I
