To analyze each play, we look at its contexts, at its textual structures and
also at its mise en scène. Eventually, we will compare all plays based on these
categories. The VUE program allows us to visualize these structures and
construct an understanding of the play as you can see in this example. Find what's missing for your own project in
this example. That's right, you need to credit your sources, be thorough and
make sure all images and texts borrowed from the web and other sources are
Texte | Contexte | Spectacle
Texte | Contexte | Spectacle
Texte | Contexte | Spectacle
Texte | Contexte | Spectacle
Texte | Contexte | Spectacle
Texte et Contexte | Spectacle
Texte | Contexte | Spectacle
Texte | Contexte | Spectacle
Texte | Contexte | Spectacle