
riverdream through us

a Listening Ceremony in Seven Dreamings
for Singing/Listening Masks, Pre-recorded Tape & Listener/Celebrants
by Norman Lowrey



All are invited to participate by simply relaxing and listening throughout this ceremony, or to take part in any or all of the activities as described, according to your own present inclinations.

The boundaries between the seven dreamings are marked by the appearance of mask/guides. There may be natural overlapping of the dreamings. Feel to continue any activity into successive dreamings.

Everpresent Guides: Hearkener, Listening Raven

1. Dreaming/Opening
2. Dreaming/Flowing
3. Dreaming/Riving
4. Dreaming/Bottoming
5. Dreaming/Verging
6. Dreaming/Weaving (river/stars)
7. Dreaming/Riverdreaming
