Homework 2
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Homework 2 - Due Tuesday 3 October before class.

Be creative! Build an animation in Alice of your own choosing, following the following guidelines.

  1. Your animation should be narrative; you should be able to write a coherent and mildly interesting story to describe what happens. Think about the blushing snow woman as an example.

  3. Include at least three objects that are visible to the camera.

  5. One object must move in some way

  7. Apply either a texture map or a special effect as described in the tips and tricks section of Chapter 3.

  9. Use at least two if statements, both containing conditional expressions that require relational operators.

  11. One if statement must evaluate to true.

  13. One if statement must evaluate to false.

  15. Use at least one loop.

  17. You will receive one extra credit point if your loop contains an if statement that sometimes evaluates to true and sometimes to false based on conditions in the world that change due to one or more statements within the loop.
