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Homework 1 (Due Monday 17 September at 1:15pm)

  1. Please follow all the following instructions closely. Doing so will make it possible for me to find and grade your assignments.

  2. Create a directory in your home directory on bob called CSCI_100.

  3. Within ~/CSCI_100, create another directory called Homework1.

  4. In my home directory, you will find a file called catalogRecordsSample.txt; copy that file to the ~/CSCI_100/Homework1 folder you have just created.

  5. In ~/CSCI_100/Homework1, write a perl script called marcRecordParser.pl that loops through the lines in catalogRecordsSample.txt and prints out the contents of each record with two blank lines in between each record. Each record is delimited by the string *** DOCUMENT BOUNDARY ***. This string should NOT be printed with the record.

  6. To run your perl script type: perl marcRecordParser.pl in the shell window.