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Homework 2

  1. Please follow these instructions closely.

  2. (Due Wed 26 Sept @ 1:15pm): MARC records have fields and subfields. Determine the basic structure of a field and how subfields, if any, are delimited.

  3. (Due Wed 26 Sept @ 1:15pm) I have shared a Google document with each of you. This document contains an initial stab at identifying fields that may be important to us. Working from this document and our ongoing (if feeble) exchange of email around MARC field meanings, identify the fields that are most likely to contain good index terms for most catalog entries. You will need to look at examples of the fields in a sample file I have provided in /home/sbradsha/CSCI_100_For_Students. We will have in-class discussion of search engines in support of this portion of the assignment.

  4. (Due Fri 28 Sept @ 1:15pm) Divide up the fields among yourselves (talk about it through email).

  5. (Due Sun 30 Sept @ 11:59pm) Write a Perl script that, given one record, will parse out the values stored in each field to which you have been assigned.

  6. If you need a break, have a look at: Graceland Too