Programming Assignment 3
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Assignment (Due Wednesday 16 October before class by attachment to email.)

Modify signalTalk.c (K: drive, Week7) to create a program named signalPong.c. This program should take 0 arguments. signalTalk.c should cause a parent process to create a child and set up signaling back and forth between the parent and child. Using a separate signal handler for both the parent and the child, each process should catch SIGINT signals and once caught, send a SIGINT back to the other process. Envision the classic video game pong as a metaphor for what should happen here. When finished your program should generate output just like that of the executable program signalPong (also provided on the K: drive in the Week7 folder).

You may work together in teams on this program. Please include a comment in your code at the top of main() to indicate with whom you worked. However, each person should submit a separate copy of the assignment by email to me.