Practice Syntheses


Read over a few of the articles on the recent shark attacks in the United States listed below. Craft a thesis/focus statement to explain some aspect of these recent shark attacks based on at least three of the articles listed below. Once you have a thesis/focus statement, compose a short, explanatory synthesis (approximately one paragraph). Document any sources you quote, summarize, or paraphrase by citing the sources you use within your paragraph; don't worry about a works cited page.

Risky Business

Shark Attacks Highest In 40 Years

A Record 79 Shark Attacks Were Reported Last Year

No. 1 in Shark Attacks? Florida

'Jaws' Danger Blamed on Latest Florida Fad

Shark attacks: On the increase?

Hawaii Bans Shark Feeding: Second US Statewide Ban Signed into Law June 6, 2002

Unlikely Hazard: As Summer Nears, Researchers Say Shark Attacks Are Inevitable But Rare

Anti-Shark Attack Device Failed to Save Diver

What of Shark, in Attack?





Read over a few of the articles on email etiquette listed below. Craft a thesis/focus statement to explain some aspect of email etiquette based on at least three of the articles listed below. Once you have a thesis/ focus statement, compose a short, explanatory synthesis (approximately one paragraph). Document any sources you quote, summarize, or paraphrase by citing the sources you use within your paragraph; don't worry about a works cited page.

Think Before You Type: Ins And Outs of E-Mail Etiquette

The Ten Commandments of E-Mail

E-Mail Etiquette

Email Etiquette And Common Sense

Lepak's Guide To Email Etiquette

Email Etiquette: Or Never Having to Say You’re Sorry



Activity from:  A Sequence for Academic Writing. “Explanatory Synthesis.” Longman, Activity 1 & 2. 2007