The Start of It All - JUPITER - Lord of Inspiration

JupiterJupiter is a horse. He is an amazingly beautiful horse. He is a horse of a different color in more ways than one.

Bas on Jupiter On Bas's birthday, Jupiter gave Bas a pony ride. He took all the leg Bas had to offer and in return he gave back inspiration and desire. Here, witness the lighting of a flame.

Ginny on Jupiter I took a pony ride on Jupiter on Bas's birthday, too, and in so doing, knew immediately that 30 years was long enough to spend without horses in my life.

...All of which led to ...

The Riding Lessons

Bas on MagicHere's Bas, riding his big lesson horse, Magic. He looks a tad better on him (16.3 hands) than he did on little Jay, who is 15.3.

Bas on MagicAnother shot of Bas on Magic.

Bas and MagicBas and Magic, heading down to the ring.

Bas and MagicMagic is a good old guy who's raised a family of kids. He's a very slow moving, sweet fellow. He and Bas are enjoying the hot summer day on their way down to the training ring.

Ginny and BuckHere I am on Buck. Buck's a nice size, and a really comfortable ride. He's also a very patient teacher.

Lexus enjoying a mud puddle. There are two wonderful Labs at Wind Fall Farm, a great old guy named Niko, and Lexus. Lexus is a 6 month old puppy who is one of the funniest dogs I've ever met. She never misses a chance to plotz in a mud puddle.

LexusLexus in her mud puddle, fully submerged.

Innocent LexusLexus believes that there's nothing that's as good for your complexion as a good mud bath.

Wind Fall FarmThe barns at Wind Fall from the lower pasture. There's always a lovely breeze at this farm, which all the animals seem to enjoy. Today, when we walked with Denise to turn out a horse named Manhattan in the lower pasture, we had Niko, Lexus and one of the cats for company all the way.