CJ's Song of the Magi - "Annie"

Annie and Doc (b.)March 23, 1983-(d.)March 16, 1998.

Annie is a daughter of the great Ch. BeechHill's Benji von Masco (Working Group Winner, 1982 Westminster). Annie's the lighter colored dog on the left. That's Doc as a young adolescent where he usually is - right by her side. I took her in hopes that her overshot bite would correct, which it never did, and her use as a brood bitch was cut short due to health problems. She has been the head of my pack since her predecessor, Magic, died in 1988. Annie is my head watch dog, head nurse, head puppy-instructor, and the "Keeper of the Rules." Though she is entering her senior years now, she is still in charge, takes care of Doc ("Head Worrier"), keeps order in the pack, and makes sure I never get to sleep in. Independent, proud, and non-demanding, she's my right arm, and I can't remember life before Annie, and can't imagine life without her.

As you can see from the dates above, we lost Annie to a peaceful, natural death on March 16, 1998. Though I am living it, I still can't imagine life without Annie, and in all the most critical ways, I know I'll never have to. Sleep well, good girl.