BECKETT BATES STRIKES AGAIN I was in the shower this morning. All of us women who live alone and are of the right age know about the Shower/Psycho connection... when the curtain moves for no reason, we begin to hear the shrieking violins ...and when the moving curtain is accompanied by a shadow, well, our little hearts just begin to beat faster in spite of the fact that it would take a true PSYCHO, indeed, to make it all the way up to the bathroom through a herd of GSDs. Often, Beckett is very interested in checking on my welfare while I'm in the shower. I'm used to the curtain bouncing around while he tries to worm his nose past it to see if the water monster has dissolved me ... I can only guess this is his concern, since he always appears to be immensely relieved to see me, safe, sound, whole, and unaltered. This morning, however, the curtain just stirred a little, in the middle, and I could see an indistinct shadow beyond it. "Who's there?" I called out. No answer. It's either a dog or Norman Bates. Nothing moves. The shadow is still visible. "Becka-boy? Is that you?" I asked. No answer. "Doccie?" "Annie?" No answer. Well, I'm pretty sure that shadow is taking up a dog-shaped space out there, and so far, no screeching violins, so I figure I'm still safe. Silly me. I have forgotten I'm living with a Greyhound now. I lather my hair up and turn my back. The curtain moves again, a bit more this time. "Beckett?" And then, I see it, one second too late. The shadow has reared up, and is emitting a playful "Roooooooo..." Oh no, he's going to jump in with me, right through the curtain... But no ... instead, in one slick move, he has grabbed the outer shower curtain, shaken it like a cursed bunny, and taken off down the hall ... curtain still in possession ... down comes the tension rod, which is, of course, too wide to pass through the door ... for one second Beckett is slammed to a halt, then RIIIIIPP ... off he goes with a swatch of material in his mouth and a grin the size of Cincinnati on his face. ... Meanwhile, I am most grateful that I live alone and there was no one standing by with a video camera. Life was so dull with just sensible German Shepherd Dogs ... life is no longer dull. Interesting ... Challenging ... but no, not dull.