Drew University Library

Research Guide:
FYS: Love, Marriage and Sexuality
Fall 2006

Background Resources:
International encyclopedia of marriage and family, 2003.
International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences, 2001
Encyclopedia of Sex, 2000.

Using Journal Indexes:
To find the research on which your magazine article is based, start by identifying the clues:

To find the original research, the easiest place to start is with a broad, general database that might provide the text of the article. Some examples:

Academic Search Premiere (under "Getting Started" on the Research Resources page)
Indexes around 3000 journals and magazines, and provides full-text for about half. Click on "Academic Journals" to begin to winnow out more popular material.

ProQuest Direct (under "Getting Started" on the Research Resources page)
Indexes around 2000 journals, magazines and newspapers, with full-text for about half. In the results, you can separate out articles in popular magazines from more academic ones, but do not assume that all the articles under "Scholarly Journals" actually are scholarly.

PsycINFO (Core in Psychology)
Use this major database in psychology only if the two databases above do not retrieve the original report.

If the database provides a direct link to html or pdf text, use it. If not, click on the Article Linker button to see if the article is available in another database. If Article Linker reports no electronic full text, scroll down to "More Full Text Options," and click on "Search the catalog by journal title" to see if Drew owns the journal in paper or microform.

If the popular article gives you the exact name and date of the journal, you might want to consult Full-Text Electronic Journal Holdings on the Research Resources page.

Guides for Writing Annotations:
There are several guides available on the public Web:

  Annotated Bibliographies (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/general/gl_annotatedbib.html)
Recommended by Drew's composition program. Includes sample annotations
  Writing an Annotated Bibliography (http://library.umcrookston.edu/annotate.htm)
Includes a useful list of possible elements to include in an annotated bibliography

If you have questions, call the Reference Counter at x3588.  We're available 9-5, Monday-Friday and 6-10, Sunday-Thursday.
Or email us at reference@drew.edu -- we'll respond within one business day of receiving your question.

Jody L. Caldwell/9/6/06