Drew University Writing Program
On-line Resources for Writers
Creative Commons License
This work is provided free of charge under a
Creative Commons License

STUDENTS: If you found this site by browsing rather than being directed to it by your course instructor, please ask how he or she would like you to organize and present papers before following the advice you find below. These guidelines have  been adapted for specific courses (Composition and certain discipline-specific courses) at a specific university (Drew), and your professors may prefer you to use other methods or formats.

Project planner (plug in your due date and discipline and the plan will include very useful links!)
Getting Started
More  ways to get started
Help: writer's block!
Organizing ideas Developing a topic into a thesis   Refining a thesis
 Writing summaries
Writing syntheses
Writing comparisons
 Writing analyses
 Writing arguments
Writing definitions
Writing research papers  Writing research proposals
 Annotated bibliographies
 Conducting research  Researching online (a guide)   Evaluating sources
Making notes
Drafting & refocusing papers Incorporating sources
 Effective Writing
 Revising papers using peer responses
Editing and proofreading  More on editing & proof reading Punctuation and grammar
 12 steps to stress-free revision and editing!  Writing in different disciplines
Reading speed powerpoint

Some Very Useful Resources

Websters On-Line Hypertext Dictionary Dave's On-Line ESL Cafe On-line Media Resources
(newspapers, magazines, radio)
Drew Writing Center
Paradigm On-Line Writing Assistant Purdue On-Line Writing Center
Internet Research Starting Points
Metasearch engines Internet Search Engines
MLA Research paper Guidelines
APA Research paper Guidelines
Columbia on-line citation Guide

Making Presentations

The links housed on the Drew University website were written by Sandra Jamieson at Drew University and Rebecca Moore Howard at Syracuse University (with help from Jody Caldwell, Drew University Reference Librarian).  Anyone may use these resources under the terms of the creative commons license above.  Any feedback would be appreciate, and suggestions for revision or expansionwill be incorporated into the pages where practical and attributed.

This page also includes links to a variety of other sites on the Internet, mostly produced by on-line writing centers (OWLS) and writing programs, and are much better than I could write so I decided to link to them! 
Please let me know if you find more to add to this list.

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