BAS P.W. DEBBINK 51 Schooley's Mt Rd (908)876-9442 Long Valley, NJ 07853 EDUCATION: M.A. March, 1995, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (Catholic University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.) American Studies. Courses in: Constitutional Law, History, Literature, Politics, Economic Interpretations, Sociology, Art and Architecture, Social Geography, Reading and Writing, Mass Media, Translation English-Dutch/Dutch-English. 70 page research thesis on the author H.P. Lovecraft. COMPUTER SKILLS: Proficient in PC (hardware and software installation/configuration), Atari ST, Apple PowerMac. Software : Wordperfect, MS DOS, MS Windows (3.1, 95, NT 3.51), HTML, TCP/IP, Word for Windows 6.0, WordPerfect 6.1, Excel, PowerPoint, DNS, various webbrowsers, e-mail packages. user knowledge of VM/CMS. 5 years usage of Bitnet and Internet (WWW, FTP, Gopher, Telnet.) LANGUAGES: fluent Dutch and English, conversational German, rudimentary French. EXPERIENCE: 2/1996-present Tribeca Global, Hackettstown, NJ Webmaster/System Administrator Set up a webserver running on an Intel Pentium under Windows NT 3.51 from the ground up. Installed and configured Windows NT3.51 to work with TCP/IP, NetBEUI and IPX/SPX, on both the webserver and the LAN. Installed Internet e-mail and Domain Name Server. Enabled Remote Access to webserver. Installed Windows NT on a network server, the domain controller for workstations running under Windows NT and Windows 95. Laid cables for the LAN, and customized computer systems for networking (installed network adapters, memory expansions and hard drives). Designed and created several websites, programmed in HTML, added Java applets and cgi-scripts to web-pages, and did some light graphic design. Did system administration, maintenance and documentation. Made and scheduled back-ups, wrote system and process manuals. Installed an AT&T PartnerPlus telephone system, including the cabling for the telephones. Participated in several advertisement and marketing projects, thereby becoming familiar with the advertising process. Manned a booth representing the company at an Internet and Electronic commerce show in New York City. 1987-1995 PTT Wijchen Part-time mailcarrier at PTT Wijchen (Dutch Mail, Wijchen, the Netherlands.) Saturday mornings, summers and holidays. Sorted and delivered mail. Packard Bell Europe, Wijchen, the Netherlands. Computer tester, November/December 1994. Tested hardware and software on recently assembled computer systems. ACTIVITIES: Catholic University Nijmegen. Member of student board, 1992-1994. Construction of a self-evaluation report on the American Studies program. Provided link between students and staff. Christian Democratic Youth Party, Wijchen. Member/chair, 1986-1990. Developed skills in city politics, presentation techniques, and conferencing. SSGN, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Member/chair of student council. High School Paper Editor. Acted as liaison between staff and students.Developed presentation and conference skills through courses.