Catherine Keller



Click here for a listing of downloadable lectures and essays by Dr. Keller.

"The Flesh of God: a Metaphor in the Wild." Theology that Matters: Economy, Ecology and God. Edited by Darby Ray. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2006.

"Is that All? Gift and Reciprocity in Milbank's Being Reconciled." Interpreting the Postmodern: Responses to Radical Orthodoxy. Edited by Rosemary Radford Ruether and Marion Grau. New York & London: T &T Clark, 2006.

"Kearney's Endless Morning." After God: Richard Kearney and the Religious Turn in Continental Philosophy. Edited by John Panteleimon Manoussakis. New York: Fordham, 2006.

"Territory, Terror and Torture: Dream-reading the Apocalypse." Feminist Theology. Vol. 14.1 September 2005. pp. 47-67.

"Derridapocalypse," with Stephen D. Moore. Derrida and Religion: Other Testaments. Edited by Yvonne Sherwood & Kevin Hart. (London & New York: Routledge), 2005.

"Moaning Doves." Drew TheoSpirit, Spring 2005.

"The Place of Multiple Meanings: the Dragon Daughter Rides Today." Journal of Chinese Philosophy. Vol 32, No 2, June 2005.

"The Mystery of the Insoluble Evil: Violence and Eschatology in Marjorie Suchocki." In World Without End: Christian Eschatology from a Process Perspective. Edited Joseph Bracken. Eerdman. 2005.

"Delores Williams: Survival, Surrogacy, Sisterhood, Spirit." Special Issue, Union Seminary Quarterly Fall 2004

"Salvation Flows: Eschatology for a Feminist Wesleyanism." Quarterly Review. Winter 2003.

"Hearts Strangely Chilled? A Response to Stephen Blackmore's On Rescuing the Church from Its Would-be Rescuer." TalkingChurch. Quarterly Review 12/03.

"The Lost Chaos of Creation" (reprinted from Living Pulpit; with Excerpts from Face of the Deep). Creative Transformation. Winter 2003.

"From Top to Bottom: The Holy Ghost and Gospel of Lynda Hart." Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory. Lynda Myoun Hart Memorial Issue, 147-158.. Vol. 13:1, #25, 2002.

"The Subject of Complexity: Autonomy and Autopoiesis." In Die Autonome Person: eine europäische Erfindung?, eds. Klaus P. Koepping, Michael Welker, and Reiner Wiehl. Fink: Wilhelm, 2002.

"The Armageddon of 9/11: A Counterapocalyptic Meditation." In Strike Terror No More: Theology, Ethics and the New War, ed. Jon L. Berquist, 116-129. St. Louis: Chalice, 2002.

"Eyeing the Apocalypse." In Postmodern Interpretations of the Bible--A Reader, ed. by A.K.M. Adam, 253-277. St. Louis: Chalice, 2001.

"The Lost Chaos of Creation." The Living Pulpit 9:2 (April /June 2000): 4f (lead article).

"Columbus/Colon." In Encyclopedia of Millennialism and Millennial Movements, ed. Richard Landes, 98-100. New York: Routledge, 2000.

"No More Sea: The Lost Chaos of Creation" In Christianity and Ecology: Seeking the Well-Being of Earth and Humans. Cambridge: Harvard Press, 2000.

"The Heat is On: Apocalyptic Rhetoric and Climate Change." Ecotheology (July 1999): 40-58.

"Where I Trace Your Body: Love in Process." Creative Transformation (Summer 1999).

"The Attraction of the Apocalypse and the Evil of the End," reprint for Clergy Journal (April 1999): 11-16.

"Playing God" Wild Duck Review, Issue on Biotechnology, (Summer 1999): 26, 42.

"The End or The Edge." The Living Pulpit 8.1 (January - March 1999).

"Trinitarian Theology as Excitable Speech: Response to Gregersen." Dialog 38 (Spring 1999).

"Burning Tongues: A Feminist Trinitarian Epistemology." In Introduction to Christian Theology, ed. Roger Badham. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1998.

"Christianity." In A Companion to Feminist Philosophy, ed. Alison M. Jaggar and Iris Marion Young. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1998.

"The Attraction of the Apocalypse and the Evil of the End" Concilium: Revue Internationale de Theologie, Special Issue on The Fascination of Evil, (January, 1998).

"The Breast, the Apocalypse, and the Colonial Journey." In The Year 2000: Essays in the End, ed. Charles B. Strozier, 42-58.
New York: New York University Press, 1997.

"Afterword." In Through the Earth Darkly: Female Spirituality in Comparative Perspective, ed. Jordan Paper New York: The Continuum Publishing Company, 1997.

"Eschatology, Ecology, and a Green Ecumenacy." Ecotheology 2 (January 1997): 84-99.

"The Last Laugh: A Counter-Apocalyptic Meditation on Moltmann's Coming of God." Theology Today 54:3 (October 1997): 381-391.

"The Lost Fragrance: Protestantism and the Nature of What Matters." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 65:2 (Spring 1997): 355-370.

"Power Lines." In Power, Powerlessness, and the Divine, ed. Cynthia L. Rigby. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997.

"Seeking and Sucking: On Relation and Essence in Feminist Theology." In Horizons in Feminist Theology: Identity, Tradition, and Norms, eds. Rebecca S. Chopp and Sheila Greeve Davaney. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1997.

"Brennende Zungen: Eine Feministisch Trinitarische Erkenntnistheorie." Verkündigung Und Forschung Systematische Theologie 41:2 (Jahrgang, 1996): 70-84.

"Eschatology." In Dictionary of Feminist Theology, eds. Letty M. Russell and J. Shannon Clarkson. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1996.

"Mary Daly." In A New Handbook of Christian Theologians, eds. Donald W. Musser and Joseph L. Price. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996.

"Pneumatische Anstöße: Die Theologie Jürgen Moltmann, der Feminismus und die Zukunft." In Die Theologie auf dem Weg in das dritte Jahrtausend. Festschrift für Jürgen Moltmann zum 70, Gebuntstag, herausgegeben von C. Krieg, T. Kucharz, M. Volf. Chr. Kaiser: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1996.

"Postmodern 'Nature', Feminism and Community." In Theology for Earth Community: A Field Guide , ed. Dieter T. Hessel. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1996.

"A Christian Response to the Population Apocalypse." In Population, Consumption, and the Environment: Religious and Secular Responses, ed. Harold Coward. Albany: SUNY Press, 1995.

"Power Lines." Theology Today 55:2 (July 1995): 188-203.

"The Breast, the Apocalypse, and the Colonial Journey." Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 10:1 (Spring 1994): 53-72.

"Chosen Persons and the Green Ecumenacy: A Possible Christian Response to the Population Apocalypse." In Ecotheology: Voices from South and North, ed. David Hallman. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1994.

"Eschatology, Ecology and a Green Ecumenacy." In Reconstructing Christian Theology, eds. Rebecca S. Chopp and Mark Lewis Taylor. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994.

"The Jesus of History and the Feminism of Theology." In Jesus and Faith: A Conversation on the Work of John Dominic Crossan, eds. J. Carlson and R. Ludwig. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1994.

Editor of Special Issue on Feminism and Process Thought. Process Studies 22:2 (Summer 1993).

"More on Feminism, Self-Sacrifice, and Time; or, Too Many Words for Emptiness." Buddhist-Christian Studies 13 (1993).

"Talk About the Weather: The Greening of Eschatology." In Ecofeminism and the Sacred, ed. Carol J. Adams. New York: Continuum, 1993.

"Piling Together & Hopefully Saving: Eschatology as a Feminist Problem." The Eden Journal 1:2 (May 1992).

"Why Apocalypse, Now?" Theology Today 49:2 (July 1992).

"The Apocalypse of Community." In On Community, Boston University Studies Philosophy & Religion, Vol. 12, ed. Leroy S. Rouner. University of Notre Dame Press, 1991.

"Apocalypse Now and Then: Some Questions of a U. S. Woman Upon Entering the ’90’s." In Images of the End in Christian Theology, ed. Roger Williamson. Uppsala, Sweden: Life & Peace Institute, 1991.

"Apocalypse and the Postmodern Condition: or, ‘Is it the End of the World or Just a Break in My Heart?’" In 1991 Paine Lectures in Religion: Religion and the Postmodern Vision, ed. Ron Farmer. University of Missouri-Columbia.

"Toward an Emancipatory Wisdom." In Festschrift in Honor of John B. Cobb, Jr., eds. Joseph Hough and David Griffin. 1991.

"Die Frau in der Wüste. Ein feministisch-theologischer Midrasch zu Offb 12." Evangelische Theologie (Oktober 1990).

"Nelle Morton: ‘Hearing to Speech.’" The Christian Century, Special Edition: “In Praise of Teachers” (February 7-14, 1990).

"Scoop up the Water and the Moon is in your Hands: On Feminist Theology and Dynamic Self-Emptying." In The Emptying God: A Buddhist-Jewish-Christian Conversation, eds. John B. Cobb, Jr. and Christopher Ives. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1990.

"Women Against Wasting the World: Notes on Eschatology and Ecology." In Reweaving the World: The Emergence of Ecofeminism, eds. Irene Diamond and Gloria Feman Orenstein. San Francisco: Sierra Club Press, 1990.

"Feminism and the Ethic of Inseparability." Revised Version, Womanspirit Rising, Volume II. Harper & Row, 1989.

"Goddess, Ear, and Metaphor: On the Journey of Nelle Morton." Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion (1989).

"On Time, Against Time, Endtime: Notes on Eschatology." Ministry and Mission Issue on "Time" 14:2 (Spring 1989).

"Psychocosmetics and the Underworld Connection." In Process and Archetype, ed. David Griffin. Northwestern Press, 1989.

"Theological Education at the Edge of Time." Drew Gateway (Fall 1989).

Editor of Special Issue on Theology and Process Thought. Process Studies (Spring 1989).

"Separation, Sexism and Spirit." In Spirit-Centered Wholeness, ed. Howard Clinebell. 1988.

"Toward a Postpatriarchal Postmodernity." In Postmodern Visions, Volume I, ed. David Griffin. SUNY Press, 1988.

"Women Warriors and the Nuclear Complex." In Postmodern Essays in Art, Spirituality and Political Culture, Volume II, ed. David Griffin. SUNY Press.

"The Cave on the Seashore: A Response to Drorah Setel." Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion (Spring 1986).

"Feminism and the Ethic of Inseparability." In Women's Conscience, Women's Consciousness: A Reader in Feminist Ethics, eds. Adolsen and Gudorf. Minneapolis: Seabury, 1985.

"Wholeness and the King's Men," ANIMA 2:2 (Spring 1985).

"Of Swallowed, Walled and Wordless Women," Soundings 65 (Fall 1982).



Ivone Gebara's Out of the Depths, in Theology Today (Summer 2004).

Roland Faber's Gott der Poet der Welt, in Process Studies (submitted summer 2004).

J. Wentzel Van Huyssteen, The Shaping of Rationality, in Theology Today (Summer 2000).

Justo L. Gonzalez, For the Healing of the Nations: The Book of Revelation in an Age of Cultural Conflict, in World (Spring 2000).

Leonardo Boff's Ecology and Liberation and John B. Cobb's Sustaining the Common Good, in The Journal of Religion 78:1 (January 1998): 134-137.

Rita Nakashima Brock's Journeys by Heart, in Process Studies 22:2 (Summer 1993).

Cornel West's Prophetic Fragments and Mark Kline Taylor's Remembering Esperenza, in Religious Studies Review 18:2 (April 1992).

Peter Hodgson's God in History, in Religious Studies Review (1990).

Marjorie Suchocki's The End of Evil, in Religious Studies Review (October 1989).

Cady, Ronan, and Taussig's Sophia: The Future of Feminist Spirituality and Rachel Hosmer's Gender and God, in Theology Today (Fall 1989).

Nancy Frankenberry's Religion and Radical Empiricism, in Religious Studies Review (April 1988).

"The Step Beyond Metaphor." Review of Sallie McFague's Models of God, in Christianity and Crisis 47:16 (1987).

Michael Welker's Universalitat Gottes--Relativitat der Welt, in Process Studies 12:3 (Fall 1982).

N. J. Yonker's God, Man and the Planetary Age, in Religious Studies Review (April 1979).



J. M. Lochman, "Human Rights from a Christian Perspective." Translation from the German. In A Christian Declaration on Human Rights, ed. A. O. Miller. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977.




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