The Nature of the Disorder

Clues for a Laboratory Model

Pavlovian fear and avoidance behavior

Pavlovian fear and learned helplessness

Contingency space

Human models

Clues for the Chemical Foundations of Depression


Medial Forebrain Bundle and Reward

Pharmacology of Reward

Transmitter depletion


Pituitary and adrenal responses



Neurochemical Effects of Helplessness

Isolation experiments

Coping responses

Enzyme changes

Autoreceptor model


Special Problems of Treatment

Remission problems

Drug problems

The Role of Monoamine Oxidase

MAO inhibitors

Reserpine model

MAO isozymes

Tricyclic Antidepressants

Choosing the Drug

Why the Delay?

Lithium Therapy

Electroconvulsive Therapy


Stress and Neurochemistry

Stamping in failure

Positive effects

Reward and Neurochemistry

The False Perception of Control




Return to main Table of Contents



The Nature of the Disorder

Depression at its worst is the abandonment of pleasure. Its victims feel a pervasive sadness and futility in their lives. They feel weak, worthless, impotent, and frequently see only one category of behavior that promises a satisfactory outcome--to end their futile existence. They often do.

The depressive mood disorder would be worthy of study even if it were presented only in its clinically important stages. It is not, however, a distinct disease entity that afflicts only a few individuals. As in the case of the anxiety disorders discussed in the previous chapter, depression lies along the normal continuum of behavior, and few individuals will avoid the occasional grasp of depression. Thus, depression is a vital area of study for both its day to day and its clinical manifestations, and as it will become apparent later, a better understanding of the disorder can itself provide some measure of treatment.

Clues for a Laboratory Model

Pavlovian fear and avoidance behavior

The first real breakthrough that led to our current understanding of the behavioral determinants of depression came as a serendipitous observation in a series of experiments that was being conducted at the University of Pennsylvania. Richard Solomon and his students (e.g., Overmeir and Seligman, 1967; Seligman, Maier and Solomon, 1971; Seligman, 1975) were investigating the two factor theory of avoidance learning that was described in Chapter 4. According to this theory, the avoidance of electric shock in standard experimental situations first involves the learning of a classical (Pavlovian) fear response to the appropriate environmental stimuli, and then the motor responses that are instrumental in reducing that fear (in this case, jumping from one side of the chamber to the other).

Seligman tested this hypothesis by combining the procedures of classical and instrumental conditioning. The experimental dogs were first trained to jump back and forth in the testing chamber. Each excursion reset a timer for a specified period of safety (no shock), while a failure to continue shuttling back and forth resulted in a pulsating foot shock until the subject jumped over the barrier. This free operant avoidance procedure (also termed Sidman avoidance) eventually leads to a stable rate of jumping back and forth, with most of the potential shocks being avoided. The assumption of the two factor theory of avoidance is that the relatively constant rate of jumping back and forth is being maintained by the reduction of Pavlovian fear. Presumably a greater fear of impending shock would increase the frequency of jumping, while a lesser fear would decrease it.

Once the subjects had been trained in the shuttle box, they were taken to a different experimental room and placed in a Pavlovian conditioning harness. The dogs were then exposed to traditional Pavlovian conditioning procedures with specific stimuli being paired with the presence or absence of shock to the paw. For example, a tone might precede the delivery of a brief shock (signaling fear), while a buzzer might indicate a period of time that was free from shock (signaling safety).

When the dogs were returned to the shuttle box task, three important observations were made:

(a) The additional Pavlovian training did not change the previously learned response of jumping back and forth over the barrier,

(b) presentation of the Pavlovian shock signal increased the rate of jumping, and

(c) presentation of the Pavlovian safety signal decreased the rate of jumping.

Thus, signals that had acquired the values of fear or safety had the expected results on the instrumental behavior, even though the buzzer and tone had never been used in the training of the shuttle box avoidance response.

Pavlovian fear and learned helplessness

Although the results of the combination of Pavlovian and instrumental procedures provided support for the two factor theory, these interpretations were rather quickly eclipsed by a second set of findings. As a result of a scheduling problem, it was decided to reverse the sequence of training by first establishing the safety and fear signals through Pavlovian conditioning, and then training the dogs to perform the shuttle box avoidance response. The effects of Pavlovian conditioning were known to be enduring, and there was no reason to expect that the results of this sequence of testing would be any different than that presented above. But different they were: When the dogs that had received Pavlovian training were placed in the shuttle box, they not only failed to learn the avoidance response, but actually failed to jump over the barrier to escape the pulsating foot shock. Their yelping and struggling provided assurances that they were experiencing the shock, but they did not show the normal behavior of jumping over the barrier to the other side. The dogs were fundamentally different than normal subjects.

The onus of this failure to behave was placed squarely on the Pavlovian conditioning procedure. In this procedure, the electrode is actually taped to the dog's paw and both the signal that predicts the shock and the occurrence of the shock are completely under the control of the experimenter. Although the subjects typically struggle during the early trials and perform the well known leg flexion response during the later trials, none of these behaviors has any effect on the occurrence of the shock. The subject, therefore has the opportunity to learn two things: (a) the relationship between the stimulus and the shock, and (b) the fact that its behavior has no effect on the occurrence of shock. When the subject is then placed in a situation in which a behavioral response could change the likelihood of shock occurrence, the previous learning that behavior has no effect on shock prevails, and the dog simply does not respond. In the insightful description of Solomon and his associates, the dogs exhibit learned helplessness.

The learned helplessness effect is not an all or none phenomenon. Not all of the subjects showed the effect, but over 95 percent of the naive subjects learn the shuttling response, whereas only one third of the Pavlovian trained animals learned the response. Furthermore, it should be emphasized that the Pavlovian procedure per se does not render the subjects incapable of instrumental learning. In the first series of experiments, the dogs that had already learned the shuttle box avoidance maintained this behavior without deficit, despite the intervening sessions of Pavlovian conditioning. Presumably, having once learned that a particular behavior can change the likelihood of shock, the subjects show a degree of immunity to the otherwise dramatic effects of Pavlovian conditioning. There are other concessions that must be made. For example, the effect is less pronounced in other species and is not necessarily permanent. However, the basic findings have withstood the ravages of time and the assaults of opposing theoretical interpretations to provide some important insights into the mood disorder of depression.

Contingency space

The learned helplessness phenomenon provides an anchor point for the importance of environmental control, but a more global consideration requires an analysis of what has been termed a contingency space. Suppose, for example, that a subject is in a situation in which a particular response (e.g., pressing a lever) results in a consistent change in the environment (e.g., the termination of shock). This one-to-one correspondence is easily learned by the organism. It is possible (indeed, common) to alter the situation such that not every response is effective in changing the environment. These partial reinforcement schedules do not have a detrimental effect on behavior. In fact, they usually tend to energize the behavior.

There is, however, another side to the environment that frequently is overlooked. It is possible to arrange a situation such that a particular change in the environment only occurs if a particular response is NOT made. Both situations provide equal predictability, and both afford the organism the opportunity to learn about and control the environment. However, the middle ground provides a problem: If the situation is arranged such that an environmental change is equally likely to occur whether or not a response is made, there is no predictability, except that the organism can learn that its behavior has no influence on the environment. This is the realm of conditioned helplessness.

Human models

The conditioned helplessness effect was quickly seen as an important model of behavioral depression in humans. The failure to respond to the environment is one of the major symptoms of depression, and the intriguing evidence that this effect is learned captured the imagination of researchers in the area. The ensuing experiments showed that the conditioned helplessness phenomenon is not simply a laboratory curiosity that is restricted to animals in shock avoidance experiments.

There have been a number of experiments involving human subjects which demonstrate the generality of the response to lack of control of the environment. One of the more instructive series of experiments exposed human subjects to bursts of noise (e.g., Klein & Seligman, 1976). In one of the conditions, the subjects could terminate the noise by pressing a button. The subjects in the other group could not control the noise, but were exposed to the mildly noxious stimulus until it was terminated by the subject in the other condition. When compared to the shock that is experienced in the Pavlovian conditioning procedure, this may seem like a rather trivial manipulation, but the effects were clear. The subjects who had been exposed to noise that they could not control were found to be deficient in a variety of tests. When tested later in situations in which their behavior actually could control the environment, they were less able to recognize the contingencies: They were less successful and less persistent in solving complex problems. They were slower in reaching the solution of an anagram (e.g, unscrambling KCRUT into TRUCK,) and when given a series of these, were less able to recognize a consistent rule (e.g., that PSRIC and RIHAC can be unscrambled into CRISP and CHAIR by rearranging the letters in the same sequence as in the case of changing KCRUT into TRUCK). Thus, a single exposure to a situation in which a lack of control is evident can have demonstrable effects on a variety of cognitive tasks that follow this experience (see Figure 6-1).

The generalization of helplessness from one situation to another has important implications for the clinic. Although nobody would entertain seriously the notion that a few minutes of exposure to uncontrollable noise could produce clinical depression, it is not unreasonable to expect similar occurrences in the normal progression of the disorder. The initial exposure to a situation in which one's behavior is ineffective makes it more likely that other situations will be interpreted in the same way. This interpretation is somewhat self fulfilling, because it reduces the attempts to engage in coping responses. Gradually, these effects can spread, until there results a pervasive feeling of helplessness or, if we might coin a term, "omnimpotence".

Clues for the Chemical Foundations of Depression

The first demonstration of pharmacological intervention into behavioral depression came (curiously enough) from attempts to treat tuberculosis. In 1951, isoniazid and a derivative called iproniazid were developed for the treatment of tuberculosis. Iproniazid was thought to be especially effective, but the enthusiasm about these results was short-lived when it became apparent that the drug had little or no effect on the actual symptoms of tuberculosis, but rather was elevating the understandably depressed mood of the patients (Delay & Deniker, 1952; Baldessarini, 1980).

With this clue from the tuberculosis patients, it was found that iproniazid (but not isoniazid) inhibited MAO activity. Although iproniazid is no longer the treatment of choice for depressive disorders, these results set the stage for the neurochemical view of the disorder that has been maintained (with considerable modifications) up to the present time.

One of the major pharmacological actions of iproniazid and related compounds is the inhibition of monoamine oxidase (MAO). As outlined in Chapter 2, there are two enzymes that degrade or break down catecholamines. These are MAO and COMT (catecholamine O-methyl transferase). As shown in Figure 6.2, these enzymes are differentially distributed with MAO occurring primarily within the cell, while COMT is distributed in the extracellular space. Neither of these enzymes is a major factor in the inactivation of neurotransmission (see Chapter 2 discussion of reuptake), but probably serve more of a general housekeeping function by preventing the buildup of pharmacologically active compounds from free floating transmitters that escape the synaptic field (in the case of COMT) or from compounds that are not compartmentalized in the cells storage system (in the case of MAO). In any event, the MAO inhibitors seem to produce a gradual enhancement of catecholamine systems, and this effect is correlated with an elevation of mood.

In summary, we have seen that the disorder of depression can be linked to an inability to control the environment, and one of the early treatments of depression suggests a link to the catecholamine systems. The next section will examine these observations in more detail.


Medial Forebrain Bundle and Reward

One of the most exciting findings in the physiological bases of behavior came from Olds and Milner's discovery (1954) that rats would press a lever to deliver electrical shocks to the brain. These results held the promise of better understanding the fundamental properties of reward, and the next couple of decades saw literally hundreds of experiments performed to test one aspect or another of this phenomenon. As the results of these experiments were catalogued, the systematic distribution of the stimulation points within the brain that could sustain lever pressing became apparent. In particular, the points corresponded rather precisely with the fibers and terminals of a large, complex system of fibers called the medial forebrain bundle (MFB), and the anatomical term MFB became virtually synonymous with the functional term, reward system (cf., Stein, 1969).

Pharmacology of Reward

Having established some of the anatomical and behavioral relationships of the reward system, researchers began to focus on the pharmacological characteristics of this system. In general, the results support the notion that the MFB reward system utilizes catecholamines as the neurotransmitter, although there is still some controversy as to the relative importance of dopamine and norepinephrine in mediating the effects of reward.

One line of evidence that supports the role of catecholamines comes from brain stimulation experiments while under the influence of various drugs. One of the more important drugs in this regard is amphetamine, which enhances the activity of norepinephrine and dopamine systems by several different pharmacological actions. In general, amphetamine enhances the lever pressing for electrical brain stimulation. However, amphetamine increases performance in many different behavioral situations, so this effect alone provided only weak support for the notion that the reward system is mediated by catecholamines.

Transmitter depletion

More convincing evidence for catecholamine involvement comes from experiments that interfere with the action of these systems. Reserpine is a compound that has a broad spectrum of pharmacological actions, the most notable of which include the progressive depletion of the transmitters norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. It comes as no surprise that the behavioral results of such depletion are widespread, but one of the behaviors that is lost is the lever pressing for rewarding brain stimulation. The important point is not so much the loss of the behavior, but the return of the behavior. The administration of serotonin precursors have no effect on lever pressing, but the administration of l-DOPA, a precursor of dopamine and norepinephrine, will restore these transmitter substances and restore the lever pressing for brain stimulation and other rewards (see Figure 6-3).


The catecholamine link became even more convincing with the discovery of a potent and rather specific neurotoxin called 6-hydroxy dopamine (6-OHDA). As the name implies, this compound is closely related to the chemical structure of dopamine. When injected into an animal, it is readily taken into the cell via the normal mechanism of reuptake. However, once inside the storage vesicles, the drug performs its dastardly deed; it physically destroys the terminals of the neurons, causing a loss of functioning and, in many cases, the death of the affected cells (cf., Thoenen and Tranzer, 1973). Many behaviors remain intact despite this loss of catecholamine containing neurons, but one set of behaviors that does not withstand this loss of neurons is the ability to press a lever to obtain rewarding brain stimulation or conventional rewards such as food or water.

As the neurochemists developed more and more precision in their chemical assays, it became apparent that there was a highly systematic organization of neurotransmitter systems that had their cell bodies in the brainstem regions and projected forward into the forebrain regions, including the neocortex. As shown in Figure 6.4, both dopamine and norepinephrine producing cells contribute to the medial forebrain bundle. It is possible to separately disrupt dopamine or norepinephrine systems by either pharmacological manipulation or discrete anatomical lesions. The results of these experiments are weighing in favor of dopamine, but it seems unlikely that norepinephrine will be ruled out as a major contributor to the operation of the reward system.

Pituitary and adrenal responses

One of the major responses to stress involves the autonomic nervous system (cf., Chapter 4). Acute episodes of stress trigger the release of catecholamines from the adrenal medulla, along with several different hormones (most notably, cortisol) from the adrenal cortex. The release of cortisol is controlled by a pituitary hormone, adrenal corticotrophic hormone (ACTH). The entire pituitary adrenal axis is under complex control that includes emotional responses to stress, negative feedback loops in which cortisol inhibits ACTH release, and circadian rhythms. Of particular interest in the present context, is the observation that cortisol levels normally show a sharp increase upon awakening in the morning. This effect can be suppressed by administering dexamethasone, a synthetic version of cortisol which inhibits the release of ACTH by the pituitary.

Patients who suffer from certain forms of depression (especially melancholia) may show abnormalities in the functioning of this system. In particular, the circulating levels of cortisol may be higher than normal. More importantly, dexamethasone does not suppress the production of cortisol. This so-called dexamethasone suppression test may be useful in diagnosing the type of depression and in verifying the effectiveness of various treatments (e.g., Carroll, Curtis and Mendels, 1976).


In summary, the evidence shows that the response to reward (either conventional or brain stimulation) requires the structural and pharmacological integrity of a brain system that has its cell bodies in the brain stem, projects forward via the medial forebrain bundle, and releases dopamine and norepinephrine at its terminals.

But what about the Brain-Behavior-Environment triangle in Figure 6-5? It is one thing to show that interference with this system interferes with behavior, but can it be shown that the presence or absence of reward can influence this system? To answer these questions, we will return to experiments that involve conditioned helplessness.


Neurochemical Effects of Helplessness

Isolation experiments

The stress of long-term isolation has been used in several different theoretical contexts(cf., review by McKinney and Moran, 1984). Monkeys reared in isolation show severe deficits in social behavior when they are later allowed to interact with conspecifics, some of which bear a resemblance to human depression (e.g., Harlow and Suomi, 1971). Mice reared in social isolation show equally severe social deficits, including a marked increase in fighting. These isolated mice also showed a decrease in the brain's synthesis and utilization of catecholamines, but these neurochemical deficiencies were reversed by the fighting behavior (e.g., Modigh, 1973; 1974).

The effects of isolation are severe, and certainly go beyond a simple parallel to depression. But the interaction with catecholamines continues the thread of continuity between depression and brain chemistry. Furthermore, these experiments suggest that the self isolation that results in depressed patients may exacerbate the underlying neurochemical causes of the disorder--a point that we shall return to later.

Coping responses

Weiss and his associates (Weiss, Goodman, Losito, Corrigan, Charry, & Bailey, 1981) have investigated the helplessness phenomenon using a combination of techniques that were developed for the investigation of stress reactions (cf., Chapter 4). As in the case of some of the experiments investigating gastric ulcer formation, Weiss and his colleagues have conducted many different experiments, but a common theme is present in all the designs. A typical experiment involved three groups of rats that were tested in the following triad design:

(a) No Shock: These rats had electrodes taped to their tails, but did not receive electric shock.

(b) Avoidance-Escape: These rats were exposed to signalled tail shock that could be avoided or escaped by pressing a lever.

(c) Yoked Control: These subjects received shocks that were identical to those that were received by the avoidance-escape subjects, but they had no control over its occurrence.

The rationale was that the rats in the yoked control condition would learn that their behavior was ineffective and become less likely to exhibit appropriate coping responses in other situations.

The second phase of the study was modeled after Richter's swimming test, but rather than bombarding the rats with a seemingly impossible task, Weiss and his associates outfitted the rats with a flotation device that served as a sort of life jacket. The rats were placed in the swimming tank for 15 minutes, during which time they could either swim around or float passively. As predicted, the rats that had been in the yoked condition spent more time floating passively, while those from the other two groups spent a great deal of time swimming, struggling, and (apparently) attempting to escape from the situation (Fig. 6-6).

Sometimes, a tidbit of data emerges that makes the major results of an experiment even more salient. All of the rats in these experiments had electrodes fastened to their tails with a band of adhesive tape. When the shock session was over, the electrode leads were simply snipped off, rather than further traumatizing the rats by attempting to remove several layers of tape from their tails. Over the course of the experiment, nearly half of the rats in the avoidance-escape group and the no shock group removed the tape from their tails. By contrast, none of the rats that had experienced a lack of control removed the tape!

Enzyme changes

Weiss' experiments continued into the sphere of neurochemistry, and provided some interesting correlations with the temporary nature of the helplessness effect that was observed in Solomon's initial experiments. When norepinephrine levels were measured in the locus coeruleus and anterior cortex (the source and termination of the fiber system), significant decreases in the transmitter were observed, and these decreases were transient in nature (see Figure 6-7).

Further tests revealed that this decline is the result of a reduction of tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate limiting enzyme in the chain of synthesis of norepinephrine. Although the details have not yet been worked out, the transient effect outlined above probably can be made more permanent through repeated exposure to a lack of control. Furthermore, repeated exposure to controllable stress (sometimes referred to as positive stress or eustress) seems to increase the level of tyrosine hydroxylase. Thus, behavioral manipulations appear to have a profound influence on the integrity of the neuropharmacological systems of reward, a matter which will be dealt with more fully at the end of this chapter.

Autoreceptor model

Weiss sees these results as part of a more general pattern of neuromodulation. It appears that there are special alpha-2 "autoreceptors" in the cells of the locus coeruleus that respond to the short collaterals of neighboring cells (see Figure 6-8). These norepinephrine containing cells are mutually inhibitory and, in a sense, provide mutual control over the production of neurotransmitter substance to be released in the anterior cortex. This is especially interesting because we see, for the first time, the dynamic nature of neurochemical systems. The MFB is not simply a brain system that is used under some conditions and not under others. Behavioral interactions with the environment can alter the vitality of this system just as surely as exercise can alter a muscle. Behavior, environment, and transmitter systems are inextricable bound together and effective therapeutic schemes should take this into account.


Special Problems of Treatment

Remission problems

Both the treatment of depression and the evaluation of the treatment have provided a depressing array of problems for clinicians and theorists alike. The depressive mood disorder is rarely a constant symptom. The depressed states typically are recurrent in nature, with periods of spontaneous remission that range from a simple abatement of the depression, to normal moods, to frank manic behavior in the bipolar form of the disorder. It is clearly a moving target, and attempts to treat and evaluate the disorder necessarily encounter a great many false positives and false negatives.

Drug problems

The inherent difficulties of treating a recurrent and remissive set of symptoms are compounded by the nature of the drugs that have been shown to be effective in treating the disorder. The two major classes of drugs that have been used, the MAO inhibitors and the tricyclic compounds, seems to be effective only after several weeks of administration. During this time period, it is possible that the depressive disorder could go into remission or become more severe, irrespective of the effects of the drug. To make matters worse, it seems that the choice of drug and dosage is not at all arbitrary; some patients respond to one drug but not others, and the effective dosage may also be idiosyncratic. When translated into the real clinical situation, the search for a successful regimen of therapy may require many months.

An additional problem is that the antidepressant drugs are dangerous. Both the tricyclic compounds and the MAO inhibitors have strong autonomic and cardiovascular effects, increasing the risk of cardiac failure. This is especially the case with MAO inhibitors, which greatly potentiate the effects of adrenergic drugs, and even amines that occur in foods such as cheeses and some wines. The final irony is that the antidepressant drugs do not enjoy a high therapeutic ratio. Unlike the antianxiety and antipsychotic drugs which can be withstood in heroic dosages, a few dosages of the antidepressant drugs can be lethal--and this is the population of patients that tends to be suicidal.

The mood of depressed patients seems resistant to the effects of drugs that elevate the mood in normal individuals. Two of the most potent drugs in this category are amphetamine and cocaine. Both of these drugs can produce a rapid and potent elevation of mood in normal individuals, with the resulting effects frequently being described as euphoria. In addition to the direction of mood changes produced by these drugs, they also come with good biochemical credentials for the treatment of depression. The evidence is strong that both of these drugs act through facilitation of catecholamine systems. Figure 6-9 summarizes the effects of these two drugs. Despite the evidence cited above for a model of depression that involves a catecholamine dysfunction, the drugs do not work. Neither cocaine nor amphetamine show any useful degree of clinical efficacy for the treatment of depression.

The Role of Monoamine Oxidase

MAO inhibitors

The enzyme monoamine oxidase normally destroys at least some of the amines that are present in the intracellular fluid of the noradrenergic cells, while transmitter substance that is located within the terminal vesicles or other binding sites is relatively protected from the effects of the enzyme. It has been suggested that the major purpose of MAO is to provide a sort of quality control by destroying the free-floating amines that may have been transformed into compounds that would have undesirable effects if allowed to enter the vesicles and be released as false transmitters.

Reserpine model

Additional insights into the action of MAO have come from studies in which MAO inhibitors are given in combination with other drugs. In particular, reserpine and the related synthetic tranquilizer tetrabenazine act to deplete the stores of catecholamines (NE and DA) and serotonin (5-HT). As shown in Figure 6.10, the primary effect of reserpine is to inhibit (in this example) the storage of norepinephrine in the vesicles. There is, therefore, a reduction in the amount of newly synthesized NE that enters the functional pool, as well as a reduction in the efficiency of recycling the released NE through the reuptake mechanism. The impaired entry of the NE into the protected environs of the synaptic vesicles allows much of the NE to be converted into inactive products by MAO. The administration of a MAO inhibitor along with reserpine allows the accumulating NE greater access to the storage vesicles, as well as allowing some of the NE to be transformed into related compounds (both biologically active and inactive) that may serve as false transmitters.

The interaction of reserpine and the MAO inhibitors has served as a model, albeit not a very convincing one, of the development and treatment of behavioral depression. As noted earlier, reserpine results in the gradual release and depletion of transmitter substance from the neuron. When administered to humans, this effect is paralleled by the development of severe depression, a so-called side effect.

In experimental animals, there is a comparable decline in behavior, especially under conditions in which behavioral activity is maintained by delivery of discrete reinforcement. Animals that have been trained to press a lever to obtain water, food, or electrical brain stimulation will stop responding as the level of catecholamines decline following reserpine administration. Animals that have stopped lever pressing for reward show a prompt renewal of the behavior when a MAO inhibitor is administered (much like that following l-DOPA administration shown previously in Figure 6-3 above). In fact, the effect is almost too good to be true. The theoretical difficulty of this phenomenon is that the MAO inhibitors produce a rapid and transient reversal of the behavior that was lost through reserpine treatment, whereas the effects of these compounds in the clinic are characterized by a slow onset and more chronic duration of action.

MAO isozymes

Even though the reserpine model falls short of matching the clinical symptoms of depression, the consistent linking of depressive disorders with catecholamines has helped to maintain an interest in the study of MAO inhibitors. As a result, there is now evidence that certain drugs produce a selective inhibition of MAO. There appear to be at least two isozymes (closely related enzymes) of MAO which have different sites of action. Although the distributions overlap, there is a preponderance of MAO-A in the periphery, especially in the liver and intestines. The administration of a specific inhibitor of MAO-B has a preferential effect on the brain amines, and leaves a sufficient amount of MAO activity in the gut and liver to avoid the wine and cheese complications noted above. (Figure 6.11 shows the differential distribution and tyramine role in hypertension through NE release etc.)

Tricyclic Antidepressants

The tricyclic antidepressant compounds have a history that parallels that of the antipsychotic drugs discussed previously in Chapter 4. This history can be traced back to the early search for better antihistamine compounds that led to the development of chlorpromazine and related phenothiazines. The tricyclic antihistamines are, in some sense, the compounds that failed the phenothiazine test. Rather than suppressing the agitated mood of patients, it was observed that some of these compounds elevated the mood of depressed patients.

The major effect of the tricyclic compounds on adrenergic neurons is to block the reuptake mechanism (see Figure 6-12), but as in the case of the MAO inhibitors, the evidence that this forms the basis of the antidepressant effect is less than conclusive. The blockade of the reuptake pathway avoids the dangerous effects of tyramine ingestion via food intake, but leaves the patient vulnerable to a host of other drug interactions. In general, the patients must avoid a wide range of drugs that influence either adrenergic or cholinergic transmitter systems because of potentially life threatening cardiovascular and central nervous system effects.

Whatever the mechanism that accounts for the antidepressant effects, the tricyclic compounds are like the MAO inhibitors in that they typically require two to three weeks to become clinically effective. Furthermore, the elevation of mood seems to have depression as a prerequisite, because the drugs are ineffective in normal subjects. In fact, normal subjects are likely to experience general feelings of discomfort and anxiety rather than an elevation of mood.

Choosing The Drug

One of the major difficulties facing the clinician who is treating depression is the selection of the best drug. Clearly, a part of the decision can be based upon the general health picture that is presented, and some drugs may be contraindicated because of potential interactions with the patient's ongoing medical treatment (e.g., drugs) or with dietary habits (e.g., wine and cheese). There still remains the problem that some drugs may be more effective than others, and it will take a few weeks to find out. Several investigators (cf., Schildkraut, Orsulak, Schatzberg & Rosenbaum, 1984; Leckman & Maas, 1984) have attempted to find biochemical markers that will provide a clue for drug selection. Not surprisingly, this search has centered around the metabolites of catecholamine neurotransmitters.

As indicated in Figure 6-13, there are several alternative pathways for the normal degradation of catecholamines that are not bound in storage sites or synaptic vesicles. There is some evidence that patients exhibiting different symptoms of depression show different levels of particular metabolites. One clue came from patients who were being treated for amphetamine overdose. These patients showed very high levels of MHPG while the drug was running its course, followed by very low levels for two to three days afterward. These low levels of MHPG were accompanied by marked depression. Patients suffering from unipolar depression show a wide range of MHPG levels. Those with low levels tend to respond favorably to tricyclic compounds, or even to amphetamines. Those with high levels respond more favorably to the MAO inhibitors. Another type of marker serves more to indicate the success of therapy rather than predicting the success of the particular drug. Robinson (see Maugh, 1984) has found that another metabolite (DHPG) is low in depressed patients, but consistently increases before the mood level increases. In each of these cases, there is some degree of controversy; some groups of investigators corroborate the results, while others fail. There are, however, sufficient clues to make this a potentially fruitful approach for the selection of therapy.

The model of depression presented here has been deliberately biased toward the catecholamine systems, in part because of the historical emphasis on this system, and in part because it coincides more clearly with the behavioral models that are currently available. It is clear, however, that any comprehensive model of depression must also consider the serotonergic systems of the brain. The major drugs that alter mood levels frequently influence both the catecholamines and serotonin. Reserpine, as indicated earlier, depletes both norepinephrine and serotonin and causes severe depression. The tricyclic antidepressants block the reuptake of both norepinephrine and serotonin, and relieve depression. Some of the newer forms of antidepressants seem to specifically block serotonin reuptake and, as you might guess by now, there are some effective antidepressants that have not been shown to influence either system.

These superficial inconsistencies do not necessarily mean that the catecholamine model is wrong. Rather, they suggest that we need a neurochemical model that matches the complexity of the disorder as seen in the clinic. Although there is a commonality of symptoms among patients who suffer from depression, it may be possible (and necessary) to analyze these symptoms and various biochemical markers in some detail before selecting the treatment. One of the metabolites of serotonin, 5-HIAA (5-hydroxy indole acetic acid), has been correlated with suicide attempts of depressed patients (e.g., Traeksman et al, 1981). In a population of patients who are all suffering from depression, those with the lowest levels of 5-HIAA in their cerebrospinal fluid (i.e., lowest utilization of serotonin) are the most likely to attempt suicide-- especially by violent means. On the other hand, the results shown in Figure 6-3 suggest that norepinephrine is more important for the recovery of a normal response to rewards. It seems possible, that the lack of responsiveness to reward and, perhaps, the decline in activity levels may be attributable to dysfunction of the catecholamine systems. The preoccupation with thoughts of death, the attempts to commit suicide, and disorders of sleep may be attributable to dysfunction of serotonergic systems. If this type of dissociation is valid, then a detailed appraisal of behavioral attributes and blood/csf chemistry may greatly increase the likelihood of prescribing an effective drug on the first attempt.

Why the Delay?

Some of the peculiar features of the MAO inhibitors and the tricyclic antidepressants suggest that their effects may not be understood by a straightforward description of their interaction with synapses. Several observations are at odds with an explanation that is based simply on their immediate interference with monoamine oxidase or with the reuptake mechanism:

(a) The antidepressant drugs are more effective than either cocaine or amphetamine, both of which produce more immediate and more potent stimulation of the catecholamine systems.

(b) The antidepressant drugs, especially the tricyclic compounds, are ineffective in elevating the mood of normal (i.e., non-depressed) subjects, and seem to have rather selective effects on different forms of depression.

(c) Although both classes of compounds produce a variety of neurochemical effects and are eliminated from the body within hours (or certainly within days), effective therapeutic regimens frequently require as much as several weeks before the abatement of clinical symptoms becomes apparent.

It seems likely that such a delayed onset of effectiveness reflects some long term, tonic change in the neuronal substrate that is being affected. One likely candidate for such a change is a general increase in the storage and release of the transmitter substance (see Chapter 3 for a discussion of functional pools). As mentioned above, Weiss and associates suggest that helplessness may involve a change in the activity of the alpha-2 autoreceptors in the region of the locus coeruleus. The antidepressant compounds may act upon this and other neuromodulatory systems to allow the transmitter system to develop (slowly) the cellular mechanisms that bring it back normal levels of responsiveness. This process might be triggered by a short term action such as the inhibition of MAO or the blockade of the reuptake mechanism, but not be manifested until the long term changes in the neuron's metabolic machinery have been accomplished. In this particular case, a change in the autoreceptor activity at the cells of origin in the locus coeruleus could alter the level of norepinephrine that is released in more anterior regions of the brain. This effect, in turn, could change the number and sensitivity of the postsynaptic receptors that are involved in regulating the organism's behavioral interaction with the environment (see Figure 6.14). This idea of long term modulation of the catecholamine neurons is also consistent with Anisman's (1984) suggestion that stressors can lead to reduced sensitivity of receptors to catecholamines. All of these effects may be reversible by drugs, but the requirement of metabolic and structural change in the neurons could easily account for the observed delay in the therapeutic effects of the drugs.

Electroconvulsive Therapy

The long therapeutic delay that characterizes the antidepressant drugs is more than an inconvenience. In cases of severe depression, the threat of suicide is so real that more heroic approaches to therapy are sometimes necessary. One such approach is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), more colloquially referred to as shock treatment.

Electroconvulsive therapy was introduced by an Italian physician named Cerletti (e.g., Cerletti and Bini, 1938) A vagrant, wandering in apparent confusion through the local train station, had been arrested by the police and presented for psychiatric treatment. Cerletti had noted the calming effects of electric shock on animals that were stunned by electricity at the slaughterhouse, and had tried the procedure experimentally on a few dogs. He decided to try the procedure on the newly presented patient, whose identity was unknown. Cerletti concluded that the treatment must have been beneficial, because when the patient was brought in for the second treatment, the previously noncommunicative man exclaimed something to the effect of "My God, No! It's deadly!" It was on this somewhat shaky foundation that ECT began to be used for a variety of psychiatric treatments and as an experimental tool in animal research.

The convulsions that accompanied the early methods of ECT were traumatic. The uncontrolled muscular activity was so powerful that it damaged tendons, dislocated joints, or even broke bones unless the patients were pre-treated with muscle relaxants. The convulsions were followed by obvious (though short term and transient) losses of memory in both humans and experimental animals. There was histological evidence that some neurons died as a result of the procedure. Given the serious nature of the ECT treatment, there could have been only one legitimate reason for using the procedure--it worked.

Modern versions of ECT bear little resemblance to the early methods. The electrical currents are much lower, are restricted to smaller portions of the brain, and are given following pretreatment with anesthesia and muscle relaxants. Unlike the slow acting drug therapies, electroconvulsive therapy can produce a prompt reversal of the symptoms of severe depression, allowing the patient to return to family and job situations much more quickly. More importantly, the rapid effects greatly diminish the risk of suicide that might occur before other forms of therapy would have a chance to become effective.

Experimental studies of ECT in animals provides further support for the role of catecholamines in depression. Neurochemical assays have revealed that ECT stimulates the synthesis of norepinephrine by increasing the level of tyrosine hydroxylase (Masserano, Takimoto and Weiner, 1981).

Clearly, the dangers inherent in ECT should not be minimized, and this form of treatment should not be administered casually. However, it will continue to be used as long as there is no alternative treatment that is as fast and as effective in reversing the symptoms of severe depression.

Lithium Therapy

Lithium is a simple salt that has had a stormy history as a drug. Because of its similarity to sodium, it was used initially as a substitute for table salt in the diet of cardiac patients. Many of these patients died, because the lithium readily replaces sodium in the body but it does not support cellular functions in the same manner as sodium. The use of lithium as a treatment in psychiatric disorders has its origins in a series of (misguided) experiments of an Australian psychiatrist named John Cade (cf., Snyder, 1986). Although the rationale was wrong, the clinical results proved to be very effective.

Lithium is still a dangerous drug, but it can be used successfully when care is taken to monitor and manage the serum levels of sodium (and lithium). The drug is very effective in reducing and preventing manic behavior. In cases of bipolar disorders of cycling manic depression, the drug is seems to eliminate both aspects of the mood disorder. It appears that the depressive phase of the disorder is largely the result of the preceding manic phase. The stabilizing effects of the lithium treatment directly controls the mania and indirectly controls the depression (see Figure 6-15).

The manic behavior may reflect a high level of noradrenergic activity. Behaviorally, this phase is characterized by excessive talking, flights of ideas, excessive and sustained levels of activity, and sometimes prodigious physical and mental accomplishments. When patients "come down" from this phase, the mood may not stop at the normal level, but more typically may continue, dropping into the depths of depression. It is as though the manic behavior continues until the neurotransmitter systems are depleted and unable to continue supporting the behavior. In this regard it should be noted that unipolar mania is rare.


Stress and Neurochemistry

All of the therapeutic approaches discussed above pose dangers to the depressed patient. These are most obvious in the case of ECT. The dangers of drug therapies may be less obvious, but there are very real cardiovascular side effects which become even more salient when one considers the delayed and inconsistently beneficial effects of the drugs. In the long run, the major contribution of all of these therapeutic approaches may be the fact that they have helped to shed light on the underlying mechanisms of depression. The real "cure" for many patients suffering from depression may lie in behavioral treatments that are designed to change the neuropharmacological conditions that have led to the symptoms of depression.

Stamping in failure

Any successful behavioral treatment of depression must take its cues from both the behavioral symptoms of depression and from an understanding of the effects of environmental interactions with the neurochemistry of the reward system. The experimental conditions that were used in Weiss' experiments (outlined above) were specifically chosen to produce a rapid dysfunction of the noradrenergic transmitter systems. The inability to control noxious stimuli is certainly a major contributor to this effect.

The dramatic impairments of behavior that are triggered by environmental conditions become even more impressive when viewed in the context of related behavioral histories. In the initial experiments of Overmeir and Seligman (1967), the learned helplessness effect had an interesting aspect that has not been generally viewed as a central feature of the phenomenon. As long as the dogs were tested in the shuttle-box within 24 hours after the Pavlovian conditioning, they showed the typical learned helplessness effect and would continue to show this failure to respond in the shuttle-box even when tested again weeks later. However, if a delay of 48 or 72 hours was interposed between the Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning phases, the dogs acquired the shuttle-box normally. Thus the debilitating effects of the Pavlovian conditioning experience were transient in nature.

In a related experiment, Anisman and Sklar (1979) have shown that the neurochemical systems of rats will recover rather quickly from a single session of exposure to stressful electrical shocks. Rats that received 60 shocks showed a transient decline in norepinephrine levels, but after 24 hrs, their norepinephrine levels were indistinguishable from that of control animals that had received no shocks. However, these animals were much more vulnerable to stress than the controls. When both groups of animals were given 10 additional shocks, the control rats showed only a small, transient effect, whereas the previously shocked animals showed a precipitous and more long lasting decline in norepinephrine levels.

In each of these examples, exposure to failure renders these neurochemical systems more fragile and they become increasingly vulnerable to environmental influences (see Fig. 6-16).

Positive effects

The picture becomes a little more complicated, but a little more hopeful, when less severe stressors are used. Weiss and his coworkers (e.g., 1981) have found that repeated exposure to mild stressors may actually have beneficial effects. This type of repeated exposure raises the levels of the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase in neurons that manufacture and release norepinephrine. This seems to be a specific effect, because the enzyme is not increased in cells that release dopamine, nor is the comparable enzyme of synthesis (tryptophan hydroxylase) increased in neurons that release serotonin. It would appear that the repeated exposure to mild stressors produces a tonic change in neurochemistry that may allow the organism to better cope with stressors that are encountered in future situations.

Reward and Neurochemistry

Another series of experiments brings us back into the more positive aspects of the reward system. In a particularly clever set of experiments, Seiden and his associates have shown a relationship between neurochemistry and interaction with a rewarding environment (Seiden, Brown and Lewy, 1973). Rats that are deprived of water show a slight decrease in norepinephrine levels. If the rats are given free access to a drinking tube, they will replenish their water deficit and a modest increase in norepinephrine levels can be observed. However, if the rats are allowed to rehydrate by pressing a lever that delivers the water as discrete rewards, there is a large increase in norepinephrine levels (see Fig. 6-17). Thus, the direct physiological effects of dehydration and rehydration are minimal, but the insertion of behavioral reward into this sequence has a strong positive influence on the neurochemistry of the noradrenergic systems that have been implicated in the disorder of depression.

These results may also be related to the so-called "freeloader" experiments in which rats given a choice between free (noncontingent) food and food that is contingent upon pressing a lever will frequently choose the option of working for the pellets. Work ethics and social implications aside, these results suggest that the interaction with a rewarding environment is a positive feedback situation that makes it more rewarding to interact with the environment.

The False Perception of Control

Are the symptoms of depression caused by a dysfunction of the reward system, or does the lack of behavior that characterizes depression result in the atrophy of the reward system? Lauren Alloy, working in Solomon's laboratory, developed the intriguing idea that individuals who suffer from depression may not recognize the effectiveness of their own behavior (cf., Solomon, 1980; Alloy & Abrahamson, 1982). In other words, they might be exposed to the same rewards, but because of some deficit, fail to fully recognize the rewards. This idea was investigated in a series of experiments that used college students as subjects. These were not clinical patients. Rather, the students were selected on the basis of their scores on a questionnaire that assessed symptoms of depression. The two ends of the distribution formed the "depressed" and "non-depressed" groups of subjects. These subjects were tested on a sort of computer game in which they attempted to control a light. The actual degree of control ranged from 0-100 percent. Alloy's theory was that the depressed subjects would consistently underestimate the degree of control that was actually present. However, these subjects were very accurate in their estimates. Surprisingly, it was the normal (non-depressed) subjects who were inaccurate: They consistently overestimated the degree of control! These results suggest that the reward system has a built-in bias to "recognize" control even when it does not exist. This perceived control almost certainly has the same tonic effects on the neurochemical systems as real control. This systematic bias should not be viewed too suspiciously, because such errors are rather commonplace within the nervous system. One of the recurrent features of design within the sensory systems is an organization that exaggerates borders, color differences, frequency differences, and other features of the environment. It is not unreasonable to assume that the system that interprets our control over the environment also presents us with little white lies about the nature of the world around us.

The challenge to therapists is to develop situations that immerse the depressed patient in control. It probably matters little whether the control is real or perceived, or whether it serves a genuine biological need or the trivial manipulation of a monster on a computer screen. The behavioral approaches will not always be successful. They will sometimes need to be administered in conjunction with drug therapies or even with the more drastic approaches of electroconvulsive therapy or surgery. It seems clear, however, that the breakdown of a neurochemical system that interacts so richly with behavior should be treated with behavior whenever possible.



1. The learned helplessness phenomenon has been used as an animal model for depression.

2. Learning that behavior is ineffective in one situation can generalize to other situations where the behavior actually has an effect.

3. The reversal of depression with the MAO inhibitor, iproniazid, provided the first important link between depression and the catecholamines.

4. Rewards appear to be mediated by catecholamine fibers that lie in the medial forebrain bundle.

5. Acute episodes of stress lower the level of catecholamines in the reward system.

6. These short term behavioral treatments can lead to long term changes via neuromodulation.

7. The treatment of depression is complicated by the cyclic nature of the disorder, the dangerous side effects of the available drug treatments, and individual differences in response to the drugs.

8. The MAO inhibitors appear to facilitate the activity of the catecholamine systems by slowing the metabolism of these compounds. The tricyclic drugs appear to interfere with the reuptake of catecholamines. It remains unclear whether these biochemical actions account for the clinical effects of the drugs.

9. The metabolites of catecholamines (e.g., MHPG) and of serotonin (e.g., 5-HIAA) may serve as biochemical markers to aid in both the diagnosis and treatment of the various forms of depression.

10. The long therapeutic delay of the antidepressant drugs suggests that they trigger neuromodulatory changes rather than directly ameliorating the condition.

11. Bipolar depression frequently responds well to lithium treatment, possibly because of the drug's ability to prevent catecholamine depletion by preventing the manic phase of the disorder.

12. Electroconvulsive therapy produces an almost immediate reversal of depression as well as an increase in tyrosine hydroxylase levels.

13. Behavioral therapies are effective not only in changing the patient's interpretation of the environment, but also because they are likely to reverse some of the neurochemical changes that provide the foundation for depression.





Anterior cortex


Biochemical marker

Bipolar depression




Dexamethasone suppression

Electroconvulsive therapy

False transmitter

Free operant



Learned helplessness


Locus coeruleus

MAO inhibitor

MAO isozymes






Reward system

Sidman avoidance


Triad design

Tricyclic compounds


Tyrosine hydroxylase