"When Nature is Rats and Roaches: Religious Eco-Justice Activism in Newark, NJ." Co-authored with Matthew Immergut, Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Vol 6, No 2 (2012). |

“Issue: Ecology and the Environment,” in The Blackwell Companion to Religion and Social Justice, edited by Michael Palmer. Blackwell Publishers, 2012.
"Christian Environmentalism and its Opponents in the United States," in Religion in Environmental and Climate Change: Suffering, Values, Lifestyles, edited by Dieter Gerten and Sigurd Bergmann. Continuum, 2012. |
“The Role of Religions in Activism,” in The Oxford Handbook on Climate
Change and Society, edited by John Dryzek, Richard Norgaard and David Schlosberg. Oxford University Press, 2011. |
"I'm a Tree Hugging Jesus Freak," in God's Earth is Sacred: Essays on Eco-Justice, National Council of Churches, 2011. |
"Afterword: Teaching Indoors, but not Business as Usual," in Grounding Religion: A Field Guide to the Study of Religion and Ecology. eds Whitney Bauman, Richard Bohannon, and Kevin O'Brien. Routledge, 2010. |
“Christianity-Friends,” (pp. 66-67) “Fundamentalism,” (pp.178-181) “The National Religious Partnership for the Environment,” (281) and “Wise Use Movement,” (pp. 435-436) in the Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability: The Spirit of Sustainability, Vol. 1, edited by Willis Jenkins. Berkshire Publishing, 2010. |
“Greening our Seminaries,” in Love God, Heal the Earth. Ed. Sally Bingham. St. Lynne’s Press, 2009. |
Ecospirit: Religions and Philosophies for the Earth. New York: Fordham University Press. 2007. Laurel Kearns & Catherine Keller. PDF file, table of contents
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"Cooking The Truth: Faith, The Market, And The Science Of Global Warming" in Eco-Spirit: Religion, Philosophy and the Earth. Fordham University Press, 2007. |
"Of Knowledge, Buildings and Trees," in Earth and Word: Classic Sermons on Saving the Planet, edited by David Rhoads. Continuum, 2007. |
"Religion and Ecology" in Religion, Globalization, and Culture. edited by Peter Beyer and Lori Beaman. Brill Publishing, 2007 |
"An overview of the Eco-justice movement." co-authored with Rebecca Gould. Earth Letter, Fall, 2005 |
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(1755-1757) and co-author of "Fred Kreuger," (972-973), Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. Thoemmes Continuum, 2005
"The Context of Eco-theology," in Blackwell Companion to Modern Theology, Edited by Gareth Jones. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2004. PDF file of article |
"What is Wise Use?" Pp. 9, 11 in Partners: Interfaith Perspectives on the Environment, Fall 2004. |
"Greening Ethnography and the Study of Religion" in Beyond Personal Knowledge: Reshaping the Ethnography of Religion. Edited by James V. Spickard, J. Shawn Landres, and Meredith B. McGuire. New York University Press, 2002 |
Review of Shared Meanings, Shared Lives, Lori Beaman, Sociology of Religion, 64,1 (Spring 2003)
Review of God Gave Us the Right, Christel Manning, Sociology of Religion, 61,1 (Spring 2000)
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"Spiritualism," Encyclopedia of Women and World Religion. Serinity Young, ed. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 1998
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Review of Transforming the Faith: The Sacred and Secular in History, M. L. Bradbury, ed., in Sociological Analysis, 51 (winter 1990):407-08
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"Cassirer's Theory of Primitive and Modern Political Myth," Mind and Nature, Vol. 5 (Fall, 1985): 44-48. |