Week 2 Review Questions
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Week 2 Review Questions

  1. Define the following terms:
    • CamelCase
    • coding
    • encapsulated methods
    • integration test
    • method header
    • modular development
    • off-camera
    • parameter
    • primitive methods
    • program development cycle
    • reusable code
    • test for correctness
    • testing shell
    • top-down design
    • unit test
    • user-defined methods
    • variable
  2. Describe the process known as top-down design and modular development, and how they are used together.
  3. How do organizational charts help with top-down design and modular development?
  4. List and describe the advantages of using modular development.
  5. How does the practice of objet-oriented programming encourage the development of reusable code?
  6. List and describe the steps in a simple program development cycle.
  7. What is the difference between a unit test and an integration test? Why are they both used in software development?
  8. What are the differences between primitive methods and user-defined methods in Alice? Which of these are encapsulated methods, and what does that mean?
  9. Describe two different primitive methods that can be used to find objects that are off-camera. What are the differences between using these methods?
  10. Describe what parameters are, and how they are used in Alice methods.