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Shannon Bradshaw, Ph.D.
302 Hall of Sciences
sbradsha at drew dot edu

Office Hours
MWF: 4:00pm - 5:00pm


Learning to Program with Alice by Wanda P Dann, Stephen Cooper, and Randy Pausch 2006. (Required)

Course Description

This course is an introduction to algorithmic problem solving. Every electronic and software product you use was developed using such concepts as a basis. However, more importantly, the strategies of design and reduction (breaking problems down into their components) are applicable in any discipline you choose to pursue.

The primary learning objectives are as follows:

  • Intermediate knowledge of algorithmic problem solving
  • Introductory knowledge of program design
  • Introductory knowledge of object-based programming
  • Introductory knowledge of object-oriented programming
  • Introductory knowledge of event-driven programming
  • Intermediate knowledge of control flow and program structure
  • Introductory knowledge of computer graphics

Each week I will assign two to four exercises for homework. I will grade one exercise from the homework assignment. Your grade on this single exercise will be your grade for the entire assignment. The reason for this policy is that it is extremely difficult to assign a sufficiently instructive set of homework problems and return feedback on every exercise to you in a timely manner.

The homework in this course is important. Many programming experiences are essential for understanding the material. Therefore:

  • Completion of all homework assignments is required in order to receive a passing grade. You must complete all assignments prior to the end of the semester in order to receive a grade other than F. I will give no grades of incomplete.
  • Late homework assignments will receive a grade of 0.
  • I will drop your lowest homework assignment grade in the calculation of your final course grade. In effect, this means you are permitted to drop one homework grade.

Please note that the above requirements are rarely a problem. It is the rare student who has difficulty submitting all assignments on time. I consider this homework policy in the creation of homework assignments.

In-class Assignments

Each week we will work through a variety of assignments in class to give you the opportunity to work with ideas just discussed. These assignments will mostly be graded on a participation basis only.

Lab Work

Lab sessions will be conducted in a workshop format. The class will be divided into lab groups of three to five students. Each week, assignments will be due on Monday. On Tuesday in lab, your group will review and discuss each group member's solution to one exercise due the previous day (the graded exercise for that week). You will then have until Wednesday at class time to email me a description of any problems with your solution as submitted and a careful explanation of how you would fix these problems. If your description is accurate and sufficiently detailed to communicate that you really do understand the shortcomings of your solution and how to improve it, you will earn back 1/2 of the grade points deducted for your solution as submitted. Please note, due to the importance of labs in this class, you are permitted one absence from lab. A second absence will result in a deduction of 5 percentage points from your grade. Upon your third absence, you must withdraw from the course.

Guidlines: Sit in circles with your group. Each group member should take three to five minutes to explain his/her solution to the discussion exercise, then the group should spend three to five minutes providing feedback as to what problems or benefits they see with the solution as presented.

Class Attendance

Please note that participation is worth 10% of your final grade. I expect each student to be in class nearly every time we meet and to contribute to in-class discussion. You are permitted three absences from class. Upon your fourth absence and for every absence thereafter 1 percentage point will be deducted from your final grade.

Special Needs

Please contact me as soon as possible if you have a disability or condition that may require some modification of seating, testing, or any other class requirement, so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If you have any emergency medical information about which I should know, or if you need special arrangements in the event the classroom must be evacuated, please let me know.

Academic Integrity

It is my sincere hope that no student in this class submits work that is not his/her own. However, it seems prudent to clarify in advance the policy on cheating. If I determine that any assignment solution was not created solely by the student seeking credit for that solution, the assignment grade for that student will be zero (0) and the course grade may be an F. All incidents of cheating will be reported to the appropriate deans and the student may be placed on disciplinary probation.

Lab and classroom participation10%
Homework and in-class assignments55%
Midterm exam15%
Final exam20%