Homework 6
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Homework 6 - Due Monday 19 March at 11:59pm.

  1. (Hw6Ex1.a2w) Create an Alice world that is a short tutorial teaching the user about the sound clips built into Alice. Your world should contain keyboard events to allow the user to trigger each sound, along with either a menu of the built-in sounds, or a character who tells the user to press a particular key to hear a sound. The world should have a variety of objects to demonstrate the use of the sounds with matching animations. As always, remember to use good design techniques as you create the world.
  3. (Hw6Ex2.a2w) You can record a dialog or narration for an Alice world using the record sound feature found on the properties tab of an Alice object. You can also import sound into Alice from an existing sound file. Select a segment of a song or other piece of music of your choice, import it into Alice as a sound file, and then create a short music video sequence in Alice with the sound you added as background. Remember to use proper design techniques as you create the world.
  5. (Hw6Ex3.a2w) Create a 15- to 30-second animated commercial advertisement for a product or service of your choice as an Alice world. The world should use some of the features discussed in this chapter. You should begin by selecting the subject of your advertisement, and then create an outline or storyboard for the advertisement. Once you have the outline or storyboard, you can write pseudo-code as refinement of the specifications for the world, and then code the world based on the pseudo-code. Remember to use good modular design as you develop your world. For this exercise, submit both your Alice world and a Microsoft Word or some other electronic document containing your design, flowcharts, pseudo-code, etc. developing in preparation to build this world.