Shannon Bradshaw, Ph.D.
302 Hall of Sciences
sbradsha at drew dot edu
Office Hours
Schedule, log, action items
Week 1
- Review positions and activity files from Fairfield's broker.
- Read the Extreme Programming Pocket Guide (80 pages)
- Get familiar with Google Docs
Week 2
- Steven: Devise a strategy for working together on VBA code.
- Zack: 1) Check out SQL Server Express (Query Analyzer?); 2) Check out
- Paul: 1) Have a look at MorningStar Principia; 2) See if you can get QTrader to work.
- Kevin and John: put together for the rest of the class an overview of the
Excel P&L application that Tim constructed (and which Fairfield currently
- Shannon: Develop a draft data model for score keeping Fairfield positions.
Week 3
- Review pricing data sample I sent via email
- Kevin posted an overview of the Excel-based P&L application that
Fairfield currently uses. Have a look.
- Review the database schema I sent via email
Week 4
- Add to Safari bookshelf: Integrating Excel and Access by Michael Schmalz
- Add to Safari bookshelf: Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition by Steven Roman, Ph.D.
- Add to Safari bookshelf: Access Database Design & Programming, 3rd
Edition by Steven Roman, Ph.D.
- We've had a change in the positions tables due to a better understanding
of what needs to happen. It actually simplifies the problem of adding
information to them somewhat. Please see the change document and schema on
Google docs.
Week 5
- Everyone: Please complete the VBA code you were assigned on Monday.
Week 6
- I've aggregated everyone's code into a single workbook and updated the
database to reflect needed changes identified during this last round of
development. I'll email the Excel and Access files around.
Week 7
- I've aggregated everyone's code into a single workbook and updated the
database to reflect needed changes identified during this last round of
development. I'll email the Excel and Access files around.
- Congratulations! Fairfield was happy with the VBA application we
built. They were so happy in fact that they want us to build it all over
again. ?!?
- As is commonly the case the customer has responded with..."Yes, you gave me
what I ask for, but what I really want is something entirely different." They
want to step outside the Excel box (yeah!) and build a real Windows app. We
agreed that this would enable us to provide a more flexible user
interface. Let's explore yet another new language...C#. I think this will best
suite our needs given that it will allow us to more easily integrate with
Excel if needed, and with Access and potentially SQLServer.
Week 8
- Over the weekend it would be best if you all installed Tortoise SVN
and got comfortable using it to access our repository. SVN works via
urls. The url to our repository is:
- Tortoise:
- Subversion docs:,
Week 9
- Work on your code assignments. We'll have updates and coding sessions
throughout the week.
Week 10
- DatabaseAPI is finished and pushed out to the svn repository. Everything
we have so far is out there under CSharpLibrary.
- Work on your code assignments. We'll have updates and coding sessions
throughout the week.
- See my comments/examples on various Visual Studio problem and solutions.
Week 11
- Unit testing! Unit testing! Unit testing! Unit testing!
- My wife gave birth to our son Graham on Tuesday night. We delivered him together at home (no one else made it in time). I'll tell you the story on Friday. I'm a little out of it for the next several days. I'm sorry, If I don't get back to you on some of your questions.
Week 12
- Integration testing! Integration testing! Integration testing!
Week 13
- Integration testing went well, but there are a number of fixes
required. Please see the Google doc outlining changes required in the portions
of the code over which you have ownership.
Week 14
- Please send me an email response as to whether you have anything scheduled for Wednesday from 2:30-3:45 this week. I'm thinking about have a set of smaller meetings with each of your individually rather than our two MF meetings.
- See bug fix document.
- Need to roll as C# code the VBA code we have for grabbing position files
from Credit Suisse and stuffing them into the database.
Week 15
- Implement logging functionality
- Take care of bugs
Week 16
- I showed our application to Fairfield. They are happy. There is about one week's
worth of code cleanup for me to do to finish off release 1.0 of the app. I'm happy to
do it. You all did very well.
- Fairfield would like to take everyone to lunch this week. It would be a
good way to put a cap on the semester. Please let me know what days you would
be able to do that.