The Growing Hudson
On September 23, we
joined a number of local dog owners
at a beautiful recreational area nearby to work with a professional
photographer. It was a drizzly, raw day. When we
arrived, many people were already there, awaiting their turn. The light
was bad, and the photographer's equipment was getting wet. She was about
to cancel the shoot and send everyone home when she saw Hudson. She hurried
us to the head of the line, saying, "in a month, he won't still be this cute."
Well, she was wrong about that. He's always going to be cute. But she
was right about how cute he was that day. Here's the drizzled on, wet and
scruffy Hudson.
September 23, 2000 -- 3 months old
Round Valley, NJ
Photo credit: Close Encounters of the Furry Kind

Buddies... Hudson,
around 13 weeks, and Crow (at 2 and a half years old) are truly best friends. When we've
run them long enough, Crow's tongue becomes impressively apparent, and
Hudson's silly ears "bonnet" or "scissor" on top of his head. It looks
like we've cooked them sufficiently here, and it's time to go home.
This is the perspective you get on the dogs when you hand the camera
to someone who stands 6'3".

This is life around
the house these days: Crow with her tennis ball, and Hudson, waiting for his jump her, steal the ball, and change the game. It annoys Crow
no end. I tend to believe that Hudson finds it endlessly amusing. Isn't
he cute?
I think this is my favorite picture of Hudson and Crow together. It
seems to capture the essence of our lives - Crow and her ball, and Hudson,
chilling out in the background. He's a normal puppy. He plays and growls
and pounces and runs and takes advantage of everyone, but he also, clearly,
knows how to chill out - something in which The Crow sees no redeeming

We try to get Hudson
and Crow out for a long run several times a week. Our schedule usually means
it's late in the day by the time we get out there, and shadows are long.
Once again, it's Hudson sitting, with Crow standing in the background,
annoyed that energies are on the puppy, rather than on throwing the ball.
Hudson is about 15 weeks old here, and his ears are still bonneting when
he's tired.

In the backyard,
somewhere around 16 weeks old, Hudson continues to study life with his
level, steady approach. His ears, which had been bonneting, are beginning
to hold their own.
I just love this puppy's thoughtful
countenance. He's so serious for a little one...

We love Hudson's more
mellow energy. Yawning is something we rarely see Crow do - she continues
to be the everready GSD. Here, Hudson appears to be making a statement that
the game should be ending soon. Last up, first down ... that's the way he
was in his litter, and that's the way he remains. This shot was taken
when Hudson was about 16 weeks old, weighing about 47 pounds. At 17 weeks,
he tipped the scales at 50, and continues to gain approximately three
pounds per week.

Aside from representing
a rare moment of having complete, unchallenged possession of the ball, this
shot struck me because of the glimpse it gives us of the Hudson-to-be. He
looks so adult here, it was surprising to me.
October 21, 2000 - 2 days before turning 4 months old.

"Why do you keep pointing
that thing at me?"
"Because you have mud on your nose, silly."
October 21, 2000

It's rare that we walk anywhere
where we still need leashes, but this Saturday morning, we went to a local
park to meet a professional photographer. After posing Crow, Hudson, and
Beckett, the Greyhound, for an hour or so, we decided to take a walk around
the reservoir. White-tail deer are almost tame here, and resident in enormous
numbers. Park rules also require dogs to be leashed, so, here we are, taking
a rest on our walk, and see? Park Rangers, please note! All the dogs are legally leashed!
Left to right: Beckett, Hudson, me and The Crow.
October 21, 2000 -- A few more photos from
that shoot.
Return to Hudson's page/The
Baby Hudson/The Young Man Hudson/The Yearling Hudson/All Grown Up