‘The Stranger's Scoffing’. Speranza, the Hope of the Irish Nation.
In the Oscholars Library at http://www.oscholars.com/TO/Appendix/library.htm
Guest on RTE radio May 27, 2006, with John Dunleavy and Owen McGhee discussing the topic of the early life and influences of Michael Davitt. It can be accessed at the following website: http://www.rte.ie/radio1/discussingdavitt/1093964.html
Guest on Democracy Now! Hosted by Amy Goodman 3/17/1997 discussing the Irish Famine. Show can be accessed online at : http://www.democracynow.org/1997/3/17/ireland_colonialism_and_the_famine
Quoted in debate in Dail on the Famine for the 150th anniversary. Available in Dail Eireann V. 456 October 5, 1995. Available online at: http://historical-debates.oireachtas.ie
Understanding the irish in New Jersey Symposium. 6 November 2009: