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The mastery of foreign languages has become increasingly valuable for employment in international law, finance, trade, banking, and communications as well as for graduate studies in the humanities and social sciences. At Drew, Italian course work and extracurricular activities integrate the study of language, culture, and literature. Computer technology and audiovisual tools are integral to our language pedagogy. A minor in Italian will give students the possibility to fully appreciate the richness of Italian culture, theater, literature, cinema, and art. The learning of Italian is supported by interactive practice in the classroom and multimedia/technology resources.

Requirements for the Minor (20 credits)

Students may apply only 4 credits gained through exemption or placement (ITAL 20 or ITAL 30) toward the minor. Courses should be taken in this order:

  1. ITAL 20/Fundamentals of Oral and Written Italian II (4)  A continuation of ITAL 1 this course emphasizes reading and writing skills and completes the basic study of Italian grammar. Videos, songs, interactive practice in the classroom, and weekly on-line work. Prerequisite: ITAL 1. Offered each semester.

  2. ITAL 30/Intermediate Italian (4)
  3. A continuation of ITAL 20, this course aims to increase fluency in spoken and written Italian through on-line activities, class discussions, projects, presentations, and written assignments. It also covers difficult points of grammar and briefly reviews fundamental structures. Prerequisite: ITAL 20. Offered each semester.

  4. Three (3) upper-level courses chosen from among the following (12 credits):  
ITAL 99/ Foreign Languages Across the Curriculum (2) Foreign Language Across the Curriculum is a tutorial program which seeks to enable students with at least intermediate-level proficiency in a foreign language to access authentic materials in that language that are relevant to a cognate course. Students will use their acquired skills to read and interpret texts in the foreign language and/or conduct research in the language. Knowledge gained will be applied to the work of the cognate course. Course may be repeated. Signature of instructor required for registration. Prerequisite: ITAL 30.

ITAL 101/Advanced Italian Conversation and Contemporary Culture (4)   

The course is designed to increase fluency in spoken Italian through the use of cultural materials and media such as newspapers, magazines, songs, internet, film, and television. Oral presentations, skits, and situational activities will be incorporated. Prerequisite: ITAL 30. Offered in alternate years.

ITAL 102/Contemporary Italian Cinema (4)

Viewing of contemporary Italian films with lectures and discussions on topics such as society, media, life styles, family, and politics. Oral presentations and short papers. Conducted in Italian Prerequisite: ITAL 30 or equivalent. Offered in alternate years.

ITAL 103/From Book to Screen (4)

The course focuses on the analysis of selected Italian masterpieces of the nineteenth and twentieth century and their subsequent "translation" onto the screen by Italian filmmakers. It also serves as an introduction of the major literary movements through the works of predominant writers and film directors. Conducted in Italian. Prerequisite: ITAL 30. Offered in alternate years.

ITAL 111/Selected Topics (in English) (2-4)

A study of a topic or topics in Italian culture or literature not covered by the current offerings of the French and Italian Department. Offered in English. May be repeated for credit as topic changes. Students may elect a two-credit module stopping at mid-semester; amount of credit established at time of registration.

ITAL 150/Independent Study in Italian (2-4) 

Students investigate a chosen topic in Italian literature or language and culture under the guidance of the Italian department faculty. Oral and written reports. Amount of credit established at time of registration.  Meets: Weekly. Prerequisite: A minimum of 12 credits of work in Italian with a B average. Offered every semester and during the summer term abroad.

French & Italian Department, 36 Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ 07940

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