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Otto Maduro



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Associate Editorships

Invited and accepted to referee articles for the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion and the journal Sociology of Religion.

Continue as Associate Editor of Social Compass, Concilium, and SIC, as well as of the Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology (University of San Diego, San Diego, California), the Journal of the American Academy of Religion (AAR, Atlanta, Georgia), Cristianismo y Sociedad (Guayaquil, Ecuador), and Liaisons Internationales (Brussels, Belgium).

Associate Editor of the Journal of Contemporary Religion (Centre for New Religions, Theology, King's College London) from 1995 to 1997.

Concilium: international Catholic theological monthly published in several languages by the concilium foundation in Nijmegen, Holland. Member of the Advisory Committee on the Sociology of Religion since 1992.

Religiones Latinoamericanas: Latin American journal on the social sciences of religion published in Spanish in Mexico City, Mexico. Associate Editor since 1990.

Social Compass: international quarterly on the sociology of religions published in English and French by the Centre de Recherches en Sociologie Religieuse in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Associate Editor since 1985.

Amérique Latine: socio-economical quarterly published in French in the `eighties by the Association Amerique Latine-Tiers Monde in Paris, France. Associate Editor since its inception.

Cristianismo y Sociedad: ecumenical quarterly on religious affairs published in Spanish in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Associate Editor since 1981.

SIC: monthly journal published in Spanish by the Jesuit Gumilla Center in Caracas, Venezuela. Associate Editor since 1981.

Acción Directa: periodical on religious and political affairs published in Spanish in San Cristóbal (Táchira State), Venezuela 1969-1970. Co-founder, Associate Editor and contributor until its demise.

Venezuela Urgente: periodical on religious and political affairs published in Spanish in Caracas, Venezuela 1966-1968. Co-founder, Associate Editor and contributor until its demise.