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Otto Maduro



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Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships

Fort Washington Collegiate Church (New York, NY): $ 2,500 grant for the 2nd Hispanic Alumnae/I Reunion, Drew University (Spring 2003).

Ford Foundation: $ 10,000 grant for the Newark Latina/o Pentecostal Congregations Research Program, part of the Newark Project, Drew University (Fall of 2002).

Ford Foundation: $ 20,000 grant for the Newark Latina/o Pentecostal Congregations Research Program, part of the Newark Project, Drew University (Fall of 2000).

UMC Board of Global Ministries: $25,000 grant for the Hispanic Institute of Theology, Drew University (Fall of 2000).

Institute for Studies on Religion (ISER, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): Senior Fellow with a $10,000 grant from Broederlijk Delen (Holland) (Fall 1991-Spring 1992).

Universidad de los Andes (Mérida, Venezuela): Assistant Professor’s full salary as scholarship for completing M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain, Belgium) (Summer 1971 - Spring 1976).

Office du Cooperation au Développment (Brussels, Belgium): $ 3,600 a year for five years as a complement to the previous scholarship (Summer 1971 - Spring 1976).