The Baby Hudson

Just 9 days old, Hudson poses for his first portrait. He is a honey sable, and promises to have the beautiful head that Otter has been consistently producing.

Anyway you look at him, Hudson is a beautiful puppy.

Just look at that little tongue sticking out ...

Clearly, Hudson already has opinions and is beginning to express them.

Hudson's growing! This was taken on August 12th, when Hudson was 7 weeks old. He's a very steady little fellow, who thinks about everything before choosing an action. Here he's thinking that a camera is a very strange thing.

Ignore the lady in blue! Hudson looks a lot bigger in my hands than he does in the previous shot in my husband's large hands. I'm very pleased with the strong head, and the overall conformation. On top of all that, he's a very calm, very affectionate pup - just what I ordered! Look at the way he considers the camera.

7 weeks old, August 13, 2000, St. Johnsville, NY

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