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BRS Board and Society Meeting Minutes – 1990


June 22 and 23, 1990

(from the August RSN #67)

The 1990 Annual Meeting of The Bertrand Russell Society, Inc. Board of Directors was held in two sessions on June 22 and June 23 in the first floor lounge of Wallingford Hall on the campus of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Friday. June 22, 1990

The meeting was called to order at 9:51 p.m. by Chairman Marvin Kohl. The following Board Members were present throughout the session: Robert K. Davis, Dennis J. Darland, Lee Eisler, Donald W. Jackanicz, Marvin Kohl, Gladys Leithauser, John R. Lenz, Steve Maragides, Stephen J. Reinhardt, Michael J. Rockler, and Harry Ruja. Board Member Kenneth Blackwell arrived after the session began.

Chairman Kohl announced that the BRS will sponsor a session at the December 27-30, 1990 annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association in Boston. Mr. Maragides moved that incumbent officers be reelected. This notion wee carried unanimously. (Reelected officers are as follows: Marvin Kohl, Board Chairman; Donald W. Jackanicz, Board Secretary; Michael J. Rockler, President; John R. Lenz, Vice President; Lee Eisler, Vice President/Information; Donald W. Jackanicz, Society Secretary: Dennis J. Darland, Treasurer.)

Mr. Rockler reported on tentative plans for a 1991 annual meeting in Evanston, Illinois on the campus of National-Louis University. Mr. Davis moved that the 1991 annual meeting be held in Evanston. This notion was carried unanimously. It was later agreed that the meeting dates would be Friday, June 21 through Sunday, June 23, 1991.

Mr. Maragides moved that the 1992 annual meeting be held in the Chicago area, preferably at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois Although this motion was. seconded, no vote was taken. Discussion ensued on possible 1992 meeting sites, most notably the San Francisco area. It was informally agreed that BRS member Timothy J. Madigan would contact San Francisco area universities, including San Francisco State University, to determine what might be possible.

Discussion turned to the proposal of publishing annual meeting proceedings. Mr. Rockler moved that a trial procedure be instituted for the 1991 annual meeting in which participants would be requested to provide a two page presentation summary to be distributed at the meeting and to be published in the newsletter following the meeting. This motion was carried with a vote of Yes-10, No-1 (Mr. Reinhardt), Absent-l (Mr. Blackwell).

Attention then turned to awards. Ms. Leithauser and Mr. Jackanicz were commended for their work on the 1990 Book Award. Mr. Davis stated that awardees should preferably be selected from the locality of the meeting site to increase the possibility that they may be able to attend the meeting. Mr. Ruja suggested, but did not make a motion, that Christie Heffner be nominated for the 1991 BRS Award for her work relating to the candid consideration of the sexual aspects of life. After discussion, Mr. Ruja withdrew his suggestion. Mr. Rockler asked for clarification of membership on award committees and clearer procedures for awardee selections. Mr. Reinhardt commented on the need for documentation and accountability of award committee choices. Although Mr. Rockler began to put forth a motion relating to the Board reformulating the criteria for systematic awardee selection, time considerations forced further consideration of this subject to be deferred.

Mr. Blackwell then described the Russell Archives’ need to locate funding for the publication of a catalogue of the second Russell archives, which is completed in camera-ready copy. He requested that the Board consider the possibility of the BRS funding one-half of the publication cost. It was agreed that further discussion on this subject would be deferred.

BRS member Benito Rey suggested that the BRS send messages of support to recently reformed countries, such as those in Eastern Europe. It was agreed that discussion on this suggestion would be deferred. The meeting was recessed at 11:50 p.m.

Sunday. June 25, 1990

The meeting was reconvened by Chairman Kohl at 10:55 a.m. The following Board members were present throughout the session: Kenneth Blackwell, Robert K. Davis, Dennis J. Darland, Lee Eisler, Donald W. Jackanicz, Marvin Kohl, Gladys Leithauser, John R. Lenz, Steve Maragides, Stephen J. Reinhardt, and Michael J. Rockler.

Mr. Rockler moved the following: That 1) the Chairman of the Board of Directors appoint the chairman and six other members of the BRS Award Committee from the BRS membership; 2) nominations for the BRS Award be solicited each year from the BRS membership through the Newsletter; 3) nominations be sent to the BRS Award Committee Chairman who will coordinate the Committee’s selection of up to three nominations to be submitted to the Board of Directors; 4) the Board of Directors vote on the nominations; and 5) the BRS Award Committee Chairman rank the results of the voting and with the Committee choose the awardee. This motion was carried with a vote of Yes-10, Abstain-1 (Mr. Jackanicz).

Mr. Reinhardt moved the following: that the Society create a fund of $3.500 over a period of two years by a budgetary allotment of $1,000 each year and by specific fund-raising in the Russell Society News which fund will be available during 1991 as a loan to the Bertrand Russell Archives of McMaster University to the extent that it is matched by McMaster for the purpose of printing and publishing the work by Kenneth Blackwell and Carl Spadoni known as A Detailed Catalogue of the Second Archives of Bertrand Russell on the condition that the Bertrand Russell Society be fully and prominently acknowledged in the work, that the loan be repaid as a first liability upon sales of the work, and that copies be available at a substantial discount to members of the Society. This motion was carried unanimously.

Discussion returned to Benito Rey’s suggestion made the preceding day. Mr. Rockler moved that Vice President Lenz gather information on Eastern European universities to determine which institutions the BRS may wish to contact concerning Bertrand Russell and the Bertrand Russell Society. This notion was carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:23 p.m.


Saturday, June 23, 1990

President Rockler chaired the Society Business Meeting, which began at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 23, 1990.

Robert K. Davis moved that the 1989 Annual Meeting minutes not be read; this motion was unanimously carried. Treasurer Dennis J. Darland reported that as of the morning of June 23, 1990 the Treasury balance was U.S. $4,873.67. Kenneth Blackwell reminded attendees that the McMaster University Bookstore was open and that a tour of the Russell Archives was scheduled. Robert K. Davis asked for information on foreign group membership in India and Caribbean areas. It was agreed that this subject would be considered at a later time.

At 10:55 a.m., Robert K. Davis then moved that the Society Business Meeting be ended and that the second session of the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors be begun; this notion was unanimously carried. (See above for minutes of the second Directors Meeting.)


June 22-24, 1990

(from the August 1990 RSN # 67)

The 1990 Annual Meeting of The Bertrand Russell Society, Inc. was held from June 22 to June 24 on the campus of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario Canada. Except as noted, events took place in the first floor lounge of Wallingford Hall.

Friday, June 22, 1990

The meeting was called to order at 7:43 p.m. by President Michael J. Rockler. After welcoming remarks, President Rockler introduced BRS Book Award Committee Chair Gladys Leithauser, who presented the 1990 BRS Book Award to Elizabeth Ramsden Eames for Bertrand Russell’s Dialogue with His Contemporaries. Ms. Eames then addressed the meeting on “Russell on Women.” Following a short break, Lee Eisler presented his paper. “The History of the Bertrand Russell Society.” The meeting was recessed at 9:45 p.m.

The first session of the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors was then held. (See “BRS 1990 Annual Board of Directors Meeting Minutes” above.)

Saturday, June 23, 1990

In the absence of President Rockler, Board of Directors Chairman Marvin Kohl reconvened the meeting at 9 a.m. Chairman Kohl proceeded to conduct a workshop titled “Russell’s Theory of Rational Love.”

After a short break, President Rockler chaired the Society Business Meeting. (See “BRS 1990 Annual Members Meeting Minutes” above.)

The Society Business Meeting ended at 10:55 and the second session of the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors began. (See above in Directors Meeting Minutes for Minutes of this second meeting.)

With the beginning of the Board session, the general meeting was in effect recessed at 10:55 a.m. After the Board session, all meeting participants were directed to the Bertrand Russell Archives in the Mills Memorial Library for a tour conducted by Kenneth Blackwell and Sheila Turcon and the opportunity to view exhibits of Russell manuscripts and memorabilia.

The meeting was reconvened by President Rockler at 1:45 p.m.

Chandrakala Padia presented her paper, “Understanding Russell: An Essay in Interpreting Some Details of His Socio-Political Thought.” President Rockler next read his paper, “Bertrand Russell and Education: Katherine Tait’s Critique.” Following a short break, Joan Houlding read her paper, “Platonic Themes in Russell’s Views on Education.” Chandrakala Padia then reported on the Banaras Chapter of the Bertrand Russell Society. The meeting was recessed at 5:05 p.m.

At 6:00 p.m. the Red Hackle Hour began in Wallingford Hall as a prelude to the Banquet, which was held at 7 p.m. in the Refectory. After the meal President Rockler introduced Chairman Kohl, who presented the 1990 BRS Service Award to Kenneth Blackwell for his many contributions furthering Bertrand Russell studies. Mr. Blackwell then briefly addressed those assembled on his past and present archival work. In his remarks, Chairman Kohl also praised Mr. Blackwell and

Sheila Turcon for their excellent planning of the Hamilton meeting. As the principal Banquet speaker, Harry Ruja presented his paper “Knowing and Feeling in Religion.” The meeting was recessed at 10:15 p.m.

Sunday, June 24, 1990

The meeting was reconvened by President Rockler at 9 a.m. Donald W. Jackanicz offered introductory comments about and moderated an audience discussion of Russell’s book Religion and Science. After a short break, Timothy Madigan read his paper. “Russell and Dewey on Education: Similarities and Differences.” Thom Weidlich then presented his paper “The Bertrand Russell/City College case: 1940.” Following President Rockler’s closing remarks, the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.


By Lee Eisler

McMaster University was the site, June 22-24, 1990 was the weekend. And as we had come to expect – this being our 4th meeting at McMaster – the physical facilities which McMaster provided were excellent, this time in Wallingford Hall.

Members present: Stefan Andersson, Lynda Archer, Ken Blackwell, Jacques Carbou, Whitfield Cobb, Jim Curtis, Dennis Darland, Bob Davis, Linda Egendorf, Lee Eisler, Nick Griffin*, William Hare, Robert Hicks, Don Jackanicz, Robert James, Marvin Kohl, Gladys Leithauser, John Lenz, Tim Madigan, Steve Maragides, Ed McClenathan, Chandrakala Padia, Ray Pontier, Steve Reinhardt, Benito Rey, Michael Rockler, Harry Ruja, Thom Weidlich, and James Woodrow. *Enrolled at the meeting.

Non-member speakers present: Elizabeth Eames, Joan Houlding. Other guests present: Betty and Lyman Flint, Doris and John Passmore, Mrs. Ray Pontier, Carl Spadoni, Sheila Turcon, Derek Watters.

The present BRS Officers were re-elected for another year: Chairman, Marvin Kohl; President, Michael Rockler; Vice-President, John Lenz; Treasurer, Dennis Darland; Secretary, Don Jackanicz; VP/Information, Lee Eisler.

Other decisions made during the Meeting.

The site and time of the 1991 Annual Meeting were chosen: National-Louis University, Evanston, Illinois (where Michael Rockler teaches), June 21- 23

2-page summaries – of papers to be presented at the 1991 Meeting – will be distributed at the Meeting, and published in the newsletter.

A new procedure for selecting BRS Award recipients was decided on. Details in the Minutes.

Money will be made available to the Archives, to match money from McMaster University, to publish a 2nd Archives catalog. Details in the Minutes.

There was a Red Hackle Hour – Red Hackle was BR’s favorite brand of Scotch whiskey – followed by a banquet (very good !) in the Refectory.

Events of the weekend included the presentation of two awards:

The BRS Service Award to Ken Blackwell, Archivist of the Russell Archives, “for his many contributions furthering Russell Studies,”

The BRS Book Award to Elizabeth Ramsden Eames, “for her outstanding volume, Bertrand Russell’s Dialogue With His Contemporaries,”

... and these talks:

Elizabeth Eames on “Russell on Women.”

Lee Eisler’s “A History of the Bertrand Russell Society.”

Marvin Kohl’s Workshop, “Russell’s Theory of Rational Love.”

Chandrakala Padia’s “An Essay in Interpreting Some Details in Russell’s Socio-Political Thought.”

Michael Rockler’s “Bertrand Russell and Education, Katharine Tait’s Critique.”

Joan Houlding’s “Platonic Themes in Russell’s Views on Education.”

Harry Ruja’s “Knowing and Feeling in Religion.”

Don Jackanicz’s Discussion, “Religion and Science.”

Tim Madigan’ s “Russell and Dewey on Education, Similarities and Differences.”

Thom Weidlich’s “The Bertrand Russell/City College Cased, 1940.”

We will not attempt to summarize the talks, but are pleased to report an innovation: the talks were taped (audio-taped) and will be available from the BRS Library. Also, the papers that were read will be duplicated, and bound into two identical volumes. One volume will go to the Russell Archives, the other to the BRS Library. So you will be able to read ‘em and hear ‘em. But not quite yet; we haven’t yet received all the papers from their authors.

Start saving your pennies, to come to the 1991 meeting!