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BRS Board and Society Meeting Minutes – 1991


Friday, June 21, 1991

(from the August 1991 RSN issue #71)

The Board of Directors of the Bertrand Russell Society, Inc. met on Friday, June 21, 1991 on the campus of Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

The meeting was called to order at 9:50 p.m. by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Marvin Kohl, in Room A308 of University Center/Packer Hall. Because of the closing of that building, the meeting was relocated at 11 p.m. to Apartment 9A of the Trembley Park Apartments.

In addition to Chairman Kohl, the Directors in attendance were Jack Cowles , Dennis J. Darland, Robert K. Davis, Lee Eisler, David Goldman, Donald W. Jackanicz , John A. Jackanicz, Gladys Leithauser, John Lenz, Steven J. Reinhardt, Michael J. Rockler, Warren Allen Smith, and Thom Weidlich.

Mr. Davis moved that all incumbent officers be reelected for service during the forthcoming year. This motion was unanimously accepted. The reelected officers are as follows: Chairman of the Board of Directors – Marvin Kohl, President – Michael J. Rockler, Vice President – John Lenz, Vice President/Information – Lee Eisler, Secretary of the Board and Society – Donald W. Jackanicz, Treasurer – Dennis J. Darland.

Discussion turned to the suggestion that the Vice President be given more official duties or delegated assignments.

After a discussion concerning possible locations for the 1992 Annual Meeting, Mr. Goldman moved that the 1992 Annual Meeting site be selected from these possibilities in the following order of preference (1) in Washington, DC with the assistance of Congressman Neil Abercrombie; (2) at a to-be-determined California site with the assistance of Jacqueline Berthon-Payon; (3) in the Chicago area; (4) in the Boston area; (5) in the Buffalo area. This motion was unanimously accepted.

Mr. Jackanicz (Donald W.) moved that the 1992 Annual Meeting be held on the second, third, or fourth weekend of June 1992. This motion was unanimously accepted.

Mr. Davis noted that 1992 will mark the 90th birthday of Karl Popper and suggested that the 1992 Annual Meeting in some way honor Popper. Mr. Rockler moved that the 1992 Annual Meeting be dedicated to Popper, that papers relating to the Russell-Popper interface be solicited, and that Mr. Davis be authorized to invite Popper to attend the meeting. This action was unanimously accepted.

Mr. Rockler then spoke to encourage the consideration of a woman and a feminist for the 1992 BRS Award.

Chairman Kohl read excerpts from a letter inviting the Society to join the International Humanist Ethical Union. Following discussion of this invitation, Mr. Eisler moved that the Society become a member of the International Humanist Ethical Union. This motion was accepted with a vote of Yes-8, No-3, Abstaining or Not Present-3.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:58 a.m.

Donald W. Jackanicz, Secretary
Bertrand Russell Society


Saturday, June 22, 1991

The meeting was held at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, Saturday 22, 1991. It was called to order at 4 p.m.

The Society Business Meeting began with Treasurer Dennis J. Darland reporting a Treasury balance of $8,129.44. Lee Eisler moved that Society funds be placed in one or more interest bearing accounts. This motion was unanimously accepted. A discussion of the PhD/MA grant program followed. At Chairman Kohl’s request, Secretary Donald W. Jackanicz read his notes for the Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of the previous night. The meeting was recessed at 5:20 p.m.

Donald W. Jackanicz, Secretary
Bertrand Russell Society


June 21 – June 23, 1991

The 1991 Annual Meeting of the Bertrand Russell Society, Inc. was held from June 21 to June 23 at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Friday, June 21, 1991

The meeting was called to order by President Michael J. Rockler at 8 p.m. in Room A308 of University Center/Packer Hall. Following his welcoming remarks, President Rockler introduced Board of Directors Chairman Marvin Kohl, who presented a Service Award to Donald W. Jackanicz.

President Rockler next introduced Book Award Committee Chair Gladys Leithauser, who reported on the 1991 Book Award to Peter Hylton for Russell, Idealism, and the Emergence of Analytic Philosophy. Ms. Leithauser accepted the award on behalf of Mr. Hylton, who was unable to be present. Harry Ruja then presented his paper, “Oddities in Russell’s Published Work.” The meeting was recessed at 9: 35 p.m.

The 1991 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors was then held. (See “BRS 1991 Annual Board of Directors Meeting Minutes” above.)

Saturday, June 22, 1991

President Rockler reconvened the meeting at 9:35 a.m. in Room A303 of University Center/Packer Hall. Donald W. Jackanicz conducted a workshop on Russell’s essay, “Politically Important Desires,” Neil Abercrombie then spoke on “Russell’s Influence on a Congressman’s Politics” after which Marvin Kohl read his paper, “Russell’s Characterization of Benevolent Love.” The meeting was recessed at 12: 37 p.m.

After reconvening the meeting in Room A303 at 2: 20 p.m., President Rockler read his paper, “Beacon Hill and Summerhill – The Russell- Neill Connection.” John Lenz then read his paper, “Russell on History.”

The Society Business Meeting then began. (See "BRS 1991 Annual Members Meeting Minutes" above.) The meeting was recessed at 5:20 p.m.

At 6 p.m. the Red Hackle Hour began at Bridgeworks, a restaurant located at East 4th Street and South New Street, a short distance north of Lehigh University. Shortly after 7 p.m., the Banquet was held in Room A308 of the University Center/Packer Hall. Following the Banquet, the 1991 BRS Award was presented by Chairman Kohl to Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The award was accepted by Planned Parenthood’s Vice President, Lawrence C. Broadwell, who spoke about his organization’s mission, origins, and recent history. The evening program ended at 9:45 p.m.

Sunday, June 23 1991

The meeting was reconvened by President Rockler at 9:05 a.m. in Room A308 of University Center/Packer Hall. Margaret Moran and Gladys Leithauser together read their respective papers “Bertrand Russell Meets His Muse: The influence of Lady Ottoline Morrell” and “Bertrand Russell’s Fiction: The Emergence of the Satyrist.” Robert K. Davis then made his presentation, “Is Russell’s Socialism Phoney?” Following closing words by President Rockler, the meeting was adjourned at 11:58 a.m.

Donald W. Jackanicz, Secretary
Bertrand Russell Society


(Unofficial meeting report by Lee Eisler from RSN #71, p. 5.)

Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA provided the facilities (excellent) for our 17th Annual Meeting, on June 21-23, 1991.

Members present were Neil Abercrombie, Whitfield Cobb, Dennis Darland, Jan Eisler, Lee Eisler, Linda Egendorf, Don Jackanicz, John Jackanicz, Ted Jackanicz, Robert James, Marvin Kohl, Gladys Leithauser, John Lenz, Barbara Pontier, Ray Pontier, Steve Reinhardt, Michael Rockler, Harry Ruja, Warren Smith, Peter Stone, Thom Weidlich, Walter Wend, and James Woodrow. Also present were guests Margaret Moran and Steven Shafer.

Here are highlights of the Annual Meeting (which convened at various times on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).

These awards were presented:

A BRS Service Award to Donald W. Jackanicz, currently BRS secretary.

The 1991 BRS Award to Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

The 1991 BRS Book Award to Peter Hylton for Russell, Idealism, and the Emergence of Analytic Philosophy

The following papers were read:

Neil Abercrombie on Russell’s Influence on a Congressman’s Politics

Dennis Darland on the state of the BRS Treasury (not bad)

Bob Davis on Is Russell’s Socialism Phoney?

Don Jackanicz on Russell’s Politically Important Desires (workshop)

Marvin Kohl on Russell’s Characterization of Benevolent Love

Gladys Leithauser on The Emergence of the Satirist (fiction)

John Lenz on Russell on History

Margaret Moran on Russell’s Early Fiction

Michael Rockler on Beacon Hill and Summerhill – the Russell-Neill Connection.

Harry Ruja on Oddities in Russell’s Published Work

The papers, above, will be duplicated and bound into 2 identical volumes, one for the Russell Archives and one for the Russell Society Library. The Library’s volume may be borrowed.

Other events:

Red Hackle Cocktail Hour at Bridgeworks, in downtown Bethlehem.

Banquet highlight: the acceptance speech by Lawrence C. Broadwell – Vice President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America – on its receiving the 1991 BRS Award.

The Board of Directors met on Friday evening. As is customary, all BRS members and guests were invited to attend the meeting.

The following decisions were taken:

The present slate of officers was re-elected for another year. Chairman, Marvin Kohl; President, Michael Rockler; Vice President, John Lenz; Treasurer, Dennis Darland; Secretary, Don Jackanicz; VP/Information, Lee Eisler.

The site of the 1992 Annual Meeting will be one of the following, listed here in order of preference: Washington, DC; California; Chicago; Boston; Buffalo.

The Annual Meeting of 1992 – the year of Karl Popper’s 90th Birthday will be honoring him, as suggested by Bob Davis. Bob was authorized to invite Sir Karl to the meeting.

The BRS will accept an invitation to join the International Humanist Ethical Union.

For more details about the 1991 Annual Meeting, see the Minutes.