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BRS Board and Society Meeting Minutes – 2012


Saturday, June 2, 2012
Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH

I. CALL TO ORDER. Chad Trainer, chair, BRS board of directors, called the 2012 annual meeting of the BRS board of directors to order at 12:30 pm June 2, 2012 at Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH.

BRS DIRECTORS PRESENT. Board members in attendance were Chad Trainer, Alan Schwerin, Ray Perkins, Jr., Kenneth Blackwell, Michael Berumen, David Blitz, Jolen Galaugher, Tim Madigan, Ray Perkins, Jr., Cara Rice, Thomas Riggins, Russell Wahl, and David White.

BRS MEMBERS PRESENT. Other BRS members in attendance were Stefan Andersson, Katrina Bresnahan, Philip Ebersole, Linda Egendorf, David Henehan, John Lenz, Steve Maragides, Ed McClenathan, James McWilliams, Nancy Mitchell, Kris Notaro, Karen Perkins, Stephen Reinhardt, Linda White.


1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. A motion to approve the BRS 2011 board meeting minutes was made by Ken Blackwell, seconded, and unanimously passed.

2. TREASURER’S REPORT. BRS Treasurer Ken Blackwell gave the treasurer’s report stating what bank and term deposit balances were at that time. Ray Perkins moved to approve the treasurer’s report, which passed unanimously.

3. Treasurer Ken Blackwell reported on the status of our Harper’s advertisement; our contribution to the Glasgow, Scotland Conference on the Centenary of The Problems of Philosophy for $1,000.00, $500.00 of which came from an anonymous donor, $425 from board members, and $75 from the BRS.

4. Ken then indicated that to date, the BRS had 130 active members (including honorary members, new members, and renewals). In response to an expression of concern about declining membership, Ken emphasized the importance of reminding members to renew.

He then speculated that declining membership must be due to the 2011 membership fee hike from $35 to $45 / year, and the enrollment of many new members in California in 2009 and 2010 who did not renew their membership.

5. There being no committee reports, Ken asked what there was to say about the BRS Award by its committee (Tim Madigan [chair], Alan Schwerin, Peter Stone). Tim Madigan replied that he is no longer chair of the committee and is not sure if he is still a member of it.


1. The following BRS members were nominated and elected as officers of the BRS for the coming year:

Chad Trainer, chair, BRS board of directors
Alan Schwerin, president
Ray Perkins, Jr., vice-president
Michael Berumen, treasurer

With Ken Blackwell retiring this year as BRS treasurer, Michael Berumen, who replaced him, was the only new executive officer. Ray Perkins nominated Michael, Alan Schwerin nominated Ray and Chad, and Ray nominated Alan.

Votes to re-elect John Ongley as board and society secretary, Peter Stone as vice chair of the board, and Dennis Darland as vice president for electronic projects were postponed because none of them were present and it was not known if they were willing to serve another term.

NOTE 1. When John Ongley arrived at the annual meeting on Saturday evening, a quick board meeting was convened at 6 pm. He agreed to serve another term as society and board secretary and was re-elected.

NOTE 2. After being contacted by Ken Blackwell and confirming that they would serve another term, Dennis Darland and Peter Stone were unanimously reelected as vice president for electronic projects and vice chair of the board, respectively at a special online board meeting held June 12 - July 2, 2012.

2. Kris Notaro discussed plans to improve, integrate, and consolidate the various BRS websites, online publications, and Russell-related links. David Blitz then moved to create the position of vice president of website technology and that Kris fill it. Tom Riggins seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

3. Michael Berumen suggested that the process for selecting honorary members could be improved and that the board consider having the general membership vote on honorary members. After discussion, Michael moved that a committee be formed to make recommendations to the board for honorary membership. Alan Schwerin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

4. Ken Blackwell brought up the subject of making Russell's two living secretaries, Ralph Schoenman and Christopher Farley, honorary members of the Society, and suggested that the board at least consider the idea. A discussion ensued.

Ray Perkins then moved to offer Christopher Farley an honorary membership in the BRS. The motion was seconded and approved.

5. Michael Potter had previously offered to host the next annual meeting, in 2013, in Windsor, Ontario. A motion was made by Ken Blackwell and approved by the board to hold the next annual meeting there.

The Windsor annual meeting would be May 24-26 and planned to overlap with the May 22-25 annual meeting of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), also meeting at Windsor. The OSSA website is

Alan Schwerin then brought up the possibility of holding a future meeting in the British Isles, perhaps in 2014, and it was agreed that this should be explored.

6. Ken Blackwell moved that Article 4 of the Board bylaws be revised from its present wording below so that the bracketed words are omitted:

“Voting. Voting shall be in accord with Article 11 of the Society’s Bylaws, except as follows: [the Chair's vote counts as one except in a tie, when it counts as two, and] no Director may vote by proxy in his or her capacity as Director.”

The resulting article then reads: “Voting shall be in accord with Article 11 of the Society’s Bylaws, except that no Director may vote by proxy in his or her capacity as Director.”

In effect the proposed change removes the clause allowing the chair’s vote to count as two in the case of a tie in a board vote The motion passed unanimously. Henceforth, all board members, including the chair, will have only one vote.

IV. ADJOURNMENT. The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.

Michael Berumen
Acting Secretary, BRS
Saturday, June 2, 2012


1. In February 2013, the site of the 2013 BRS annual meeting was changed by the BRS executive committee from Windsor, Ontario, where the Society had originally planned on meeting, to the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa, and the date of the meeting was changed to May 31-June 2, 2013.

2. In March 2013, the BRS board held a special online meeting to appoint a committee to find a new editor for the Society’s publication, as David Blitz, then editor of the BRS Bulletin, had announced that he could not do it anymore. The following motion, made by Michael Berumen and seconded by Russell Wahl was passed by the board at that meeting: that the board charge the Executive Committee with finding a BRS member to edit the Society’s periodical, and to make its recommendation to the board no later than June 1st, 2013.

John Ongley
Secretary, BRS
June 2, 2013


Sunday, June 3, 2012
Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH

I. CALL TO ORDER. The BRS 2012 annual members meeting was called to order by BRS president Alan Schwerin at 12:15 pm on Sunday, June 3, 2012, at Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH.

BRS MEMBERS PRESENT. Stefan Andersson, Mike Berumen, Kenneth Blackwell, David Blitz, Rosalind Carey, Philip Ebersole, Jolen Galaugher, David Henehan, John Lenz, Tim Madigan, Steve Maragides, Ed McClenathan, James McWilliams, Nancy Mitchell, Kris Notaro, John Ongley, Peter Pelka, Karen Perkins, Ray Perkins, Jr., Katarina Perovic, Stephen Reinhardt, Thomas Riggins, Alan Schwerin, Helen Schwerin, Michael Stevenson, Chad Trainer, Russell Wahl, David White, Linda White.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES. There was no motion, second, or vote to approve the BRS 2011 annual members meeting minutes.


1. Ken Blackwell introduced a motion to change the last sentence of Society bylaw 6 (3), which at that time read: “If a Director dies, resigns, or is otherwise removed from office, the Board may fill the unexpired term with any member.”

Ken proposed inserting the clause “fails to maintain his or her membership in good standing” so that it reads instead: “If a Director dies, resigns, fails to maintain his or her membership in good standing, or is otherwise removed from office, the Board may fill the unexpired term with any member.”

Ray Perkins seconded the motion. After some discussion, Alan Schwerin called the vote and the motion passed unanimously.

2. The BRS Service Award. Alan Schwerin, chair of the BRS service award committee, then asked for recommendations for this year’s award. BRS member Steve Maragides proposed Ray Perkins for the award. Alan Schwerin soon moved that Ray Perkins be this year’s recipient of the award, it was seconded, and with little discussion the motion passed unanimously.

3. The Society discussed having the annual meeting hosted next year by Michael Potter at the University of Windsor, Windsor Ontario. It would be from May 24-26 and overlapping with a conference on argumentation held May 22-25 at the same university.

Alan Schwerin brought up the subject of attracting ore members and especially undergraduates.

III. ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 12:37 pm.

John Ongley
Secretary, BRS
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Note: At the Saturday evening BRS banquet, Ray Perkins, Jr. announced that the winner of the 2012 BRS book award was Bernard Linsky for his book The Evolution of Principia Mathematica: Bertrand Russell’s Manuscripts and Notes for the Second Edition.