Gone to the dogs

Here's my requisite introduction: I graduated from Drew in 1974, with a BA in Anthropology. I have remained interested in things anthropological since then, but even at the time, my interests in anthropology ran to the peripheral field of ethology, and focused on Jane Goodall's work with chimps, as well as the various field studies done of wild canid pack behavior. Since then, my life has gone to the dogs. I've been working in the library here since January 1975, to pay for the kibble. On the side, I've been involved in dog breeding and showing (breed ring, German Shepherd Dogs), dog training (I currently train three classes one evening per week and take an occasional private client), and sort of accidentally, some rescue work (which has brought to me one Amazon parrot, a cockatiel, one Greyhound and two Shih Tzus.) While I do have lots of other interests, I must confess that my animals (4 dogs and 2 birds) take up most of my time. Read on if you want to see who's been consuming the kibble: